Wayne County, NC - Auction in Waynesboro, 1819 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C.R. 103.928.6-10 - Miscellaneous Records An abstract of additions received at the rate of two & a half pr cent on Sales at auction made by Isaac W. Lane auctioneer for the town of Waynesboro in the County of Wayne from the 17th day of February 1819 to the 31st March following inclusion When Names of owners of Amount of additions Sold Goods Sold at at the Sold at rate Auction of 2 1/2 pr ct Dollars Cents Dollars Cents 1819 Feby 17th & 18th Leonard Merriman 93 85 2 31 17th & 18th A. Harman 120 81 3 02 March 30th & 31st Zenis Mitchell 80 2_ 2 04 30th & 31st John Lathan 33 60 84 30th & 31st Erastus McKinne 152 __ 3 80 30th & 31st Freeman D. Downs 78 6_ 1 96 31th & 31st Isaiah Thompson 116 70 2 92 __________________________ 676 01 16 89 1st day of April 1819 Isaac W. Lane auctioneer for the town of Waynesboro in the County of Wayne & State of No. Carolina The above accounts duly Sworn before me 29th of Septr 1819 P. Hooks Clk ====== ==== == __________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Guy Potts ___________________________________________________________________