Stokes County NcArchives Wills.....Tuttle, John September 7, 1839 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cindy Eppich May 21, 2012, 10:50 am Source: Family History Library Film #2209162 Written: September 7, 1839 In the name of God Amen I, John Tuttle of the County of Stokes and state of North Carolina, being in perfect health, mind, and memory, but calling to mind the uncertainty of life, and knowing that t is appointed unto all men once to die, do make, publish, and declare this to be my last will and testament. First and principally of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God, and my body to the earth to be buried in decent Christian burial. And as touching such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with it is my will and desire that my funeral expense and all my just debts be paid by my executors a soon as convenient after my dissolution. And as touching the residue of my estate, I desire and bequeath it in the following manner (to wit): I hereby give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Barbara, for an during her natural life or widowhood all my lands and negroes, and all my stock of horses, cattles and hogs, also all my household and kitchen furniture together with every other article of property of whatever name or description that I may be possessed of except such as is herein after disposed of otherwise. I also give unto my said wife Barbara, all the crop and provisions that may be on hand at the time of my decease, to be at her use and disposal forever also all debts due my estate except those owing from my children; it is my will and desire that said debts be collected by my executors herein after named and that my said wife have the money when collected, and all debts due from my children. It is my will and desire that they have their own choice either to pay aid debts into the hands of my executors immediately after my decease or that said amounts due from my said children be retained by my executors out of their respective share at the final distribution of my estate. It is also my will and desire that my said wife Barbara have the liberty of selecting from among my negroes such as she may be disposed to keep for and during her natural life or widowhood as above named, also such other property as she may want for her own use and those negroes that she may refuse to keep and all such property as she may not want. It is my desire that the same be exposed to public sale by my executors upon such terms as to them may seem most advantageous. I wish it to be understood that my said wife have her own time to make her selection in that is to n one, two, three or four years or longer if she may think proper. It is my will and desire that immediately after the dissolution of my said wife Barbara, that my executors expose to public sale to the highest bidder all my land, negroes, and other property that may be found belonging to my estate upon such terms and in such quantities as to them may appear best. And the money arising from said sale to be equally divided between all my children (to wit). The heirs of my son Thomas Tuttle, dec’d, to have one share to be equally divided between them share and share alike, Michael Tuttle, Elizabeth Boles, Mary Gordon and the heirs of my daughter Anna Ebbert to have one share to be equally divided among them share and share alike, Henry Tuttle, John Tuttle, Jr., William Tuttle, Peter Tuttle, James Tuttle, Elijah Tuttle and Sally Eason to have each one share. And should my said wife refuse to keep all my estate during her natural life or widowhood and my executors make sale and sale as above directed the money when collected is to be equally divided in manner and form as above directed. And should any of the heirs of my son Thomas Tuttle, dec’d, or any of the amounts due from my said children be retained by any executors out of the respective shares as the final distribution of my estate, it is also my will and desire that my said wife Barbara have the liberty of selecting from among my negroes such as she may be disposed to keep for an during her natural life or widowhood as above named. Also such other property as she may want for her own use and those negroes that she may refuse to keep and all such property as she may not want. It is my desire that the same be exposed to public sale by my executors upon such terms as to them may seem most advantageous. I wish it to be understood that my said wife have her own time to make her selection in that is to say one, two, three or four years—or longer if she may think proper. It is my will and desire that immediately after the deposition of my said wife Barbara—that my executors depose to public sale to the highest bidder all my land, negroes and other property that may be found belonging to my estate upon such terms and in such quantities as to them may appear best. And the money arising from said sale to be equally divided between them—all my children (to wit). The heirs of my son Thomas Tuttle, dec’d, to have one share to be equally divided between them share and share alike, Michael Tuttle, Elizabeth Boles, Mary Gordon and the heirs of my daughter Anna Ebbert to have one share alike, Henry Tuttle, John Tuttle, William Tuttle, Peter Tuttle, James Tuttle, Elijah Tuttle and Sally Eason to have each one share and should my said wife refuse to keep all my estate during her natural life or widowhood and my executors make sale and sell as above directed the money when collected is to be equally divided in manner and form as above directed. And should any of the heirs of my son Thomas Tuttle, dec’d, or any of the heirs of my daughter Anna Ebbert deceased be under the age of twenty one years it is then my will and desire that my executors retain their respective share or shares in their hand until they arrive at the age above mentioned but to pay an interest on the money whatever. And I hereby consider, nominate and appoint my said wife Barbara Tuttle and my two sons Henry Tuttle and William Tuttle executrix and executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof and here unto set my hand and affix my seal this 7th September 1839. Attest S. Bolejack John Tuttle Sr. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 6.6 Kb