State-Wide County, NC - John T. Dodson Notice to Mill Owners, 1846 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important To Mill Owners Hotchkiss' Vertical Water Wheel THE subscriber having procurred the exclusive right of making and using Hotchkiss' Vertical Water Wheel, in the counties of Orange, Caswell, Rockingham and Guilford, takes this method of informing Mill owners that he is at all times ready to fix their Mills on this new and improved plan at short notice, which will so improve the power and motion of their Mills so as to perform double the work with the same quantity of water that is usually applied to the common flutterwheel and equally simple in its construction and more durable than the common flutterwheels. The advantages of this wheel are, that it is solid Cast Iron and will last 50 years, runs without obstruction in back water to the depth of from three to five feet, in proportion to the head of water ; free from the effects of ice and not liable to have the Bucketts knocked out by chunks, &c, and doubling the quantity of Sawing. Suffice it to say that the wheel gives entire satisfaction to all those who have it in use and there are more than 100 in use in North Carolina. I shall hold Mill owners or other persons who use this plan without my written permission responsible for twice the amount of patent fee, which is $50 per mill. John T. Dodson Danville, Va. March 23, 1846 Reference James T. Morehead | Ex-Gov'r John M. Morehead | Greensboro, NC Dr. John A. Foulkes, Guilford, NC | Wm. Russell Rich'd Yarbrough, Caswell, NC Peter Cardwell, Rockingham Communications may be addressed to the subscriber at Danville, Va Source: NC Archives Bladen County Miscellaneous Records 1761-1958 CR.011.928.7 Folder "Mills, Advertisement" ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - ______________________________________________________________________