Tyrrell County NcArchives Court.....Thomas Bogg, Benjamin Blount & 1784 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Connie Ardrey n/a February 25, 2009, 6:10 pm Source: Colonial Records Written: 1784 Acts of the North Carolina General Assembly, 1784 October 1784 Volume 24, Pages 650 - 709 CHAPTER XLVII. An Act to Enable Benjamin Blount, of Tyrrel County, Trustee to Thomas Bogg to Sue and Recover for and to the Use and Uses of the Children of the Said Thomas Bogg all Debts Due and Owing to the Said Thomas Bogg, and all Other Things in Action, Which the Said Thomas Bogg Might have Lawfully Sued for and Recovered. I. Whereas Thomas Bogg making it a matter of conscience of taking the oath of allegiance to this State agreeable to an Act of Assembly made and provided for that purpose, did on the twenty-seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven, sell and dispose of all his estate both real and personal, agreeable to an Act of Assembly granting those persons who refused to take the oath aforesaid the liberty and privilege of disposing of their property: And whereas the said Thomas Bogg willing to make a necessary provision for his wife and children, did on the said twenty- seventh of September, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven, transfer and set over unto Benjamin Blount, senior, of Tyrrel county, all the estate aforesaid by a deed of trust for the benefit and support of his wife and children: And whereas Hannah Bogg, the wife of the said Thomas Bogg is since dead, so that the children in some measure are left destitute, and several suits have been commenced against the estate of the said Thomas Bogg, which may tend to impoverish his children unless the said trustee should be impowered to sue in his own name for the debts and other things in action which were of the said Thomas Bogg. II. Be it therefore Enacted by the General Assembly, and by the authority thereof, That it shall and may be lawful for the said Benjamin Blount, his executors and administrators, to institute a suit or suits in his or their own name or names as trustees of the same Thomas Bogg, against every person or persons indebted to or having any of the effects of said Thomas Bogg in possession, or having converted the same to his or their own use, and to obtain judgment against such person or persons for the use of the children of the said Thomas Bogg, in the same manner as he the said Thomas Bogg might have done previous to the revolution in government, on giving bond and security to the county court of Tyrrel in such sum as the justices shall require for the due and faithful application of such amounts as he shall recover to the bona fide creditors of the said Tho. Bogg, and the use and uses of his children and no others, any law or usage to the contrary notwithstanding. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/tyrrell/court/thomasbo893wl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ncfiles/ File size: 3.2 Kb