Spruill, Frederick - 1859 - Washington Co., NC - Wills Submitted by Teresa Kelley takelley@erols.com SPRUILL FAMILY WILLS FREDERICK SPRUILL May 5, 1859 In the name of God Amen, I Frederick SPRUILL of the County of Washington in the State of North Carolina being of sound disposing mind and memory, do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking all other wills heretofore made. FIRST I desire and direct my remains to be buried in a decent and Christian manner at the discretion of my Executor and Executrix hereinafter to be appointed. SECOND I direct that my just debts be paid by my said Executor and Executrix in such manner as is legal and as they may think best for all conserned in my estate. THIRD I lend to my beloved wife Mary E. SPRUILL for and during her life of widowhood the following property. Viz. my tract of land whereon I live also all of my cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, farming utensils of every kind also all my household and kitchen furniture for and during her life of widowhood as aforesaid. FOURTH I will & direct that my said wife shall cultivate the lands or cause the same to be done to inable her to provide food & raiment for my children & she to keep them free from expense my said wife shall have right to make sales of such portion of the crops & stock as shall be necessary to purchase such things as shall be necessary for her support and family. FIFTH I give & devise unto my children in common the tract of land whereon I live to be taken in possession at the death of my said wife to them their heirs & assigns forever. SIXTH I direct that the movable property mentioned in the third item of this will shall go to my children equally at the death of my said wife. SEVENTH I will and direct that if my said wife shall marry again that a sale of all the property herein mentioned shall take place and the proceeds to be divided between each of my children & my said wife. FINALLY I nominate & appoint my Brother James T. SPRUILL Executor & my wife Mary E. SPRUILL Executrix to this my last will & Testament. This 5th day of May 1859 (signed) Frederick Spruill Witness C LEWIS James TARKINTEN ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ================================= USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogy information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must contact the submitter or the listed USGenWeb archivist.