Wayne County, NC - Outlaw-Smith Cemetery ~~~~~~~~~~ This Cemetery is located off of Butterfly Court road which is in a new development. In March of 2006 they had just cut the roads into this area and the cemetery is on the right. Up until then you had to walk thru the brush to find the cemetery. Butterly Court Road is off Emmaus Church Road. Outlaw-Smith Cemetery Butterfly Court Lewis Outlaw Born March 19, 1819 Died Oct 24, 1899 He was in the Mexican War 2nd Srgt Co. B 1st. N.C. Volunteers Erected by his Five Sons Katie Second Wife of Lewis Outlaw Born Aug 18, 1825 Died April 7, 1880 Gone but not forgotten Erected by Five Stepsons Charlotte First Wife of Lewis Outlaw Born April 15, 1819 Died Aug 28, 1864 Though Lost to Sight To Memory Dear Erected by her Five Sons In Memory of Matthew Smith Born April 22 1826 Died Dec 20 1878 Zilpha Smith Born Jan 8 1836 Died May 18, 1888 Major W. Son of John and Julie P Smith Born July 6 1860 Died April 16 1864 Infant Son Of John & Julia P Smith Born Aug 1864 Fannie C. Dau of John and Julia P Smith Born July 11 1858 Oct 7, 1865 Bettie J Dau of John & Julia Smith Born March 28 1867 Died Dec 25 1870 Benjamin Taylor Smith Pvt. 10th NC Rgt Rev War 1759-1840 A lot of the graves are lost when fire burned through and all the wood markers were lost. ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Sue Sewell - sewellr@prodigy.net ______________________________________________________________________