Surry County NcArchives Biographies.....Petty, Josiah May 10, 1790 - April 15, 1878 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Taneya Koonce February 27, 2013, 6:29 pm Source: Inter-state Publishing Company (Chicago, Ill.). History of Wayne County, Indiana Together with Sketches of Its Cities, Villages and Towns ... and Biographies of Representative Citizens : History of Indiana and Northwest Territory. Chicago: Inter-state Pub. Co, 1884. Author: N/A Josiah Petty, deceased, was born in Surry County, NC, May 10, 1790, a son of Zachariah and Nancy Petty, natives of England, who came to America prior to the Revolutionary war. Our subject's early life was spent in assisting his father on the farm and in the distillery, and his educational advantages were limited. In 1811 he came to Wayne County, Ind., and carried on a distillery, but subsequently, on account of the troubles incident to the war of 1812, he went to Ohio, remaining there nine months, when he again came to Wayne County. He built a distillery in Perry Township and ran it till 1834 or 1835, and then went to Randolph County and remained there three or four years. He returned to Wayne County and located in Cambridge City, and in 1840 moved to Miami County and settled near Peru. In 1851 he returned to Wayne County. He was married in 1817 to Sally Sheets, a native of Ohio, of Scotch descent. They had a family of nine children, eight sons and one daughter, seven of whom are living. Mr. Petty was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church many years, but in later life he united with the United Brethern church. He died April 15, 1878. His wife died in 1840. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb