Wayne-Greene County NcArchives Church Records.....Pine Forest & Hookerton Methodist Churches Copyright Date June 13, 1904 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dorothy Lou T Walker skywalk1@embarqmail.com May 20, 2009, 9:37 am A Good Woman In The last issue or your valuable paper, page 4, I note two letters, one each from Brothers Pate and Tripp, one writing of the Hookerton Circuit and the other of the Goldsboro Circuit. Knowing the good people composing each of them these Circuits, I am not surprised that these brethren write such enthusiastic, cheering letters. But in connection with these two charges, I hope I may be pardoned for mentioning the names of two people. I do not at all agree with those who wait until death to say good things of those who deserve them. There is the handwriting of a good woman that runs through each of these Circuits, so surely, that it is due her in life to know, that her efforts are known and appreciated. I speak of Mrs. E. D. Sasser, of Pine Forest, on Goldsboro Circuit. Twenty-six years ago Pine Forest was a neighborhood school-house, situated in a community where Primitive Baptists largely predominated and Sunday-schools were unknown. But this mother in Israel, true to her convictions, decided as for her and hers there should be Sunday-school. About that time, Dr. Thos. M. Jordan, now of your city, who was then a mere boy, was engaged to teach school at Pine Forest. While the description he gave of the organization of that Sunday-school has its laughable side, nevertheless, it is in the main, facts. Quoting him from memory: “Mother Sasser,” said he, “called the ‘meetin’ to order, ‘lected me Superintendent and teacher of the Bible Class, appointed herself leader of the choir, general manger of the school and Superintendent. Ours had the largest attendance of any country Sunday-school in that county, and a very distinguishing feature of the school was, that old and young, whole families, came.” The Doctor was not a member of the church then. No doubt that experience was helpful to him, and surely it must be gratifying to Mrs. Sasser, to see him with every one of her own children, and a great many others of that Sunday-school connected with the church. Out of this beginning there has not only grown a nice church, but Mrs. Sasser has the consciousness of owning a preacher of her own, Rev. W. D. Sasser, who less than a year ago, returning to the scenes of his child hood to help in a revival, put in motion the project which has culminated in the erection of this beautiful church at Pine Forest. In regard to, and connecting the Hookerton Circuit with the Goldsboro Circuit and placing the imprint of the hand of this good woman there, it will be remembered, the Dr. Jordan, the boy Superintendent out of that Pine Forest Sunday-school, located in Hookerton, and was not only largely instrumental in erecting the elegant school and Lodge Building there, but in may be said of him, and it is generally conceded in that community, that to him more than to anyone else is due the erection of the beautiful little church at Hookerton, which because it was his plan, his hand and his eye that directed its construction into that perfection of beauty and usefulness, that the contemporaries of each will never see one without thinking of the other, and until the tooth of time shall destroy it, that church will be a living monument to his memory. May many, many years yet be allotted to Sister Sasser to enjoy the fruits of her wise sowing. What can just one determined, conscientious Christian worker do! Sincerely, Dulus H. Dixon Goldsboro, N. C., June 13, 1904 Additional Comments: Notes: Newspaper clipping from unknown source - could be letter to the editor of a Raleigh paper as at the time Dr. Jordan lived in Raleigh and that corresponds to "Dr. Thos. M. Jordan, now of your city" Source of record - the papers of Virginia Tate Alexander great granddaughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Sasser Mrs. E. D. Sasser – Elizabeth Delia Sasser – nee Holt Dr. Thomas M. Jordan – son-in-law of Mrs. Sasser – wife Ida Mae Sasser Rev. W. D. Sasser – Wiley Dewy Sasser – Methodist - son of Asa Lafayette & Elizabeth D. Sasser Goldsboro, Wayne County, NC Hookerton, Greene County, NC File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/wayne/churches/pinefore45gbb.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ncfiles/ File size: 4.7 Kb