Wake County, NC - William Partin Will ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last Will and Testament of William Partin Wake County, 1822, Book 17, page 385 Signed November 24, 1821; exhibited in open court for probate on May 1822 In the name of God, amen. I WILLIAM PARTIN of the County of Wake, in the State of North Carolina do make and ordain this instrument to be my last will and testament in manner following this Premis. I lend to my beloved wife CANDIS PARTIN during her life the plantation wheron I now live including two hundred and ten acres to be laid off where she should choose. I also give my said wife all my negroes, namely Morning, David, (Heuesis or Housemen), Chucky, and Samuel to be disposed of at her discretion equally between all my daughters, namely, PENININA PARTIN, PATSY PARTIN, CANDIS PARTIN, CYNTHIA PARTIN, and MARY ANN PARTIN. Except my wife should be of opinion that by the increase of said negroes or otherwise they should be of more real value than what my sons has had heretofore and now given them from me, then my wish is that my said wife may divide the surplus first of said negroes equally between all my sons, namely, JOHN, PINCKNEY, ELDRIDGE, ALFRED, WILLIAM and ALDRIDGE PARTIN, nevertheless she is at liberty finally to sell one or more of the said negroes as she may think proper. I also give to my said wife all my livestock of every sort and all my household and kitchen furniture and all my crops of grain and provision of every sort that may be on hand at my decease and all the plantation utensils of every sort to be disposed of at her discretion. Item 2. I give to my son JOHN PARTIN and to my son ELDRIDGE PARTIN five hundred and twenty five acres of land known by the name of the Poo Land to be equally divided between them as they may agree and if they do not agree among themselves for each of them to choose a respectable man to divide the said land and if they cannot agree for them to choose a third and this decision to be final, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. Item 3. I give to my son PICKNEY PARTIN two hundred acres of land more or less bounded as follows, beginning at a White oak in the fork of the Red Buck Branch thence north to a heart oak, Ethelred Jones and my own corner thence east for compliment to him and his heirs and assigns forever. Item 4. I give all the remainders of my land that are not otherwise given or loaned in this will to be equally divided between my two sons, ALFRED PARTIN and WILLIAM PARTIN at the discretion of my wife to them their heirs and assigns forever. Item 5. After my wife decease I give the plantation and all the land I loaned to her to my son ALDRIDGE PARTIN to him his heirs and assigns forever. Item 6. All the rest of my estate wherever found I give to my said wife CANDIS to be disposed of at her own discretion and lastly I nominate and appoint my wife CANDIS PARTIN and my son JOHN PARTIN executrix and executor of this my last will and testament in witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the 24th day of November 1821. WILLIAM PARTIN (Seal) Witnesses: Col. Turner John Fish ________________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sandy Mitchell - CdraMitch@aol.com ________________________________________________________________________