Wayne County, NC - William Lancaster, 1786 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WILLIAM LANCASTER - QUAKER To the Honorable, the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina The humble petition of William Sanders Lancaster of Wayne County Sheweth That your petitioners Father William Lancaster, of Wayne county aforesaid, being one of the people called Quakers and making a matter of Conscience the keeping or holding any persons in slavery, hath according to the Custom of some among the Society of people called Quakers, Manumited a Certain Negroe woman named Patience & her Children Sam, Lelah, Rachel & Priss who are now going at large & under no controul of your petitioners father or any of his Family, as your petitioner humbly conceives, contrary to law. And as your petitioner hath been in his infancy at great labour and pains in raising the said Negroes, with flattering hopes that one day he might receive some advantage from the same by the Gift of his Father of some one or more of the said Negroes And as your said petitioner is not so tied down by his religions principles (he having renounced Quakerism) He humbly prays that the Title of the aforesaid Negroes, may be vested in him by such mode as your Honors, in your wisdom shall think proper to Adopt. And your petitioner shall ever pray &c Fayetteville December 13th 1786. Wm. Sanders Lancaster Source General Assembly Session Records November 1786-January 1787 Box 4 ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Grace Williamson Turner ______________________________________________________________________