NC STATE WIDE - COURT - Colonial Court Papers, Group 6: Miscellaneous Papers; Burgesses, Lord Granville --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Colonial Court papers Group 6: Inquests, Instructions from Lord Granville, Bills of Sale for Chattels Inquests—1690—1745 various dates • Bertie County: [Torn] foreman of Jewry of Inquest on the body of [torn—could be David] JOHNSON Decd. Determined that he came by his death by the Kick of a horse belonging to Jonathan TAYLORS son Thos. TAYLOR. Signed: T HOW, foreman, Edwd [E] MOORE, Richard [R] FRYAR, James HUNT, Simon ?HERRING, Joseph WIMBERLEY, Jonathan [I] TAYLOR, Richard [R] SPARKMAN, Wm WALLSTON, Phillip [I] WALLSTON, James [I] BYLUKE, John ALLEN, James [|] ROBINSON, James COULDING, John [B] BURTON, Wm [P] PIERCE, Jeremiah BENTLY, George COCKBURN, Williss WILLSON, John [I] MURLEY, Murtough [S] SILEVENT, Wm DUGGARS, John [X] MATTHEWS, John WATSON. 27 Oct 1735 • Bertie Precinct: Information made to John HOLLBROOK, J.P, by Joseph SIMPSON that on the 11th of March that he was in the woods hunting and had his gun on his shoulder, and the gun went off accidentally, killing a mule and a boy of about 12 years old. Jury called and determined the gun guilty of accident. Jurors: Arthor RYAN, foreman, Samuel COOK, Thomas ASHLY, David ATKINS, Patrick [X] CAMILL, John [IX] WEBB, Thomas [T] ASHBURN, William BALL, John BELL, Senr., William ASHLEY, Thomas [I] TODD, Jacob [I] HARDY, Thos TUTTEN, Henry KING, John BELL, Edward BYRD, Christopher [B] BAILES, John LUEANTON, Richd. LEARY, George LAWRENCE, Mikel KING. 13 Mar 1737/8. (Back repeats list of jurors. Back list names both John BELL Senr. and John BELL Junr.]. • Chowan County: Inquisition at the plantation of John HODGSON before Abraham BLACKELL, Coroner, on the body of William REESE of Pasquotank, lying dead. Jury finds that SWIFT died of an “appoplectick fit.” Jurors: Thos. STEVENS, John RICHARD, Louis PREDY, William TWIGG, James CANNADEY, Joshua HARRIS, Tho. NORCOM, Ja. MCDOWALL, forman, Robt. BEASLEY, unnreadable, Peter YOUNG, Joseph HARKETH, Thomas KINSEY, William HOSKINS. 28 Jan 1740. • Bertie precinct, county of Albemarle: Inquest on body of Gorge KINNARD of Virginia, lately residing in Bertie precinct. Jury finds that KINNARD died of 4 large wounds on his hand with a large ax. Jury: John [I] COTTON, Ralph [R] MASON, John [IT] TROUBORLE, Bersabo [B] MOLTON, Jno. STOKES, John LAX, Robt. SAXSON, John [I] PANE, Robt. [M] LAING, George [S]SMITH, Joseph [|||] CASON, Robt [R] LYNCH. 13 Mar 1723. • Bladen precinct: Inquest on the body of William WINTON. Jury finds that WINTON died at the hands of William LORD, at LORD’s house, LORD having taken a large hickory stick and struck WINTON several blows on his back and side of his head. WINTON languished from the 6th of August when the assault took place until the 24th of the same month, and then died. Jurors: Griffith JONES, coroner, Edwd. HARRISON, Wim CAIN, Benjamin SINGLETARY, James LONG, John CLAYTON, Saml. HOLLINGSWORTH, Thomas ARMSTRONG, John [X] KENION, Evan [E] THOMAS Samson [X] WOOD, Thomas GITTIS, Edward LEE. [Names of signers. Names listed in body are somewhat different: Benjamin SINGLETARY, James LONG, William CAIN, Edward CONNER, David HERN, Peter WILLSON and John CLAYTON]. 29 Aug 1738. • Folded document (4 sides): Side 1: Deposition of Ralph MASON Junior, aged about 24, states that he was in his own home one morning when George KINNARD’s servant boy Robert KINGHAM came and said that his master was wounded and wanted to see him (MASON). MASON asked how it happened, and the servant said he didn’t know, because he was out working before day about 25 yards and as MASON discovered had no fire to work by. MASON went to KINNARD and asked him how he came to be wounded, and he said he could not say because he was asleep. MASON then asked the servant how he came to know that his master was wounded, and the servant said he heard KINNARD call out 3 or 4 times, and when he went in found him, and KINNARD then asked him to go find MASON. 1 May 1724. Signed Ralph MASON, junior; deposition made to Barth. MACKINNE. Side 2: “Depositions agains Robt. KINGHAM.” Side 3: Statement by Barth. MACKINNE to the court that the only witnesses he has found are Ralph MASON, Fordton MASON, and John FIELD, although he continues to look. 11 May 1724. Side 4: Deposition of Fordton MASON aged about 22 years states that the same morning that Gorge KINNARD sent his servant boy to his (F. MASON’s) brother Ralph’s, that he (F. MASON) met with the servant and the servant said that his master was wounded when F. MASON asked how it came about, he said he didn’t know, he being out at work, and when he came in for a drink of water found his master wounded. 1 May 1724. signed Fordston [F] MASON. • Edgecombe County: Inquisition into the death of Constantine DEVOTION, hatter, presented to Thomas BLOUNT, JP. Jury finds that DEVOTION died when his mare fell on him on the 8th of June. Jury: John ROYALL, Thos. DRUCE, P. ROCHER, James BIRD, James BROSWELL, Thos. TURNER, Lewis DAVIS, James PERRY, Joseph BRASSEL, Wm. KILLINGSWORTH, William BRYANT, Joseph BRYANT. 8 June 1742. • Chowan Precinct, Albemarle County: Inquest over the body of [blank] HOLLAND, planter. Jury finds that HOLLAND died by accident when he fell into the river and was drowned. Jury: John [I] ATKINS, Emmanuel [A] ALBANY, Wm. [W} [torn]ENBY, Edwd [EH] HARRISON, Robt. [S] WHITE, Mathew SASYD, Jno. [M] HARRISON, Richd [R] LOUIS, Francis WELL[torn], Wm[W] HARYSON, Thomas GILSON, John [IO] DIXSON. 11 May 1690. • “This may inform all to whom it may com before that Edward NEWBY the son of Gabriele NEWBY cam over the River to our house and told us that thair boy John DEALE was dead and that his father and mother was not at home but wee did not goe over with him for which we are hartily sorry. [signed] Anthony [AH] HOSKETT, Dinah [+] HOSKETT.” On bottom is an addendum which is hard to read, in which A. HOSKETT further says that he has found DEALE in a ?? condition, and discovered that he ate flax and made him spit it out of his mouth. 7 July 1707. • Perquimmans Precinct: Inquisition into the death of John DEALE taken at the home of Gabriel NEWBY, to determine the cause of death of DEALE and whether he was privately buried. Jury finds that the body is decayed and putrified and they were not able to find if there were wounds or outward marks, but to the best of their knowledge it appears that the physick that was administered to him was the cause of shortening his days and that he was privately buried. Jury: Lawrence [M] MAGUE, Saml. PHELPS, Gilbt SMITH, James THICKPEN, William [H] HALL, Francis [FB] BEESLLEY, Thomas [R] ROBERTS, Willm [W] JOHNSTON, Willm [W] MORGAN, Thomas HARVEY, Saml [H] CROLIKINGTON, John [V] OLDS. 2 June 1707 • Perquimmans County: Inquisition on the body of John ANDERSON taken at his plantation. Jury finds that Christopher SUTTON is in lawfull and peaceable possession of the land and is not guilty of any force. Jury: Samuel SWANN, Joseph CREESY, Jeremiah PRATT, Thomas CALLAWAY, John STEPNEY, Wm HALSEY, William STANDING, William LONG, John WHIDBEE, Isaac BRANCH, Thos. LONG, Christopher DANMAN 22 Mar 1745 • Perquimmans Precinct, Albemarle County: Inquisition on the body of Cornelius LONG. Jury finds [part is torn—appears to refer to testimony or information from Christopher BAILES] that LONG suffered from fits, and that in that condition he fell from his horse and was drowned. Jury: Richard [R] DAVENPORT, Thomas [I] LONG, John [I] DAVENPORT, Thomas [T] NORCOM, John BARRON, John BARROW, Hennery [H] NORMAN, Anthony WREY, Hennery [H] WARREN, Edward WILLIS, Alexander RAY. 12 Feb 1734 • Chowan Precinct: Inquisition on the body of Alexr. GORDON. Jury finds that GORDON was unfortunately drowned. Jury: Thos. BLOUNT, foreman, John RICHARD, Saml. GREGORY, Luke GREGORY, John HARLOE, Geo. LYLES, peter YOUNGE, Jerimah MITCHNERE, Isaac SPIGHT, Jacob DOCTON, James KELLEY, William FIOEGG, Isaac STALLINGS, James MCDOWELL, Orlando CHAMPION. 20 Sept 1740 • Tyrill Co.: Inquisition on the body of William BELL. Jury finds that on 15 Aug 1739 that BELL was at Kenddricks Creek working on a small craft, when the craft sunk and BELL going to make his escape left the craft and drowned. Jury: John WORLY, Ebenz SLADE, Josh WORLEY, Jacob BLOUNT, John ?GORNISH, Robt MCLIN, Henry SLADE, Jafery [H] HUBERT, Wm MACKEY, John HUGHES, James [R] REGBY, Henry [h] GRAY 15 Aug 1739. • Onslow precinct: Inquisition on the body of Uriah ROSS. Jury finds, after having viewing the place where ROSS was shot and having examined William HUMPHREYS, that ROSS came no way by his death by any willfull deed of Wm COHOON but it was and accident that happened as they were hunting together, his foot slipping and he falling agt. the side of a tree. Jury: Willm. WRIGHT, foreman, Jon. EDWARDS, Jo. HODGSON, Jno BROWN, Jams. GLAN, David JONES, Thos. STURGES, Jno. BROCK, Robt. SANDERS, Cha. JACKSON,, Lewis CLARK, Wm. GILMOOR. 6 Feb 1737/8. • [Top of page]: Deposition: Charles BEWSEY says he was walking on the street with Samuell CUMBERPATCH on Thursday evening about five o’clock & CUMBERPATCH died in the street of Brunswick. 27 Oct 1732. [Bottom of page]: “A man found dead in the Streets Belonging to the sloop Night Ramble named Samuell BUMBERBACK upon the corps of which [smeared] the jury of Inquest doe adjudg him to dye a Natural Death.” Jury: [smeared], Charles ?HEATHIFF, Jacob GOODYEAR, Jno BICKNILL, Saml. BAKON, ? Delacastry, [torn] HODGSON, Wm FLOYD, Saml GANDY, [torn & smeared], John LANE, Robt ?BAKER. • Jurors for the precinct of Perquimmans swear that on 8 Apr 1724, William CARMAN assaulted and killed Timothy LANE with a stick or club, giving him a mortal wound in the head, then threw him into the mud, where he languished a considerable time, then died on the 16th of the same month. [Jurors are not named]. Back gives witnesses, Thomas LANE and Eliza. PRICE. • [The side of this page is water-damaged and torn for about 1 inch] Deposition of Thomas LANE, aged 19 years: Thomas LANE swears that he and William CARMAN went out to get a cow out of the mire, and after they got her out, CARMAN sent Timothy LANE with another cow, and [torn] CARMAN began abusing Timothy, calling him ?lackesy son of a bitch, apparently accusing him of allowing the cow to suffer, and said he would kill him, and hit him a great blow with a stick, then threw him over the cow head first into the mud. Thomas LANE then helped Timothy up and set him on a trunk, and along with Elizabeth PRICE drove the cow home, leaving Timothy with CARMAN. CARMAN came home without Timothy, and CARMAN’s wife and E. PRICE went out to find him. They tried to get Timothy to come along home with them, but he said he was unable to, because the blow that CARMAN had given had killd him, and CARMAN came out and carried him home in his arms and set him in a chair, and held him between his legs while his wife tried to wash his face, then tried to get him to [torn] his throat, but he couldn’t get it down, the said ladd (Timothy) continuing in a languishing condition for about a fortnight, then dyed. Deposition of Elizabeth PRICE, aged 26 years: States she and Timothy LANE had been looking after cattle and finding one missing went in search of it. Timothy found the cow and hollered, and she went to the place, and William CARMAN and Thomas LANE came up to them, and she and Thomas went to lift the cow up and as they did she heard a crash. CARMAN was swearing at Timothy, and told him that he had hit the cow, and if she dyed he would kill him and then struck a great blow on the head and then catchd him up by the middle and threw him over the cow head first into the mud. Then Thomas helped him up and set him on a trunk, and having got the cow out drove the cow home. E. PRICE got supper for the family, CARMAN’s wife being in bed, and CARMAN came home without Timothy. [Torn—apparently Mrs. CARMAN] asked PRICE where the boy was, and what CARMAN had done, and PRICE told her the whole story, and the 2 of them went to look for him and found him leaning against a tree trunk. They tried to get him to come home with them, but he said he couldn’t because for the blow his master gave him had killed him. [This is torn, but there is something that says that Timothy had fallen while trying to come home] then CARMAN carried him home and brought him in and held him in his arms while his wife washed the boy’s face and tried to get some stew down his throat, but couldn’t. Timothy continued speechless all that night & remained in a languishing condition scarcely in his senses till he dyed. • Warrant for William CARMAN based on information that an orphan boy named Timothy LANE under CARMAN’s care and tuition was beaten and wounded and languished and dyed and complained that CARMAN had killed him. 20 June 1724. • Appearance bond for Thomas LANE, Elizabeth PRICE with Thomas LILLIE and William KITCHEN, all of Perquimmans precinct to appear and testify against William CARMAN concerning the death of Timothy LANE. 27 June 1724 • Statement of William CARMAN of Bertie precinct charged with murder of Timothy LANE: Stated he was not guilty of said act and that if he had thought in his conscience that he was guilty he would not not have been in Carolina to be taken up or cald in Question. 27 June 1724. • Bertie county Jurors in inquisition say that on or about 10 March 1723, Robert KINGHAM assaulted George KINNARD with an axe and gave him a mortall wound of the head of the breadth of about 2 inches, and KINNARD languished until about the 15th of March, and died. (On back: Witnesses: Jno. GRAY, Ralph MASON, Forster MASON. Not Guilty). • Jury of inquiry into the death of George KINNARD, finding no person being present except KINNARD’s servant boy, and the servant boy having given different information as to how he had discovered his wounded master, ordered that the constable (William DAVIES) along with other constables, hunt for the servant Robert KINGHAM and on finding him, commit him to jail until the case can be heard. 13 March 1723/24. • Depostion of John FIELD, aged about 24 years old, who states that he went with Ralph MASON and Forster MASON to the house of George KINNARD. FIELD asked the servant boy Robert KINGHAM how he came to know that his master was wounded, and he said that he was out working afore day, and heard his master call out three or four times and went to him and found him wounded. KINGHAM also said that he supposed that he was now a free man, and that he would have his master’s effects. He said this before he was accused of this fact. 1 May 1724. • Tomas LANE and Elizabeth PRICE were sworn in open court. 30 Jul 1724. • Robert KINGHAM (Bertie Precinct) being apprehended for the murder of George KINNARD of Berty precinct on being examined was asked how he his master was wounded, said he did not know, and he was in no way guilty. Asked where he was when KINNARDD was wounded he answered Just near the door, said he knew of no one else being around or in the house that day. Hearing his master cry out, he went in and found him bloody and wounded, and KINNARD said he didn’t know who did it but bid KINGHAM for Godsake hasten for some of the neighbors. 3 Apr 1724. • Depositions taken at the house of Joseph SANDERSON by Capt. William NICKROLSON, Mr. John WOCHEU, & Mr. Robert DEYTON, justices of Curatuck to examine William MACCOY how John PAWMER came by his death, MACCOY being accused of the same. John PENNE, aged 38 years, says that sometime [can’t read date] at the house of Salmon BURGIS, he saw William MACCOY strike John PAWMER with his hands as PAWMER was on the floor, and MACCOY kicked him and stampt on his neck. PAWMER desiring PENNE to take notise that MURRAY would murder him, and desired PENNE to make information to the justices. MARRAY said to PAMER to stand up you son of bitch, and when PAMER replyed he could not, MACCAY lifted him up and threw him down again. MACCAY again told PAWMER to stand up, and when he could not, MACCAY took a brand and burnt the bottom of his foot. MACCAY cut a lock of PAWMER’s hair. Sary BURGIS (20 Jan 1720/1) says she is 30 years, and that she saw William MACCAY in December last strike John PAWMER with a small stock brand. [Can’t read next phrase], & lifted him up & let him fall again, and strike him with a small brand on the hand but left no mark, and MACCAY cut a small lock of his hair. [Bottom of page: Appearance bond for John PENNE]. 27 Jan 1721/2 • Inquisition into the death of Thomas JOHNSON of Currituck. Examination of John NORTON, brother-in-law of the deceased and personal knowledge of the jury, shows that on the day of his death, JOHNSON and NORTON went hunting together and that NORTON was following the feet of a deer, and heard a noise in the bushes, and thinking that it was his game, fired, and that by misadventure JOHNSON was wounded and dyed. Jurors: Jno WHITMARSH, Walton CLARK, Isaack CHABONES, Robt. POTTER,, Ormand RICHARDS, Jno. AIRES, Obediah RICH, Wm. JOHNSON, Arch. HARTLEY, Nath. CUSTIS, Jacob PERKINS, Moses RAINER. 30 Sept 1716 • Statements related to case against MACOY for the murder of Jno. PALMER. [Handwriting is very poor]. Mary BURGESS: “Monday he was taken with ? & went to ? & that she saw a bruise under his eye and a part of skin out of his arms.” Dennis CALLIHAN: “saw the said bruise under his eye, and ? his finger, but saw no other wounds.” John BERKLELY: [Can’t read; seems to describe blows] “his arm, his hip, his eye, ? he spit blood 3 or 4 times. Tuesday he dyed.” John GOWEY: “Next day saw his back all bruised and he desired his help to carry some porke, sd. McKOY gave him bruises.” Mary Burham & John MARKINS [nothing else written for them]. Catherine WHITBY: “After the beating he came to her house for help.” John WHITBY: [Nothing else written]. Sarah BLAKE: “She heard BECKLY say that if ?had not advised him ? had laid his death of Den. CALLIHAN” n.d. • Indictment of Charles WILLIAMSON of Princess Ann County in Virginia and William MACCOY of Curratuck precinct in Albemarle County assaulted and killed Salmon BURGESS with clubs, sticks, staves and other things on December 8, 1721, and that on December 23 BURGESS died of his wounds. [Back: Indictment agt. Charles WMSON & Wm MACOY for the murder of Salmon BURGIS. Witnesses: John PENNY, John BECKLEY, John BURTON]. • [6 pages of depositions folded together. Pages numbered 1,3,5,9,11—page 7 is missing]: Depositions regarding the death of John PAWMER • John HAREBOTTLE aged about 40 years: HAREBOTTLE said that “coming to the house of John BECKLEY he saw Jno. PAWMER & asked him Namesake have you been in the wars He said yes and HAREBOTTLE said you and I are to old to meddle with young fellows meaning that if he had not been drunk he would not have valued them. About 8 days later about 3:00 afternoon he was lying in the house of John BECKLEY & HAREBOTTLE asked him what was the matter and he said he had fell into the fire and burned his knee & after supper PAWMER said that MACCOY had killd. him.” 25 Feb 1721/2. • Sarah BURGES aged about 30 years: “Jno. PAWMER was lying in the corner of the house of the deponent drunk & Wm. MACCOY cut his britches & a hole in his Jacket & bid him get up & the said PAWMER said he could not & MACCOY said he would make him the next that your Deponant saw the sd. MACCOY had PAWMER in the middle of the House & he took him up & let him fall Down again & then he struck him on the head with a stick & then bid him git up for an old Son of a Bitch & PAWMER said he could not & then helpt him up Again & Lett him fall against the whole & broke the Ax tree then PAWMER bid your Depont. & the rest their present to take notice for he would Complain & then MACCOY Struck him across the mouth with a Brand of fire then he took the fire & Clapt to his hair & blew it & sett fire to his hair & your Depont. saith to the best of her memory that the said MACCOY put his foot upon the Neck of Pawmer & the said Maccoy askt your Depot. and the Rest whether he should cut of his Ears & then He Carried him out of the House & cut of his hair upon the Left side of his head & then he pised in the said PAWMERS mouth and further your Deponent saith not.” 25 Feb 1721/2. • Dennis CALLAHAWN aged about 20 years: “In the house of Salmon BURGISS came one Wm. MACCOY, seeing him (PAWMER) laying up in the chimney corner halled him up & cut a great slit in his jacket with a Knife & Cut his Breeches …& kickt him with his Toe of his shoe in his face & hall’d him out in the floor, pist in his face, & Run a brand end of a Fire in his face and Cut a Lock of his Hair of the left Side of his head & pulled him about in the floor.” 25 Feb 1772/1 • Jno. Berkley aged about 30 yrs. and Katherine his wife aged about 22 years: “Jno. PAWMER Came to their House & Desired them to let him Lye Down & sd. that Wm. MACCOY had beat him & Stampt him so much that he had kill’d him and about a Night or Two Afterwards This sd. PAWMOR Sd. that He Forgave Him & he Hoped that God would and the Last Words we heard Jno. PAWMER say that he Should Die and Wm. MACCOY would be hanged and About Half an Hour After Dyed.” 25 Feb 1721/2. (Back: John HAIRBOTTLES, Sarah BURGIS, Denis CALLAHANS John BERKLEYS and his wifes Deposns agt. MACOY for the Murder of Jno. PALMER with their Reccognas. • Mary BUSTIAN aged about 49 years: “Wm. MACOY came to the House of the Deponant & she told him she heard he whipt is that true? Maccoy answered yes Sd he that was PAWMER that Son of a Bitch that Set that about God Dam him Said he took a Stick out of his hand & I well paid him as as I go Back again I will give it him over again or ten times as much which I Cannot say. Nex morning Jno. MARTYN Came to the house of your Deponant & said to Wm. MACCOY I heard that you were Married Lately. Ay Says MACCOY that was PAWMER that Son of a Bitch that put that about & Curst him again to the best of my Rememberance but says he I well drubbed him coming along, but as I go again He do his Job.” 25 Feb 1721/2 • Jno. MASTYN aged about 26 years: “He met Willm. MACCOY at the house of Christor. BUSTIAN upon the Sandy Banks and your Deponant told him he heard he had been married In Virginia. The sd. MACCOYS answer was So that Son of a Bitch Jno. PAWMER had Reported But he had Very Hartily Drubed him & as he Returned he would do his Business or his Job but which our Deponant Cannot say.” 26 Feb 1721/2 • Depositions into the death of Salmon BURGISS: John PENNY aged about 38 years: In the house of Salmon BURGISS came one Charles WILLIAMSON of Princess Ann County Virginia. WILLIAMSON called BURGISS a son of a bitch and a Negro son of a bitch. BURGISS warned him to leave his house because he didn’t want any disturbance, but WILLIAMSON said Dam Yr. blood If I could but get the Negro son of a bitch out of this house. He stampt him into the earth, then tried to get into the house, and BURGISS got out his gun and threatened to shoot him, but the gun wasn’t loaded. WILLIAMSON and MACCOY forced into the house and took the gun and broke it (PENNY not sure which one broke it), then threw BURGISS down and shook him. BURGISS daughter cried out For the Lord sake don’t kill my father. WILLIAMSON and MACCOY went out of the house & BURGES went to the door and told WILLIAMSON to stand off, and WILLIAMSON hall’d BURGES out of the house and threw him and pitched him on his neck, so that PENNY thought his neck was broken. Goes on to describe BURGISS running away and saying he would complain to his mother and father. BURGISSS was supposed to help PENNY kill hogs, but was too ill to do so (could not move his head). This happened sometime in December. 22 Feb 1721/2. • John BECKLEY aged about 30 years: Charles WILLIAMSON of Princess Ann Co. Virginia came to the house of Salmon BURGIS & took him out and beat him. BURGISS went into his house & forwarned WILLLIAMSON of coming into his house. He went in anyway and beat him. BURGISS bid BECKLEY and the others who were there to bear witness for he would go and complain to his mother and father, having no other friends to go to. WILLIAMSON threw BURGIS and pitched him on his neck, and BECKLEY thought his neck had been broken. BURGIS’s daughter Marry cryd for God sake Don’t kill my Father. 25 Feb 1721/2. John BECKLEY aged about 30 years against Jno. MAN: Says that some time in August BECKLEY was prest to take CALLIHAN. BECKLEY came to the house of John MAN at Roanoke Island & Jno. MAN said that he talked with CALLIHAN in the potato patch & 20 men there. 25 Feb 1721/2. (Back: John PENNY’s and John BECKLEY’s depositions against Chas WMSON of Princess Ann County Virginia & Wm. MACCOY for the murder of Salmon BURGESS. John BECKLEY’s deposition agst. John MAN for harboring CALLIHAN Instructions of Lord Granville to Agents in No. Car. 1744, 1756 This is a documents instructing agents of Lord Granville regarding hiring of a house and setting up an office in Edenton. There is no genealogical information. Bills of Sale for Chattels 1698-1736 various dates • Samuel SOUTHWICK, planter in Terrell precinct sells to George Henderson TAYLOR of Bertie precinct one pair of milstons with the Iron Ware originally bought of Alexander COTTON on 13 May 1736. 16 Aug 1736. Witnesses: James THOMSON, Mary JONES, Martin [MC] COOK • Very difficult to read handwriting—document faded. Mentions Geo. HARKILL, Nicholas MINOR, and George MARSHALL. Items are household goods and cattle. This might be a bond of some kind. 2 Apr 1707 • John LUDLY attorney to Charles MARSAMOLE? sells 10 hoggs, sows, & shoats to Stephen MANEWARING. 12 Nov 1694 • Jaber ALFORD sells to Richard ASHWORTH 3 horses. 4 Jul 1696. Witnesses, Anthony DAWSON, William DURBONFORTE. (Albemarle) • David BLAKE sells to Gerrard ANDERSON cattle. “Last” of Jan 1689. Witnesses: Peter GREY, James [I] HICKMAN ? • Will LACY sells to Edward NORWOOD one cow & calf. 2 Feb 1689. Witnesses: James [II] LODMAN, Will [O] CHURCHILL • William HARTH of the Sandbanks, plantor, sells to John ROATHE 5 year- old cattle. 12 Jul 1708. Witnesses: Wm. GUYER, Thos. PASSINGHAM. • Wm. CROWDASS of Bath Co. sells to Richd. STANDISH of No. Hampton Co., VA, planter, “a pretty large porrianger”. 7 Oct 1728. Witnesses: John [X] RIGGS, Thomas FINNEY. (Back: Richard STANDWICK assigns his right to someone unnamed, who assigns his right to John BRYAN on 27 Oct 1729. Witnesses: John [X] WHITE, Lawrence [M] Mague. • Robert BRITWELL sells to Edward NORWOOD 19 hogs. 4 Feb 1689. Witnesses: John ROLLMAN, [smeared] [O] CHENEVIS?. • Lorenco GONSALURSE sells to Stephen MANWARING [partly torn—might be furniture or a boat of some kind]. 7 Dec 1683. • Diter MICHAMER of Albemarle Co. sells to Heinring GIBBS 1 cow and the increase of 4 years, now in possession of Richard JANSEN, same county. 23 Apr 1714. Witnesses: Jann [x] NILL, Domas [T] SPANSSER ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Guptill ___________________________________________________________________