Sampson County, NC - Isaac Pipkin Deeds, 1811-1812 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Allen Jackson to Isaac Pipkin deed 300 acres Allen Jackson of Sampson to Isaac Pipkin of Lenoir in the County of Sampson on the West of Great Cohary containing three hundred acres bounded by Marsh Branch, Gilbert's corner, Beaman's corner 6th day of Decm 1811 Signed by Allen Jackson Witnesses: Ben Phillips and E.S. Benton Proved Feb'y Term 1812 by H. Holmes CC Registered 2d day of April 1812 by Owen Holmes Regr ---------- Bedreaddon Caraway Junr to I. Pipkin deed 10 acres 10th day of April 1812 between Bedreaddon Caraway, Sampson County and Isaac Pipkin of same, bounded by Poley Bridge Branch Signed by Bdn Caraway Witnesses: Biggars Royal and William Royal Proved May Term 1812 by H. Holmes CC Registered July the 5th 1812 by Owen Holmes Regr ---------- Bedreaddon Caraway Senr to I. Pipkin deed 99 acres 29th day of February 1812 between Bedreaddon Caraway Senr of Cumberland County and Isaac Pipkin of Sampson County on the West side of Cohary, Gilbert's corner, Beaman's Corner, Watkin's line Signed by Bedreaddon (his x mark) Caraway Witnesses: Jas. Caraway, John Beaman Proved May Term 1812 by H. Holmes CC Registered July 5th 1812 by Owen Holmes Regr N.C. Archives Microfilm Sampson County Deeds, 1809-1816 Vols 15-16 C.087.40006 ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - ___________________________________________________________________