Statewide County NcArchives Military Records.....Deserters 1815 Warof1812 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 7, 2008, 5:46 pm Deserters Friday, Aug. 4, 1815, Raleigh Minerva SIXTY DOLLARS REWARD -- Deserted from Camp near Raleigh, N. C., on the night of the 1st of August inst., the following soldiers, viz.: EDWARD POWERS, AMOS KING, EPHRAIM FAULK, JAMES WARREN, RICHARD COPELAND and CHARLES RHODES. EDWARD POWERS is 26 years of age, five feet six inches high, fair complexion, dark eyes, dark hair and by profession a farmer, lived in Robeson County and enlisted by LT. J. K. HILL. AMOS KING is 35 years of age, five feet nine inches high, dark complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, by profession a shoe-maker, lived in Columbus County when enlisted by LT. J. H. WHITE. EPHRAIM FAULK is 34 years of age, five feet six inches high, fair complexion, blue eyes, sandy hair and by profession, a farmer, he also lived in Columbus County and was Enlisted by LT. WHITE. JAMES WARREN is about 35 years of age, five feet seven or eight inches high, fair complexion, grey eyes, dark hair and by profession a blacksmith, lived in Wilkes County and was enlisted by LT. W. J. GORDON. RICHARD COPELAND is 30 years of age, five feet eight inches high, dark complexion, dark eyes, dark hair and by profession a cooper, lived in Ashe County and was enlisted by LT. M. L. PARKS. CHARLES RHODES is 20 years of age, five feet six inches high, dark complexion, hazel eyes, dark hair; he deserted previous to this from the Rifle Corps to which he belongs, was taken and given up to me, but was screened from trial and punishment by the President's proclamation last issued. Any person apprehending the above deserters and delivering them to any officer in the service of the U.S. shall receive the above reward of $60 or ten for any one of them. H. H. CARSON, Capt. of the former 10th Infantry, commanding at Raleigh File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb