Wayne County NcArchives Deed.....Little Washington News ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cathy Blow rblow55@gmail.com ---------- Goldsboro Messenger - April 2, 1877 The Goldsboro colored people are exceedingly anxious to see this school located in Little Washington near this town, and will offer the Wilberforce school house for that purpose. The last Legislature, it will be remembered, at the suggestion of the Governor, appropriated $2000 for the education of colored school teachers. ---------- Goldsboro Messenger - February 27, 1879 The following were taken from the calendar and passed, to wit: (All locations in Wayne County) Senate bill prohibiting fishing in the water of Great Swamp Senate bill to incorporate the town of Middleburg Senate bill to incorporate the town of Sauls' Cross Roads Senate bill to incorporate the town of Little Washington Senate bill to authorize the commissioners of the town of Goldsboro to levy a special tax to erect a market house and a town hall ---------- Goldsboro Messenger - April 12, 1880 Notice By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to us by James Williams and wife Abby, on 31st January, 1878, which was recorded in the Register's office of Wayne county, in Book O.O., page 518, for purposes therein expressed, we shall sell, at the Court House door in the town of Goldsboro, NC on Monday, the 12th day of July 1880, the Real Estate therein conveyed, being a town lot situated in what is known as Little Washington. Terms of sale cash. H. Weil & Bros., Goldsboro, NC, April 10, 1880. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - April 3, 1895 The Republian city politicians held a conclave in Little Washington last night; Slover Bryant, Simon Sasser, Major Grant, and others; for the purpose of devising ways and means for carrying the city Republican in the coming May municipal election. Save the mark! But Goldsboro is Democratic, and Democracy will rule within her progressive domain. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - January 5, 1897 Notice North Carolina, Wayne County, in Superior Court - J. J. Robinson, administrator of Needham Kennedy, alias Needham Everett, deceased VS J. T. Sampson and wife, Martha Ann Sampson; Henry Kennedy; Charlie Kennedy; M. W. Aldridge and wife Fanny Aldridge; William Kennedy; Charley Dent and wife Ida Dent; Levi Kennedy; and Bryant Kennedy The defendants, Henry Kennedy, Charlie Kennedy and Wm. Kennedy, above named, are hereby notified to appear and answer or demur to the complaint filed herein before the clerk of the Superior Court for Wayne county, at his office in said county, on the 9th day of January, 1897; and they are further notified that said action is brought for the purpose of selling the lands of the decedent, to wit: Three lots, situate in Little Washington, adjoining the lands of Wm. Henry Edmundson and others, and to satisfy the debts and charges of administration of said decedent. C. F. Herring, This 27th day of Nov. 1896. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - August 3, 1898 A petition from Colored men to organize a fire company in Little Washington was referred to the proper committee. ---------- Goldsboro Weekly Argus - May 1, 1902 The death of Jake Gill, and old and respectable colored man, occurred Monday morning at his home in Little Washington. The old fellow has always been a hard working, industrious darkey and he was known to have saved up a few hundred dollars, which he had hid somewhere. A short while before he died it is believed he tried to tell where his money was hid, but he had waited too long and failed to talk. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - May 28, 1904 For Sale Cheap A good Investment in Real Estate; Two Lots in Little Washington; Rental $100 per year; Price $1,000; Terms to suit purchaser. Apply to Humphrey-Gibson Co. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - May 18, 1906 The Mayor issued a warrant this morning for Gus Washington, a well-known town Negro who has been under suspicion for some time of running a blind tiger in the Little Washington section, having obtained the necessary evidence to convict, but Gus was too fleet of foot. He was aware that the Negro to whom he had sold the liquor was under arrest and when the officer went for him, he, being on the alert, saw the police by the time they spied him and he "took a long lead off" and has not been seen since. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - July 10, 1906 Negro Shot on Excursion Train George Washington, the Little Washington Negro, who gained notoriety here a year or so ago as a baseball pitcher, will not serve in that capacity again for some time to come. While returning home on the colored excursion last night, Washington was shot with a pistol, the ball taking effect in his shoulder. The shooting took place near Bowden. The whole crowd were drinking and flourishing pistols, razors and knives, and it is not known for certain who fired the shot that brought Washington down. When the train arrived in this city Washington was taken by friends to his house in Little Washington and is said to be in a serious condition. The excursion party were quiet and orderly until they reached Wilmington, when they proceeded to fill up on corn "licker," and they cursed and quarreled all the way back until the shooting, when things kinder quieted down. It is strange that colored people can not go off on a trip like that without filling up on mean whiskey, and arming themselves with pistols and razors. But they can't. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - October 1, 1906 Police officers Smith and Fulgham had quiet a lively experience with a Negro by the name of Jake Graham, in the Little Washington section last night. Graham and his wife were engaged in a fight and were creating quite a commotion, when the two officers appeared on the scene. There was no light in the room and when officer Smith layed hands on the Negro, Graham, who did not know who had him, offered a fight and he and the officer had it in the dark, first across the bed and then on the floor. Officer Fulgham went to the rescue and with a few well delivered blows with his billy, brought Graham to his senses and he realized for the first time that he was in the hands of the "cops". ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - November 12, 1906 To the Public This is to certify my friends and the general public that I have opened up a RETAIL GROCERY BUSINESS in Little Washington section of this city (the old L. D. Bass stand), where I will keep at all times a fresh lot of Country Produce, such as Eggs, Chickens, N. C. Hams, Bacon, etc., and respectfully solicit a share of your trade, and will endeavor to please you. Phone your wants to 73, we will do the rest. Yours to please N. H. Merritt ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - January 11, 1907 Last night about 8 o'clock a colored woman, Sarah Cooper, was discovered dead in her house in Little Washington, on the extreme southern square of George Street, and the circumstances point to foul play - to murder - and Coroner Stanley is today holding an inquest, with a jury, which, at the hour of going to press, are still hearing evidence. The dead woman draws a quarterly pension from the U. S. government of $26, and few days ago one of her quarterly pensions fell due, and it is surmised that she was murdered for the purpose of robbery. This is further sustained by the fact that her room had been thoroughly ransacked. We refrain from further publications until the jury reports. ---------- Goldsboro Weekly Argus - April 11, 1907 The death of "Aunt Lou," 70 years old, wife of Haywood Hogans, a well known colored citizen and truck farmer, occurred last night, at their home in Little Washington, this city. She was one of the old time colored folks, now getting all to scarce, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. ---------- Goldsboro Weekly Argus - May 14, 1908 Notice of Sale On Friday, May 29th, 1908, at 12 o'clock M., at the late residence of Eliza Mumford, deceased, in or near Little Washington, Goldsboro, North Carolina. I shall sell for cash by public auction household and kitchen furniture and clothing and other personal property belonging to the estate of the said Eliza Mumford. This the 9th day of May, 1908. F. A. Daniels, Administrator of Eliza Mumford deceased. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - June 4, 1908 The fire alarm last night about 9 o'clock was occasioned by the burning of two small tenement houses below Little Washington - too far out for the fire department to reach them with their hose. The alarm today at noon came from the same quarter, but amounted to nothing. ---------- Goldsboro Weekly Argus - March 4, 1909 Shooting Affair in Little Washington In an accidental shooting affair in Little Washington this afternoon, a young son of Walter Smith, colored was probably fatally shot by Ed. Hadley a colored boy. The latter was playing with a loaded pistol. Hadley was arrested and lodged in jail to await the result of the wound to young Smith. ---------- Goldsboro Daily Argus - March 18, 1909 D. L. Edgerton Sells Seven Houses Mr. D. L. Edgerton closed a deal Wednesday, whereby W. J. Gibson & Co. purchased seven houses in Little Washington. The purchase price was $1,000.