Wake County NcArchives Deed.....Reavis, William - Rogers, Et Al May 2, 1842 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson beverly_wat@msn.com July 6, 2010, 5:30 am Written: May 2, 1842 Recorded: May 3, 1842 Wake County, North Carolina Deed Book 15, Pg 86 2 May 1842 William Reavis § State of North Carolina To § Peleg and Allen Rogers § Wake County This Indenture made and indented this the 2nd day of May 1842 Between William Reavis of the County of Wake and State of North Carolina of the one part and Peleg S. Rogers and Allen Rogers of the other parts all of the County of Wake and State, Witnesseth that Whereas William Reavis Stands justly indebted to Peleg Rogers in the sum of One hundred and four Dollars 7/100 --- by --- at Int. from the 3rd day of May 1842 and from a desire to secure the amount of the same and such Int. and cost as may accrue I the said William Reavis for the consideration of the sum of one Dollar to me in hand, paid by the said Peleg Rogers as before the assigning and sealing of same have this day bargained Sold and Confirmed unto him the said Peleg Rogers the following property (to wit) 3 head of horses, one colt, three head of hogs household and kitchen furniture one Bridle and Saddle and Martingales and blanket 2 beq---- 2 Stocks fodder a parcel Bacon and corn, all my growing crop consisting of corn, cotton, wheat oats and potatoes, all my Int in the estate of Samuel Reavis decd by his will and Testament That is the one fourth part of said estate at the death death (sic?) of my mother Nancy Reavis Consisting of 2 Negroes To wit) Peter and Anthony. Two hundred and thirty acres of land adjoining the lands of Benjamin Rogers and others which property and interest etc as above mentioned I the said William Reavis bind my self my heirs and assigns to warrant and defend the right and title untohim the said Peleg Rogers his heirs and assigns forever against all manner of Persons whatsoever upon Trust. Nevertheless the said Peleg Rogers is at liberty and fully impowered by both parties at any time after th 1st day of November 1842 5o give ten days notice to sell and dispose of the same to the highest bidder and pay said debt as expressed (?) and such Int. and cost as may be due and to turn the balance to the said William Reaves and should there be any remaining in Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal this day and date first Written. W. Reavis (Seal) Witness E. R. Hart Peleg Rogers (Seal) Allen Rogers (Seal) State of North Carolina Wake County, Clerks Office May the 3rd 1842 - The execution of the foregoing deed of Trust was this day duly proven before me by the Oath of E. R. Hart the subscribing Witness thereto let it be Registered. Jas. T. Marriott C.C. Filed for registration 20 minutes after Eleven Oclock --- May 3rd, 1842 R. Smith Regr Registered in the Registers Office of Wake County in Book 15 and page 56 this 3rd day of May 1842. R. Smith Regr File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/wake/deeds/rogers532dd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ncfiles/ File size: 3.5 Kb