Stokes County NcArchives Obituaries.....Stedman, W. W., Dr. April 1857 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carolyn Shank November 5, 2007, 1:36 pm Sat. April 25, 1857 North Carolina Argus A TRIBUTE OF RESPECT Whereas in the wisdom of an inscrutable Providence, DR. W. W. STEDMAN, who has for some years been a faithful member of our Lodge, has been removed from time to eternity, Resolved, 1. That it is with deep regret, we have received the melancholy intelligence of the death of our departed bfrother; but while we sincerely deplore his loss, we meekly submit to the will of Him who does all things well. Resolved, 2. That in his death, this Lodge has been deprived of an active and efficient member and who affable in his manners, generous in his impulses, devoted in is principles, and of unbending integrity, won the entire confidence of his brethen. Resolved, 3rd. That we sympathize most deeply with the family of the deceased, and would fain offer them all the consolation that human sympathy can afford, but in view of the insufficiency to comfort, we commend them to that Merciful Being whose hand has dealt the blow,k and who alone can heal the wound. Resolved, 4th. That in the demise of our brother, cut off in the prime of life, and in the midst of a career of high usefulness, we are deeply impressed with the uncertainty of life and the vanity of all human pursuits, and with the necessity of a preparation for that far distant country whence no traveler returns. Resolved, 5th. That our hall be hung in crape, and that we wear the usual badge of mourning for 30 days. Resolved, 6th. That these resolutions be entered upon our record, a copy sent to the family of the deceased, and then to the Flag and Patriot, Standard, N. C. Advocacy and Fayetteville Argus for publications. R. G. MAYS J. K. SHUMATE R. D. GOLDING COMMITTEE Masonic Hall, Germanton, N. C. April 14, 1859 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.5 Kb