State-Wide, NC - Carnival of Death - Train Wreck, 1891 Among North Carolina's Hills a Train is Wrecked Twenty Persons Killed And as Many More Injured - The Night Was Dark and the Train Plunged 65 Feet Through a Bridge - List of Killed Charlotte, NC, Aug 27 - One of the most disastrous railroad wrecks known in the annals of this state occured this morning at 2 o'clock at Boston Ridge, two miles west of Statesville, on the Western North Carolina road. Passenger train No. 9, known as the fast mail, which was made up at Salisbury, pulled out on time at 1 a.m., loaded with passengers. It was composed of baggage, mail car, second and first- class coaches, Pullman sleepers and Superintendant Bridge's private car, "Daisy." The sleeper which was from Goldsboro usually contains a good number of passengers from northern points and last night was no exception. The run to Statesville was made on time, a distance of twenty-five miles, and just after leaving Statesville there is a high iron bridge spanning Third creek and down into this creek plunged the entire train, a distance of at least sixty-five feet, wrecking the whole train and carrying death and destruction with it. Twenty passengers were killed outright, nine seriously injured and about twenty badly bruised and shaken up. The scene of the wreck beggars description. The night was dismal, and to add to the horror of the situation the water in the creek was up. It was only through the most herioc efforts of those who had hurried to the scene of the wreck that the injured were not drowned. The accident was caused by spreading of rails. The bridge was not injured and trains are running on schedule time. Twenty dead bodies are now lying in a warehouse at Statesville. The injured are having the best of care at private residences and hotels. Following is a list of killed: William West, engineer, Salisbury, NC Warren Frye, fireman, Hickory, NC H.K. Linster, baggagemaster, Statesville, NC W.M. Houston, Greensboro, NC P. Barnett, Asheville, NC Samuel Gormad, Asheville, NC W.E. Winslow, Asheville, NC Charles Barnett, Hendersonville, NC W.J. Fisher, Campbell, SC J.D. Austin, Hickory, NC T. Brodie, drummer, New York J.M Sykes, Clarksville, Tenn Mrs. Poole, Williamston, NC Jube Thefer, traveling salesman Doc Wells, colored, Pullman porter John Davis, Statesville, NC Mr. McCormick, Alexandria, Va Dr. Geo. Sanderlin, state auditor, was on the wrecked train and was painfully injured Among others who escaped with injuries more or less serious are: Col. E.B. Cameron of the governor's staff Patrick E. Ransom of Northampton County, NC Otto Ransom, Norfolk, Va Worthel Cott, Hickory, NC George Bowles, Atlanta Col. O.W. Lawson, Louisville, Ky Miss Lewellyn Poole, Williamston, NC Mrs. R.C. and Miss Opehelia Moore, Helens, Ark A.F. Link and wife, Lexington, Ky B.N. Estes, Jr., Memphis, Tenn John Gage, Nashville R.E. Johnston, Newberry, SC Conductor S.P. Augh Sleeping Car Conductor H.C. Leeper and Flagman Shoaf Mrs. Pool was drowned before aid could reach her. Three bodies have not been identified, one of these is an old lady; another is a lady with a ticket in her pocket which reads: "Mrs. George McCormick and mother, Elmwood, NC to Alexander, NC" and the third is also a lady. Upon her finger is a ring engraved, "T.H.W. to M.B.R." It is thought all the bodies have been taken from the debris which is piled so high that it is impossible to make a thorough examination. Crowds have flocked to the scene all day and the accident has cast a gloom over the entire community. Not a soul came out of the sleeper alive. Miss Ophelia Moore of Helena, Ark., died after being taken out of the wreck. -------- From Helena, Ark. Helena, Ark., Aug. 27 - R.C. Moore of this city received a telegram this morning stating that Miss Opehlia Moore had been killed and her mother, Mrs. W.E. Moore, seriously injured in a western North Carolina wreck near Statesville. The Moores are prominent in literary and social circles and are well known throughout the south. They were returning from summering in the Blue mountains. Dallas Morning News Historical Archive August 28, 1891 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts - ______________________________________________________________________