Union County, NC - Altan Presbyterian Church Cemetery Altan Presbyterian Church Cemetery On Highway 207 Past JD Helms Road on the Right Recorded by Otho B. and Frances R. Small Dec 28, 1985 Updated January 4, 2006 by Ann M. Price Printed from the cemetery files of Ann Medlin Price This is a complete listing for this cemetery. Old Section Autry, Kenneth Coyte Aug 12, 1939-Jan 22, 2006 Baker, Jack Plyler US ARMY WW II Oct 29, 1923-May 16, 2004 Baker Infant s/o Jack and Joyce Baker No Dates Belk, Amanda Lynn d/o Richard and Vicky Belk June 13, 1877-June 13, 1977 Belk, Baxter E. June 27, 1882-Dec 3, 1967 Belk, Clarence H. Jan 23, 1925-May 6, 1938 Belk, David Wayne s/o Archie and Yaeko Belk Oct 13, 1969-Oct 15, 1969 Belk, Ella Starnes w/o Leo Everett Belk Aug 18, 1907-Apr 13, 2003 Belk, H. Wayne May 7, 1937-Mar 2, 1940 Belk, Leo Everett Feb 12, 1901-May 21, 1965 Belk, Leo Everett PVT US ARMY Sept 4, 1927-Apr 19, 1990 His children: Ellen, Deannie, and Patsy Belk, Roy Britten Children: Cheryl-Richard-Roger Feb 9, 1930-Mar 30, 1988 Belk, Virginia Helms wo Roy Britten Belk Nov 13, 1932-No Dates Belk, Walter Aug 1872-May 1941 Bennett, Claudia Y. w/o Joseph E. Bennett Sept 3, 1907-July 14, 1974 Burgess, Josephene Mangum w/o Walter L Burgess Feb 25, 1918-Apr 27, 1965 Burgess, Lula w/o E.S. (Stanley) Burgess May 2, 1877-Apr 30, 1937 ( d/o William Cull and Angeline T. Fowler Crook) Burgess, Walter E. Dec 28, 1913-Feb 20, 1979 Crook, Allie Virginia July 26, 1911-Dec 24, 1998 Crook, Annie Belle Y. (Yarbrough) w/o Carl V. Crook Feb 8, 1905-Jul 10, 1976 (d/o John B. and Lillie Lowery Yarbrough) Crook. Arthur W. s/o C.V. and A.B. Crook Jan 25 1928-July 15, 1928 Crook, Baby Girl d/o D.W. and Rachel Crook May 17, 1954-May 18, 1954 Crook, Carl N. Dec 9, 1930-July 13, 1967 Crook, Carl V. (Victor) Aug 25, 1902-Feb 15, 1969 (s/o William Cull and Lula J. Secrest Crook Crook, Clarence W. (Waldo) SGT US ARMY AIR CORPS WWII Jan 8, 1924-June 15, 1989 S/O Carl V. and Annie Belle Yarbrough Crook Crook, Genevieve K. (Kluttz) w/o Clarence W. Crook Mar 17, 1929-No Date Crook, Lula J. (Secrest) w/o William Cull Crook Aug 18, 1878-Mar 4, 1940 Crook, Luther Harold Apr 25, 1922-Oct 11, 1946 Crook, Nan S. (Starnes) w/o Ward B. Crook Jan 20, 1918-No Date Crook, Robert Carl Jr. s/o R.C. and Janet Crook Apr 15 1985-Apr 15, 1985 Crook, Ward B. Married: Sept 29, 1935 Nov 12, 1913-June 27, 1960 (s/o William Cull and Lula Secrest Crook) Crook, W. (William) Cull Aug 10, 1860-Mar 1, 1934 (s/o Victor and Eliza Medlin Crook) Doster, Infant of Odus and Irene Doster Feb 28, 1951-Feb 28, 1951 Edwards, Mabel Lee Burgess w/o Nelson Eugene "Gene" Feb 25, 1940-Oct 24, 2006 Elliot, Cora Cross w/o Richard W. Elliot Dec 13, 1870-Feb 20, 1950 Elliot, Richard W. June 23, 1864-Oct 18, 1936 Franklin, Caroline R. 1900-1965 Franklin, Ida N. s/o T.C. and R.E. Franklin Sept 4, 1902-Feb 5, 1924 Gay, Carl H. Nov 2, 1888-Oct 17, 1948 Griffin, Betty F. w/o Tommy P. Griffin Nov 5, 1935-No Date Griffin, Bonsel Ford May 20, 1915-Dec 30, 1961 Griffin, Carrie Crook w/o Joseph Oscar Griffin Feb 15, 1888-Dec 10, 1969 Griffin, Cecil C. Apr 14, 1855-Nov 7, 1932 Griffin, Cecil Carson s/o J.G. and Roena Griffin Mar 21, 1953-Nov 9, 1953 Griffin, Donald S. s/o B.F. and M.D. Griffin Nov 1, 1935-Feb 2, 1936 Griffin, Dora R. w/o Wilson H. Griffin Nov 25, 1903-Dec 13, 1996 Griffin, George W. Sept 25, 1878-May 11, 1955 Griffin, Harvey W. June 20, 1865-Apr 7, 1948 Griffin, Infant d/o Bonsel and Myrtle Griffin Aug 31, 1937-Aug 31, 1937 Griffin, Infant s/o Bonsel F. and Rebecca C. Griffin June 9, 1948-June 9, 1948 Griffin, Jesse Baxter s/o C.C. and Mary M. Griffin Jan 31, 1895-Oct 10, 1918 Died in France-Pot Truck Co. 5th. Coast Artillary Park Griffin, Joe (Joseph) D. Oct 6, 1909-Oct 2, 1968 Griffin, Joseph Oscar May 30, 1890-Apr 5, 1962 Griffin, Julia Belk w/o George W. Griffin Aug 13, 1882-Feb 21, 1942 Griffin, Lena Mae Sept 18, 1908-Nov 7, 1967 Griffin, Mary M. Plyler w/o Cecil C. Griffin Dec 28, 1858-May 31, 1939 Griffin, Myrtle Datha Plyler w/o Bonsel F. Griffin Nov 27, 1913-Aug 19, 1941 Griffin, Rebecca Curlee w/o Bonsel Ford Griffin And Jim Griffin Nov 22, 1931-Feb 8, 2005 Griffin, Dianne Griffin s/o Bonsel F. and Rebecca Griffin Sept 30, 1949-Mar 25, 1950 Griffin, Ruby Lee d/o J.D. and Carrie Griffin Sept 15, 1911-June 27, 1932 Griffin, Sallie L. w/o Harvey W. Griffin Apr 17, 1884-Dec 19, 1976 Griffin, Stacy O. Mar 3, 1923-Nov 11, 1946 Griffin, Tommy P. June 13, 1934-Jan 26, 1967 Griffin, William Gay Ford Apr 23, 1904-Oct 31, 1947 N.C. MILDR 2c U.S.N.R WWII Griffin, Wilson H. May 14, 1915-June 2, 1983 U.S. ARMY WWII Harrington, Estelle S. w/o E.T. Harrington July 12 1878-Dec 21, 1944 Harrington, E.T. Feb 16, 1883-Dec 15, 1938 Helms, J.D. Sr Aug 9, 1906-Apr 23, 1974 Helms, Maude G. (Gladys) Huneycutt w/o J.D. Helms Sr. July 22, 1907-June 2, 1985 Helms, Walter R. s/o J.D. and Maude Helms Dec 4, 1929-Feb 24, 1930 Hotchkiss, Elizabeth Feb 1830-June 1903 Hotchkiss, H.C., Col. Aug 1831-Feb 1916 Johnson, Robert A. Rev. Aug 12, 1932-Jan 4, 1983 Lowery, Annie Lee Sept 18, 1844-Apr 16, 1947 Lowery, Atha Lee w/o James Albert Lowery Jan 7, 1915-Nov 15, 1991 Lowery, Charles Wesley Aug 25, 1908-Mar 8, 1965 Lowery, James A. 1880-1940 Lowery, James Albert Oct 19, 1911-No Date Lowery, James Albert III Feb 15, 1938-Mar 3, 1979 Lowery, Laura M. w/o James A. Lowery 1883-1974 Lowery, Phyllis Ann w/o James Albert Lowery III Oct 11, 1938-No Date Lowery, Robert Bruce Aug 15, 1922-Mar 7, 1953 VETERAN OF WWII Mangum, Clarence W. June 18, 1899-July 21, 1977 Mangum, Ethel A. w/o Frank W. Mangum Nov 30, 1898-Dec 12, 1942 Mangum, Esther W. Griffin w/o Clarence W. Mangum Jan 6, 1905-Mar 1988 Married: Jan 6, 1926 Their children: Clarence Jr, Paul H, Irene, Ruby Lee, Loretta, Linda J, Carol, And an infant daughter Mangum, Franklin Ward Nov 28, 1937-Feb 19, 1938 Mangum, Frank W. May 11, 1893-Jan 23, 1961 Mangum, Moses Wayne May 31, 1941-Sept 16, 1958 Mangum, Timothy F. s/o J.W. and Clara Mangum Apr 20, 1968-Apr 25, 1968 Miller, Infant d/o B.E. and M. Miller May 13, 1923-May 13, 1923 Outlaw, Infant s/o Pearl and Geogia Y. Outlaw Oct 18, 1931-Oct 18, 1931 Outlaw, Infant s/o Jesse and Nellie Outlaw June 4, 1934-June 4, 1934 Outlaw, Jesse C. Rev. 1912-1972 Outlaw, Nellie S. w/o Rev. Jesse Outlaw 1916-1993 Plyler, Jack 1923-2004 Robinson, Carrie H. July 1, 1900-Feb 2, 1980 Robinson, John A. Dec 25, 1884-Dec 5, 1951 Rorie, Alice w/o James Miller Rorie Sept 1, 1894-Nov 9, 1955 Rorie, James Miller July 13, 1902-May 15, 1986 N.C. PVT. SUPPLY Co. 119 INF. WWI Rorie, Kimberly Renee d/o Jim and Bettie Rorie No Dates Sikes, Kate G. May 16, 1908-July 9, 1940 Sistare, Betty Mangum w/o Floyd C. Sistare Apr 19, 1932-Jan 2, 1996 Sistare, Floyd C. 1927-1966 Starnes, James W. 1924-1961 Starned, Nancy Fincher w/o Otho Purdue Starnes Feb 23, 1904-May 10, 1979 Starnes, Otho Purdue Aug 9, 1904-June 27, 1991 Starnes, Roena B. w/o James W. Starnes 1921-No Date Starnes, Sarah E. w/o Walter L. Starnes May 18, 1871-Feb 21, 1942 Starnes, Walter L. Nov 4, 1872-Aug 8 1933 Yarbrough, Alma Medlin w/o John Berdine Yarbrough Nov 12, 1909-Dec 23, 1995 d/o James Albert and Samira Jane Whitley Medlin Yarbrough, Arlevia N. w/o J.L. Yarbrough Apr 10, 1931-July 11, 1950 Yarbrough, Howard N. Oct 17, 1903-May 29, 1978 Yarbrough, John Berdine May 21, 1913-Dec 15, 1965 Yarbrough, John B. (Berdine) Sr. Mar 27, 1879-Jan 5, 1956 Yarbrough, Sarah Mrs. Sept 11, 1841-May 22, 1935 New Section Doster, Irene Y. (Yarbrough) w/o J. Odus Doster Dec 6, 1930-Mar 27, 2005 Doster, J. Odus Aug 9, 1923-May 15, 1993 Floyd, Merritt Edd Apr 23, 1908-Feb 11, 1985 Floyd, Grace Crook w/o Merritt Edd Floyd July 27, 1915-No Date Mangum, John C. Apr 12, 1920-No Date Mangum, Sadie L. w/ John C. Mangum Apr 9, 1922-Aug 31, 2005 Taylor, Earl Franklin July 16, 1916-Jan 25, 1995 Taylor, Mae Valentine w/o Earl Franklin Taylor Nov 18, 1917-Apr 12, 2004 Yarborugh, J Neal 1923-1989 Yarbrough, Louise M. w/o J. Neal Yarbrough 1922-No Date ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Ann Price - Gumpysmom1@aol.com _____________________________________________________________________