Wayne County, NC - Jesse Croom Bible Updated October 10, 2008 JESSE CROOM BIBLE AND RECORDS (two different Jesse Crooms, uncle and nephew) Found at NSDAR Library in the Jesse Croom folder. As in any typed transcript, there are usually errors and the researcher should be aware of this problem. John Croom has made several corrections from his research and those are noted with a NOTE: the correction and his initials. NOTES FOR JESSE - from the Croom website and researched by John Croom NOTE by JC: JESSE CROOM (Abel, Daniel), b 12 Jan 1739/40 probably in Cumberland Co, VA; m 1st in NC Name Unknown. Some have speculated that this wife was ANNE GRADY, dau of JOHN GRADY (1710-1787) and his wife, the former MARY WHITFIELD, d 1791. No evidence has been found to support this contention, other than several GRADY records, which infer that ANNE GRADY married a MR. CROOM. Circumstantial evidence, on the other hand, suggests ANNE GRADY may have married a brother of JESSE, either JOHN or MAJOR, all sons of ABEL CROOM, in Dobbs or Duplin County. Following the death of JESSE’S first wife, name unknown, between 1779 and 1783, JESSE married SARAH RAMSEY, b 18 Nov 1759 in NC, a dau of David and Sarah RAMSEY. SARAH RAMSEY CROOM died 1 Nov 1819 in New Hanover Co. All of the children of JESSE & SARAH were born in an area of New Hanover County that now is Pender County.(jc) A Certified hand written copy of the Jesse Croom Bible The original information is on a loose sheet of copy-papers, filled in by hand and kept throughout the years in the family Bible originally owned by J. Swinson, Jr. born 1800. The National Genealogical Society Quarterly, December 1933 ran a copy of this Bible. The source cited was a sheet of paper which had resided in the SWINSON FAMILY BIBLE for a long time. In 1933, it was then in the possession of Miss Lillie May McIntyre of Rocky Mount, NC. (jc) It is not known where the Bible is today. Births Jesse Croom & family John Croom was born the 25th January 1764 Mary Croom was born the 8th of September 1766 Abel Croom was born the 20th of January 1769 Lydda Croom was born the 6th of February 1772 Zilphah Croom was born the 4th of March 1774 Ann Croom was born the 22nd January 1776 Elizabeth Croom was born the 1st of April 1779 NOTE: A note inserted indicates the above children were by the first wife and the below children by the 2nd wife. Jesse Croom was born the 23rd of January 1784 Major Croom was born the 9th of October 1785 William R. Croom was born the 24th August 1787 Lany Croom was born the 28th of January 1790 Ascenath Croom was born the 12th of April 1792 Treacy Croom was born the 6th of August 1794 Lott Croom was born the 27th of May 1797 Nancy Croom was born the 21st of April 1799 Harry Croom was born the 18th of August 1801 NOTE: This should be Hardy Croom (jc) NOTE: It appears the Bible the above information was kept in was the Swinson Bible. The following information was supplied in a letter from Mrs. William H. McIntyre in whose hands the above Bible appears to have been in 1958. "In the J. Swinson, Jr. Bible written by hand on the page under FAMILY RECORD I find this Elizabeth Croom the mother of Nancy & T. A. Swinson was the daughter of Jesse Croom by the lst wife born 1st day April 1779" NOTE: Prior to her marriage to JOHN AUSTIN SWINSON, ELIZABETH, d/o JESSE CROOM & his first wife, bore a daughter and a son sired by HENRY GRADY, according to 18 Jul 1804 Duplin County Court minutes. Though the two children took the GRADY surname, no record has been found of Elizabeth’s marriage to HENRY GRADY. The children are enumerated in the 1820 Duplin County Census of the JOHN AUSTIN SWINSON household.(jc) From the same Swinson Bible are the following records T. A. Swinson borned September 2d 1818 Nancy Swinson borned July 1st 1817 A Family Group Sheet is attached Major Croom Jr son of Major Croom Sr. and Elizabeth surname unknown Major Croom Jr bc 1823 New Hanover County, NC died ca 18-New Hanover now Pender County, NC Married Emily Pridgen b 17 October 1822 New Hanover County, NC - information from Family Bible - parents Isaiah and Tabitha Jane Bourdeaux Pridgen Isaiah Pridgen had a Will in New Hanover County CHILDREN OF MAJOR AND EMILY PRIDGEN CROOM Gaston Haywood Croom - b 15 March 1843 died 21 May 1919 - md Caroline Jane Pigford on 20 November 1866 Mary F. Croom - b 1845 married 21 August 1867 to William S. Pigford Anne Tabitha Croom - b 27 Sept. 1847 d 21 July 1922 - md Francis Warren Pridgen on 3 Feb. 1879 William Pridgen Croom - b 15 Dec 1849 d 17 May 1930 md 24 December 1874 Cordelia Pridgen Sarah Ellen Croom - bc 1852 d 1934 md 7 May 1876 Davis Rowe Stephen D. Croom - b 15 June 1866 d 5 April 1929 - md 29 April 1886 Addie A. Formy (DuVal) NOTE by JC: The 1860 New Hanover County Census lists Stephen D. Croom, age 1, in the household of Major and Emily Croom, so the 1866 appears to a typo. (jc) DEED - New Hanover County Deed Book C p 269 - 30 Jan 1846 - Major Croom Jr from Joshua Penny and his wife Jane Penny - land on ES Long Creek where Major Croom deceased and family lived - wherefore said Joshua Penny and wife Rebeccah Jane Penny being heirs at law and legatees to said estate, do grant a Quit Claim to said Major Croom Jun for all claims and rights whatever they may be when estate of said Major Croom Jr deceased is equally divided among heirs. Signed Joshua C. Penny Rebecca Jane Penny NOTE: by WPA - If Rebecca Jane is the age by which Joshua Penny and his wife are heirs at law of Major Croom Jr why is she not listed among his children. What is the relationship by which she or even her husband became heirs at law to this estate. Additional research needed to clarify this matter. NOTE by JC: I believe the Note at the end by "WPA" was written by William P. Appleberry of Newport Beach, CA. He was descended from William Right CROOM, son of Jesse and grandson of Abel. Mr. Appleberry did a lot of family research before he died in November 1988. (jc) ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Martha Mewborn Marble - 58marble@suddenlink.net ______________________________________________________________________