Wake County NcArchives Wills.....Stephenson, David 1808 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Mark Valsame MV66NC@msn.com August 17, 2018, 3:08 pm Source: N C Archives Written: 1808 Will of David Stephenson Wake County, NC Original Wills, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC; Recorded Copy, Wake County, NC Wills, Inventories, and Settlement of Estates, Book 8, 1808-1809, pp. 9-12. Devised January 29, 1808, Proven May Term, 1808. State of No Carolina Wake County In the name of God Amen - I David Stephenson of the County and State afsd (Planter) being in Perfect health of body and of sound mind and memory thank[s] be given to almighty God, but calling to mind the Mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (to wit). I Give and bequeath my body to earth to be buried in a decent Christian like manner my soul recommend into the hands of Almighty God that gave it, not doubting but I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God, and as touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life I give and dispose of the same in manner and form following (to wit). I give and bequeath to my Daughter Talitha forty acres of land lying on Swift Creek Joining the lands of son Simon, during her natural life and after her decease to descend to my son Stephen, also one Negro man named Tom, one girl named Thamar, one dish, one bed and furniture, one looking glass, one chest, one kettle, one bay horse bridle and saddle to her and her heirs and assigns forever. I Give and bequeath to my son Simon one Negro boy named Jordan now in his possession, also Buchan's domestic Medicine to him and his heirs and assigns forever. I Give and bequeath unto my son Jonathan, Bailey's dictionary to him his heirs and assigns forever. I Give and bequeath unto my son Britton a tract or parcel of land containing by estimation forty acres purchased of sd son Jonathan to him his heirs and assigns forever. I Give and bequeath to my daughter Polly one hundred & fifty acres of land it being part of a tract of land purchased of Jonas Lassiter, one bed and furniture, one horse bridle and saddle, one dish, one Negro girl named Feruby, to her and her heirs forever. I Give and bequeath to my son David one hundred & ninety one acres of land it being part of a tract of land purchased of Anthony Franks, also two hundred acres lying on Terrible Creek purchased of John Phillips, also one tract lying on the No side of Swift Creek granted by the State, containing one hundred & twenty four acres, one horse bridle and saddle, one bed & furniture, one Spice Morter to him his heirs and assigns forever. I Give and bequeath to my son Stephen the land whereon I now live containing by estimation two hundred & thirty six acres, seventy seven acres purchased of B. [Britton] Myatt, one hund and sixty acres purchd of Jno Myatt, Forty Nine acres purchd of sd. B. [Britton] Myatt, Fifty eight acres of land lying on Watson's branch Granted me by the State, one still, one horse bridle & saddle, one bed and furniture to him his heirs & assigns forever. I Give and bequeath unto my Grand son Joshua Wiatt Stephenson One Negro Girl named Sarah to him his heirs and assigns forever. I Give and bequeath to my two sons David and Stephen to be equally divided between them when they come of ages, the four following Negroes (to wit) Hasty, Zadock, Peter, & Patience, to them & their heirs forever. My further will and desire is, that my Negro woman Nancy & her future increase to live with her choice of my Children until my son Stephen comes of age, then her increase to be equally divided among all my Children, & herself still at liberty to make choice which she would choose to live with, and her choices shall be sole proprietor of her and her increase after that division. The remainder of my property I wish to be sold & equally divided among all my Children. I also Nominate and appoint my two sons Simon & Jonathan Exrs to this my last will & Testament revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. Signed, seald, and acknowledgd by the sd David Stephenson to be his last will & testament in presence of us this twenty ninth day of Jany one thousand eight hundred & eight. William Lane } Jurats John (S) Marr} David Stephenson Wake County Court May Term 1808. The within will was in open Court duly proven by the Oaths of William Lane and John Marr subscribing witness[e]s thereto and ordered to be recorded. Wm Hill Clk Recorded in the Clerks Office of Wake County in Book E & page 9th 10th June 1808 Wm Hill Clk Transcribed by Mark Valsame, Raleigh, NC. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/wake/wills/stephens2658gwl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ncfiles/ File size: 5.3 Kb