STOKES COUNTY, NC - DEEDS - Henry King to Benjamin Forsyth, 31 Oct 1796 --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Deed dated 31 Oct 1796, proved 1797, Stokes Co, NC Henry King of Burke Co, GA to Benjamin Forsyth of Stokes Co, NC Deed Book 2, pgs. 385-386, Stokes Co, NC This Indenture Made this thirty first day of October in year of Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety six between henry king of the State of Georgia & County of burk of the one part & Benjamin Forsyth of the state of N.Carolina & County of Stokes of the other part Witnesseth that he the said Henry King for & in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds Current money of the state of NCarolina to him in hand paid by the said Benjamin Forsyth the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and himself satisfied therewith hath granted, Bargained, sold aliened Enfeoffed & confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien Enfeoff & confirm, unto Benjamin Forsyth his heirs & assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying & being in the State of NCarolina & County of stokes. Beginning at a black Gum in Joseph waggoner?s line running North thirty chains & thirty one links to a white oak thence west thirty chains __(?)__ to a post thence south thirty chains & thirty one links to a post in Joseph waggoner?s line, thence East to the beginning, Containing one hundred acres together with all the Right title & Interest whatsoever of him the said henry king in & to the same to have and to hold the said land with all its appurtenances rights & privileges, unto the said Benjamin Forsyth his heirs & assigns forever and he the said henry king doth for himself & his heirs Executors & administrators hereby Covenant & agree to and with the said Benjamin Forsyth that the said Benjamin Forsyth his heirs & assigns shall forever hereafter peaceably & quietly have hold occupy, possess and enjoy the aforesaid granted land premises with every part and article thereof free and clear from all Let (?) hindrance molestation or Incumbrance from him his heirs Executors administrators or assigns & he the said henry king against himself & his heirs & against all other persons the said land & premises with every article thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said Benjamin Forsyth his heirs and assigns will warrant & forever Defend in witness whereof he hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and date first above written. Signed sealed and delivered in presence of us viz) Stokes County NCar __(?)__ Mark Henry x King (Seal) Joel Watson 1797 the Execution of the above Deed was proved by William Watson William Watson and ordered to be Registered Test. Robert Williams uc ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: William D. King ___________________________________________________________________