SURRY COUNTY, NC - MILITARY - Thomas Coker, Revolutionary War Pension Application ----¤¤¤¤---- Declaration In order to obtain the benefit of the act of Congress of the 7th day of June 1832. On this 14th day of April 1834 personally appeared before Samuel Mark an acting justice of the peace for Harlan County Kentucky Thomas Coker a resident of yellow creek in the county of Harlan and state of Kentucky aged 73 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit provision made by the act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832. I volunteered in the militia of North Carolina in Surry County in the year 1779 as well as I remember for a tour of three months under William Shepherd Col John Horn(?) Capt Thomas Coker a cousin of mine Leut John Harper Ensign(?) we rendesvoused(?) at Surrey Court house we marched thence into Wilks county - thence into Rowan - thence to Guilford our business in this tour was to disarm, and suppress the Tories - we returned to surrey after this tour and continued there actively engaged in the same sort of employment until my 3 months was out I received no written discharge for this service In the spring afterwards being 1780 as well as I remember I was drafted for a tour of 3 months in Surrey County North Carolina under ______ Rutherford Genl Martin Armstrong Col William Meridith Capt - we marched thence to Salsberry town and there was stationed awhile - thence we marched to ______ and crossed it at the Cheraw Hills - we marched thence to Rougas(?) mills - a little above them we met with the army under Genl Gates - we joined Gates and turned down passing Rongrs(?) Mills on our road to Camden before we reached Camden my company was put under the orders of John Armstrong a continental Col who had married my sister - Green(?) swamps we had a battle with the Brittish - the battle was commenced in the night and the corps(?) to which I belonged commenced the action - in this engagement I recd a slight wound in the right arm from a musket ball - we got whiped and had to retreat - every man I beleive made for his home - the road toward Surrey was crowded with soldiers among the militia no order was preserved - I do not remember that any officer took command on the retreat - I lacked but a few days of completing this tour of 3 months when the battle(?) was fought - I feel confident not more than 15 days and then before we could reach our homes we had to travel near 200 miles - I recd no written discharge for this service In the fall of the same year I was drafted again in Surry county North Carolina for a tour of 3 months under - Grimes Maj. - Kimmiers Capt we marched again from surrey court house to join the main army we went as far as a place called white plains and then was ordered back to go against a pascel(?) of Tories - thence we marched to cross creek thence we marched towards the Cheraw Hills - we did not meet with the bunch of Tories we were in search of - they took to the swamps and eluded our pursuit - we killed two(?) men in those parts that I understood was the Capt and Luit of the Tories - when my 3 months was out I was discharged at Salsberry Town I recd no written discharge for this service I have no documentary evidence of my service - I have heard that Nicholas Horn(?) lives near Knoxville Tennessee a distance of 50 miles by whom I could prove some of my tours, but I have no horse and am not able from bodily infirmity to walk so far I know of no person else living, by whom I could prove any portion of my service - I am not able to go to court a distance of 30 or 40 miles because I have no horse - am too poor to buy one and am unable from bodily infirmity to walk In all my tours I served as a common solidier I hereby relinquish every claim to a pension or annuity except the present(?), and I declare that my name is not on the pension role of any agency in any state ______ 1st I was born in Brunsia(?) County state of N. Carolina I do not know the year in which I was born ______ 2 1 have no record of my age - and my recollection of what my parents have told me is very imperfect - I know I volunteered before I was 16 and performed that tour 3 1 was living in Surrey county N. Carolina when called into the service - after the revolution I moved to Laurens county S. Carolina and lived there 22 years - thence to Franklin City Georgia - thence to Liv______ (?) Tennessee - thence to yellow creek now Harlan County where I have lived off and on about 17 years 4 My first tour was as a volunteer - the 2 other tours was as a draftsman 5 1 knew Genl Gates - Col John Armstron - Baron de Kalb(?) that was killed at the Green Swamps - I do not know any of the regiments by number 6 1 never recd any discharge from the service 7 1 am known in my present neighbourhood to Henry Reim - John Turner, Henry Gibson and many others who I doubt not if present would testify to my character for veracity and their belief of my services as a soldier of the revolution Sworn and subscribed the days and year aforesaid Thomas Coker We Henry Rivers John Turner and Henry Gibson residing inf Harlan County Kentucky hereby certify that we are well aquainted with Thomas Coker who has subscribed and sworn to the above declaration - that we believe him to be 71 years of age that he is respected and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the revolution and that we concur in that opinion we further certify that the applicant lives at a distance of more than 30 miles from the court house tht he has no horse and from our knowledge of his circumstances has nothing to _____ for a horse - and that from bodily infirmity he is unable to walk to court Henry Rivers John Turner Henry Gibson And the said court as hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrgatories prescribed by the war department that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states, and the court further certifies that it appears to them that Henry Rivers John Turner and Henry Gibson who has signed the preceding certificate are credible persons and their statements entitled to credit - the court further certifies that it appears to him that there is no clergyman who resides in the immediate vicinity of such applicant and that said applicant has no horse is too poor to by one and from bodily infirmity unable to walk to court, given under my hand this day and date above written Samuel Mark J.P. I John G. Crump clerk of the court of Harlan County do hereby certify that the foregoing contains the original proceedings had before Samuel Mark as justice of the peace for Harlan county, as presented to me I further certify that Samuel Mark is a justice of the peace for Harlan county Kentucky and that the foregoing signature purporting to be his is genuine In testimony whereof I have herunto Let my hand and seal of Office this 16th day of July 1834 Jhon G. Crump Clerk of the Court of Harlan County -=-=-=-=-=-=- WAR DEPARTMENT REVOLUTIONARY CLAIM I certify that, in conformity with the law of the United States of the 7th June, 1832, Thomas Coker of the State of Kentucky who was a Private during the Revolutionary War is entitled to receive Twenty Eight dollars and Thirty three cents per annum, during his natural life, commencing on the 4th of March, 1831, and payable semiannually on the 4th of March, and 4th of September in every year. Given at the War Office of the United States, this 12th day of August one thousand eight hundred and thirty four. Wm Wright (?) Acting Secretary of War Examined and Countersigned J. L. Edwards Commissioner of Pensions -=-=-=-=-=-=- General Notes: 1. Transcribed in 1983 by Steven James Coker from a copy. 2. A word or term shown inside parentheses with a question mark indicates the transcriber is not confident as to the correct reading. 3. A blank underlined space "__" indicates letters or words are illegible in the copy. 4. For this presentation, little attempt has been made to layout the text identical to that shown in the document. In particular, words per line and line breaks may vary. 5. It is left to the reader to verify the accuracy of this transcription. Steven James Coker This transcription of the Thomas Coker Revolutionary War Pension was published in the COKER genealogy Forum at Copies of that email may be found in the Rootsweb archives at and in the Coker-L archives at ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Steven James Coker ___________________________________________________________________