Statewide County NcArchives Military Records.....Cincinnati Membership, Officers Eligible For No date Revwar ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a August 27, 2009, 10:19 pm Colonial Records of North Carolina List of North Carolina officers in the Continental Army eligible for Society of the Cincinnati membership No Author Volume 18, Pages 485-486 LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE LATE WAR WHO CONTINUED TO THE END THEREOF OR WERE DERANGED BY ACTS OF CONGRESS. (Washington Correspondence—Boook 115, p. 142 1-2 43.) NORTH CAROLINA. Major General, Robt. Howe. Brigadier General, Jethro Sumner. COLONELS. James Armstrong, Thomas Clark, Selby Harney, Gideon Lamb, Archibald Lytle, John Patten, James Thackston. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. John Armstrong, William Davidson, Hardy Murfree. MAJORS. Reading Blount, Thomas Donohoe, George Doherty, Thomas Hogg, Griffith J. McRee, John Nelson. CAPTAINS. William Armstrong, Thomas Armstrong, Peter Bacot, Kedar Ballard, Gee Bradley, Alexander Brevard, Benjamin Bailey, Samuel Budd, John Craddock, Benjamin Coleman, Leonard Cooper, Benjamin Carter, Francis Child, Thomas Callender, John Daves, Tighman Dixon, Thomas Evans, Robert Fenner, William Fawn, Clement Hall, Joshua Hadley, John Ingles, Samuel Jones, William Lyttle, Micajah Lewis, John Kingsbury, John McNees, Joseph Mumford, James Mills, Benjamin Mills, John Madeiras, Elijah Moore, James Pearle, Jesse Reed, John Rochell, James Read, Robert Raiford, Joseph T. Rhodes, Charles Stewart, John Summers, Anthony Sharpe, William Walton, John Walsh, William Williams, Edward Yarborough. CAPTAIN LIEUTENANT. Philip Jones. LIEUTENANTS. Samuel Ashe, William Alexander, William Bush, Joseph Brevard, Robert Bell, Anthony Cratcher, John Clendennan, James Campen, Thomas Clarke, John Campbell, Thomas Dudley, Charles Dixon, Wayne Dixon, Richard Fenner, Thomas Finney, John Ford, Francis Graves, Charles Gerrard, William Hargrave, Robert Hays, Hardy Holmes, John Hill, Curtis Ivey, Abner Lamb, Nathan Lawrence, Dixon Marshall, James Moore; Thomas Pasteur, Daniel Shaw, Stephen Slade; William Saunders, James Scurlock, Jesse Steed, James Tatum, John Vance, Nathaniel Williams. SURGEONS. James Fergus; James W. Green; Wm. McClure, Solomon Halling,1 Joseph Blyth. MATE. William McClane. The list at Page 71, Book 100, gives the names of the General and Field Officers only as above. ——— 1 Was Surgeon as late as February 4, 1782. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.8 Kb