Statewide County NcArchives Military Records.....Dixon, Lt. Col. Henry 1840 Revwar - Enlistment ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 6, 2009, 2:43 pm Colonial Records of North Carolina Affidavit of Herndon Haralson concerning Henry Dixon's military service in the Revolutionary War Haralson, Herndon May 11, 1840 Volume 22, Pages 120-121 LIEUT. COLONEL HENRY DIXON. (In the Petition of Heirs of Lt. Col. Henry Dixon.) Herndon Haralson, then of Haywood Co., Tenn., makes oath, May 11, 1840, “that in the year 1781 when Gen. Greene retreated thro’ N. C. into Virginia before Lord Cornwallis, he, this affiant, received a Captain’s Commission, raised a company of volunteers, equipped themselves, and joined the army under the command of the said Colonel Dixon and Gen’l Pickens, and marched against a body of Tories in the neighborhood of Hillsborough, then commanded by Colo. Piles, which they attacked, defeated and cut to pieces on the 21st Feb., 1781— from thence in a few days they fought the battles of Whitesil’s Mill and Guilford Court House.” Haralson also states that Dixon “Marched to the South, where in some action in which he fought he received a wound with a musket or a cannon ball, but in what part of his body he doth not now recollect.” Note—He was wounded at Eutaw Springs, S. C.--Ed. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb