Warren County NcArchives Court.....Potts, Oswell 1779 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Guy Potts http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00017.html#0004214 April 30, 2018, 4:31 am Source: Familysearch.org Written: 1779 Oswell Potts Estate, 1779 Warren County, NC Robert Caller, Administrator ---------- Inventory of Oswell Poots late deceased 2 beds one rug and bed quilt one bed + stead one chist one spining wheel one pair of cards 3 rubs one pail one frying pan 3 weeding hoes one ax one table one looking glass 3 plates one dish one pottle bason 2 plow howes one saddle one jug one candle stick 2 pot hooks one flesh folks Warren County August Court 1779 This Inventory of the estate of Oswell Potts dec'd was returned into court by Robert Caller the admins't and the same is ordered to be recorded. Test Tho's Machen CC --------- The estate of Oswall Pots dec'd sold October 20, 1779 John Twity, 3 hillen howes To do, 2 plow howes To do, flesh forks and candil sticks and pot hooks William Meler, 2 weages and one ax Peter Twity, one glass John Wood, 3 plates, one dish, one bason Joseph Miller, one frin pann John White, one pare of cards Micheil Wood, one chest Peter Twity, one saddil tree John Twity, one pail and tubb Thomas Numan, one table John Wood, one wheal and spindal Elesebeth Pots, one bead and rug John White, one bed and quilt Charles Caller, one table John Twity, one guage Joseph Miller, one tubb The account of the sale of the estate of Oswell Potts dec'd was returned into court by Isaac Acre? Deputy Sheriff and the same is ordered to be recorded. Test Tho's Machen CC ---------- I promise to pay or cause to be paid unto William Poots the sum of fifty pound proc money to be paid by the first day of May next esuing the date hereof my hand and seal in the year of our Congress 1779. Robert Caller File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/warren/court/potts3428wl.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.poppet.org/ncfiles/ File size: 2.2 Kb