State-Wide, NC – Roanoke Inlet Co. - Act to Amend Act, 1828 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An Act amend an act, passed in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one, entitled "an act to incorporate a company, entitled the Roanoke Inlet Company, and for other purposes." Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the commissioners already appointed by the aforesaid act, together with William Martin, Jordan A. Wright and Isaac N. Lamb, of Elizabeth City; John Wood and Alred Moore, of the town of Hertford; James Bozman, John Poppelston, John Cox and James R. Creecy, of the town of Edenton; Henry Gilliam, John B. Baker and Mills Riddick, of the county of Gates; Isaac Pipkin and John Wheeler of the town of Murfreesboro; Josiah Holly, John E. Wood and Joseph B. G. Roulac, of the county of Bertie; Thomas Cox and Horace Ely, of the town of Plymouth; and John Beasly and Daniel N. Bateman, of the county of Tyrrell; Spence Hall, Caleb Etheridge and Gideon C. Marchant, of Currituck county; and Joseph Dozier, Enoch Nash and Malachi S. Lewis, of Camden county be, and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the purposes mentioned in the before recited act; and that the said commissioners shall open the books for the purpose of receiving subscriptions on or before the first day of May next, and shall continue them open until the first day of November next; and when the sum mentioned in the before recited act shall have been subscribed, the subscribers shall be incorporated into a company by and under the name of the Roanoke Inlet Company; and shall have all the powers, privileges and immunities, and shall be governed by the same rules, regulations and restrictions as are presecribed by the before recited act. And be it further enacted, That if the said navigation shall not have been improved or completed, as contemplated by the provisions of the before recited act, within ten yers from and after the passage of this act, all exclusive privileges granted to the said incorporated company shall cease and determine on the expiration of the said term of ten years. Be it further enacted, That this act shall go into operation when, and not before, the Congress of the United States shall confirm or assent thereunto; and that the Governor of this State be, and he is hereby directed to forward to the Congress now in session a copy of this act, and likewise a copy of the act of one thousand eight hundred and twenty- one, with instructions to our Senators and Representatives therein assembled to endeavour to procure the consent of the said Congress to all the clauses contained in this and in the before mentioned act; and that the said Governor further instruct our Senators and Representatives to solicit the aid of the general government to effect the objects of the before recited act. And be it further enacted, That this act shll be in force from and immediately after its ratification. Source: NC Archives Public and Private Laws of North Carolina 1828 Chapter CXXXV Page 74 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - ______________________________________________________________________