Wayne County, NC - Superior Court Records - Warrick, John W Heirs File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Cathy Blow NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY In the Superior Court Before the Clerk (October 7, 1940) PETITION TO SELL LAND TO MAKE ASSETS W H Best, Jr, Administrator of John W Warrick, deceased, vs Leon Taylor & wife Sudie Mae Taylor, Lorriner Casey & husband Raymond Casey, Lewis Pipkin & wife Cora Pipkin, Milton Gainey & wife Martha Wilkins Gainey, Willie Oscar "Bill" Gainey, Ruth Brock & husband J C Brock, Needham Gainey & wife Hazel Gainey, Nora Williford & husband Jim Williford, Bettie Eason & husband Robert Eason, Annie Eason & husband Casey Eason, Charlie Westbrook & wife Cynthia Westbrook, Gurnie Westbrook & wife Lizzie Westbrook, Alice Mumford & husband Lonnie Mumford, Lottie Bridgers & husband Alkie Bridgers, Carvie Woodard & wife Ethel Woodard, Emmett Warrick & wife Maybell Warrick, Sallie Warrick, minor, Ezekiel Warrick, Eula Garris & husband Hubert Garris, Clovis Warrick & wife Elizabeth Warrick, LeRoy Warrick & wife Ethel Warrick, Lossie Jenson & husband Charlie Jenson, C G "Mink" Warrick & wife Ella Langston Warrick, Sudie Belle Sanford & husband H M Sanford, Ludie Pritchard & husband Bert Pritchard, Mallie Avery Warrick & wife Lela Warrick, Hattie Dail & husband Robert Dail, Rosa Mae Southerland & husband John Southerland, Inez Hill & husband Willie G Hill, Carl Holloman & wife Kathlene Holloman, Virginia Darden & husband Charles D Darden, Margaret Albert & husband Gene Albert, Naomi Hood & husband Thadeus Hood, Mary Williams & husband Lewis Williams, Talmadge Holloman & wife Velona Holloman, Hattie Lancaster, Mattie Hollowell, Vertie Holland & husband Henry Holland, Minnie Warrick, John W McClenny & wife Eliza J McClenny, Daniel E McClenny & wife Johnnie R McClenny, Samuel Festus McClenny & wife Callie McClenny, George McClenny & wife Nettie McClenny, Margaret Crow, Ellen Crow & husband T C Crow, Effie Edwards & husband Walter Edwards, Mary Alice Tadlock, minor, Annie Christine Lane, minor, & husband George Lane, Ennis Tadlock, minor, Doshie Tadlock, minor, Mettie Harrell, Minnie Sutton & husband Bernice Sutton, Ida L Morgan, Executrix of Julius Morgan, Ida L Morgan, J P Morgan, minor, Christopher Columbus Morgan, Hilda Josephine Morgan, Frank Rose & wife Annie Clyde Rose, Dennis Rose & wife Louise Hayes Rose, Jessie Williamson & husband Rommie Williamson, Harvey Rose, Samuel Fox McClenney, William C Brock & wife Effie Brock, Annie Elizabeth Best & husband Ruby Best, C C Brock & wife Cuzzie Brock, L L Brock & wife Addie Brock, J D Brock & wife Bonnie Brock, P A Brock & wife Myrtle Lee Brock, Lillie Mae Jackson & husband Nelson Jackson, Pearl Howell & wife Myrtie Howell, Herbert J Howell & wife Clyde K Howell, Junie B Howell & wife Beatrice Howell, Luby K Howell & wife Sallie R Howell, Needham Howell & wife Roxie Howell, Bessie Tadlock & husband W A Tadlock, Flonnie Taylor, Flora Cotton & husband John Cotton, Bertha Clayton & husband Bennie Clayton, Alice Gold & husband Wilbur Gold, A M Morgan, Thelma Harrison & husband L G Harrison Charles Pittman, Margaret Pittman Buckner & husband Dewey Buckner, Dorothy Pittman, Virginia Warrick, Lewis Bascomb Warrick & wife Christine S Warrick, Lillie Mae Woodham & husband B M Woodham, Mary Sue Warrick, Alto Warrick & wife Ruth George Warrick, Julia Hicks & husband C P Hicks, Vera Gwaltney & husband Robert Gwaltney, Eula Mae McArthur & husband Jasper McArthur, Hazel Wooten & husband Denard Wooten, Luther Franklin Warrick & wife Mildred Thrash Warrick, James Edward Warrick, James Howard Warrick & wife Mary Burt Warrick, Helen Warrick, Mildred Warrick, Annette Warrick, minor, George Warrick & wife Eula Warrick, Steve Warrick & wife Minnie Warrick, Jesse Warrick, Tom J Warrick, Florence King & husband J E King, Mamie Roberts & husband Elija W Roberts, Ida Moseley & husband Ben L Moseley, John T Warrick & wife Ila Warrick, Reuben F Warrick & wife K C Warrick, James F Warrick & wife Ethel Warrick, Burie S Warrick & wife Lucy Warrick, Elma T Warrick & wife Louise Warrick, Sidney S Warrick & wife Fannie Warrick, Herbert W Warrick & wife Lois Warrick, Mary T Booker & husband Tom Booker, Minnie O Grimes, W J Kimbro, Costan Kimbro & wife Ida Kimbro, Scenie Davis & husband Shelby Davis, S W Kimbro & wife Lena Kimbro, Sid Kimbro & wife Lizzie Kimbro, Bessie Plant & husband Eric Plant, George M Warrick, Archie Warrick & wife Bessie Warrick, William Warrick & wife Annie Warrick, Fred N Warrick & wife Gracie Warrick, Grace Poindexter & husband John Poindexter, Annie Ruth Guest & husband John Guest, Ben Ashley Warrick, Mamie Wight & husband L S Wight, Lita Johnson & husband William Johnson, Annie Hines & husband J F Hines, Essie Hood Davis & husband Victor Davis, Hazel Sasser, Rachel Sasser, minor, Mamie Stutts & husband Jesse Lawrence Stutts, Walter Dunbar & wife Lucy Butts Dunbar, Margaret Holmes & husband George Holmes, Albert Dunbar & wife Mathel Laws Dunbar, Thelma Bizzell & husband Ingram Bizzell, Maggie Thompson & husband Zadock Thompson, Annie Vinson & husband David Vinson, Bettie Sanford & husband A Lee Sanford, Morris Warrick, Dorris Warrick, Bessie Powell & husband S N Powell, Raymond Warrick & wife Charlotte Warrick, Fred Warrick, Larry Warrick & wife Debra Warrick, Albert Warrick, Alice Berry & husband E E Berry, Robie Warrick & wife Ruth Warrick, Vara Wiggins & husband Lewis Wiggins, Fannie Lane, Nettie Stucky & husband Fred W Stucky, Lola Edwards & husband Daniel Edwards, Sallie Faucett & husband Albert Faucett, Charlie Warrick & wife Jessie Warrick, Flossie Gaylor & husband Lonnie Gaylor, W J Hudson & wife Etta Hudson, Sallie Warrick, Dessie Grantham, Gertie Hood & husband G E "Bill" Hood, David Grantham & wife Marion Grantham, Sudie Jones, Alice Quinn & husband Leon Quinn, Edna B Aycock & husband Bryan Aycock, Holly Hudson & wife Myrtle Hudson, Charlie C Hudson & wife Minnie Hudson, Flonnie Jackson & husband William Blake Jackson, Ludie Smith & husband Robert Lee Smith, Hughie Barefoot & wife Martha Barefoot, Liston Barefoot & wife Lillian Barefoot, Ida Mae Barefoot, Coleman D Barefoot & wife Josephine Margaret Barefoot, Sam D Hudson & wife Annie Hudson, Alma Barefoot & husband Bradie Barefoot, Eva Lewis & husband Alphonzo Lewis, Annie Lou Lee & husband Floyd Lee, John T Hudson & wife Zilphia Hudson, Joel G Hudson & wife Ida Hudson, George W Hudson & wife Mamie Hudson, Jim Warrick, Jess Warrick & wife Nell Cogdell Warrick, Walter Warrick, Bernice Gwaltney & husband A W Gwaltney, Ida French, Bertha Dickens & husband Mance Dickens, Jennie Warrick, E L Parker & wife Pearl Parker, Josey Fertilizer Corporation, Farmers Cotton Oil Company, Johnson Cotton Company, Inc, W R Rawleigh Company, Inc, & A A Corbett. W H Best, Jr, Administrator of John W Warrick, deceased, respectfully shows to the court: 1. That he was duly appointed administrator of the estate of said deceased by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wayne County on April 3, 1940, and thereupon entered upon the duties of administration of said estate. 2. That the following personal property has come into the hands of your administrator as belonging to said estate: $56.50, of which the larger portion represents proceeds from auction sale of articles of personal property of deceased, enumerated in Inventory, from which $56.50 the following amounts have been withdrawn and paid out in the course of administration: $3.00 to Clerk Superior Court for administrator's qualification fee, $1.10 to Clerk Superior Court as cost of filing Inventory, $15.00 for expenses of auction sale of personal property referred to and $5.00 to Goldsboro Weekly Record for publishing Administrator's Notice, leaving a balance now on hand to pay debts of only $32.55. 3. That your administrator has already had claim filed with him or notice of claims against said estate which are valid of approximately $500.00, of which approximately $50.00 is due Luby Stephens as balance on note, $365.40 is due Seymour Funeral Home for deceased's funeral expenses, $50.00 is due Eli Pate for tombstone furnished for deceased, the balance of said $500.00 indebtedness consisting in a number of small claims, and that, in addition to the indebtedness mentioned, the costs of administration will amount to as much as $150.00. 4. That, as stated in paragraph two, above, your administrator has only $32.55 in personal property belonging to the estate to apply on the debts mentioned and costs of administration. 5. That, at the time of his death, said intestate was seized in fee of the following tract of land situated in Grantham Township, Wayne County, North Carolina: Beginning at a stake in the Selah Church Road at the point of intersection of an old ditch, corner of Grover Hood, & runs thence with the old ditch and the line of Grover Hood N 8 E 760 feet to a stake at the point of intersection with another ditch; thence with the last- mentioned ditch and the line of Grover Hood S 85 deg 46 min W 1563 feet, then, still with ditch & Hood line, N 78 deg 59 min W 300 feet, then, still with ditch and Hood line, N 87 deg 41 min W 726 feet to the line of Mrs E M Brock; thence with her line S 2 W 637 feet to the Selah Church Road; thence with said Road S 88 E 2496.5 feet to the point of beginning, containing 38 acres, more or less, said tract of land being comprised of the tracts of land conveyed to John W Warrick by James Warrick & wife by deed dated December 18, 1896, recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Wayne County in Book 82, page 250, the tract conveyed to John W Warrick by Lewis M Gainey & wife Mary M Gainey by deed dated June 16, 1915, recorded in said Registry in Book 122, page 327, the 10 acre tract devised to John Thomas Warrick & wife Carolina P Warrick by Job Warrick, Sr, by will recorded in office of Clerk of Superior Court of Wayne County in Will Book 1, page 172 (which 10 acres includes the tract of land described in deed from Lewis M Gainey & wife Mary M Gainey to John W Warrick just referred to), and the tract conveyed to John W Warrick by Nancy Pipkin by deed dated June 16, 1915, recorded in said Registry in Book 122, page 389; the said 38 acres above described being the same tract of land described on plat of the same made by C Beems, Surveyor, from survey made in September, 1940, said plat being recorded in office of said Registry in Plat Book No (blank) page (blank), reference to all of which is hereby made. 6. That, upon information and belief, the estimated value of said tract of land is $1,499.00, being tax value thereon. 7. That the deceased left surviving him the following heirs at law, viz: Leon Taylor, Lorriner Casey, Milton Gainey, Willie Oscar "Bill" Gainey, Needham Gainey, Emmett Warrick, Sallie Warrick, Ezekiel Warrick, Eula Garris, Clovis Warrick, C G "Mink" Warrick, Sudie Belle Sanford, Mallie Avery Warrick, Lottie Bridgers, Carvie Woodard, Inez Hill, Carl Holloman, Virginia Darden, Margaret Albert, Naomi Hood, John W McClenny, Daniel E McClenny, Samuel Festus McClenny, George McClenny, Margaret Crow, Ellen Crow, Effie Edwards, Mettie Harrell, Minnie Sutton, Ida L Morgan, J P Morgan, Christopher Columbus Morgan, Hilda Josephine Morgan, Samuel Fox McClenney, Mary Williams, Talmadge Hollomon, Mattie Hollowell, Vertie Holland, Minnie Warrick, William C Brock, J C Brock & wife Ruth Brock Annie Elizabeth Best, C C Brock, L L Brock, J D Brock, P A Brock, Lillie Mae Jackson, Herbert J Howell, Junie B Howell, Luby K Howell, Needham Howell, Bessie Tadlock, Flonnie Taylor, Flora Cotton, George M Warrick, Ben Ashley Warrick, Hazel Sasser, Rachel Sasser, Mamie Stutts, Walter Dunbar, Albert Dunbar, Maggie Thompson, Annie Vinson, Bettie Sanford, Morris Warrick, Doris Warrick, Vara Wiggins, Sallie Faucett Dessie Grantham, Gertie Hood, Sudie Jones, Edna B Aycock, Sam D Hudson, E L Parker, (name marked through) all of whom reside in Wayne County, North Carolina; Lewis Pipkin, Hattie Dail, Mary Alice Tadlock, Annie Christine Lane, Ennis Tadlock, Doshie Tadlock, Hattie Lancaster, Margaret Holmes, & Joel G Hudson, all of whom reside in Duplin County in said State; Nora Williford, LeRoy Warrick, Bettie Eason, Annie Eason, Charlie Westbrook, Alice Mumford, Fannie Lane, Nettie Stucky, Lola Edwards, Charlie Warrick, all of whom reside in Johnston County in said State; Jessie Williams, W J Hudson, Holly Hudson, Flonnie Jackson, Ludie Smith, Hughie Barefoot, Liston Barefoot, John T Hudson, George W Hudson, all of whom reside in Sampson County in said state; Rosa Mae Southerland, Gurnie Westbrook, Fred Warrick, all of whom reside in Wake County in said state; Essie Hood Davis, who resides in Onslow County in said State; Bessie Powell, who resides in Vance County in said State; Dennis Rose & Thelma Harrison, who reside in Halifax County in said State; Annie Hines, who resides in Pitt County in said State; Grace Poindexter, who resides in Alamance County in said State; Larry Warrick, who resides in Mecklenburg County in said State; Alice Berry, who resides in Craven County in said State; Flossie Gaylor, who resides in Wilson County in said State; Frank Rose, who resides in Nash County in said State; Thelma Bizzell, who resides in Durham County in said State; Pearl Howell, who resides in Lenoir County in said State; Lita Johnson, who resides in Catawba County in said State; Alma Barefoot & Annie Lou Lee, who reside in Harnett County in said state; Eva Lewis, who resides in Bladen County in said State; and the following who are non-residents of the State of North Carolina: Lossie Jenson, H M Sanford, Harvey Rose, Bertha Clayton, Alice Gold, A M Morgan, Charles Pittman, Margaret Pittman Buckner, Dorothy Pittman, Virginia Warrick, Lewis Bascomb Warrick, Lillie Mae Woodham, Mary Sue Warrick, Alto Warrick, Julia Hicks, Vera Gwaltney, Eula Mae McArthur, George Warrick, Steve Warrick, Jesse Warrick, Tom J Warrick, Florence King, Mamie Roberts, Ida Mosely, Hazel Wooten, Luther Franklin Warrick, James Edward Warrick, James Howard Warrick, Helen Warrick, Mildred Warrick, Annette Warrick, John T Warrick, Reuben F Warrick, James F Warrick, Burie S Warrick, Elma T Warrick, Sidney S Warrick, Herbert W Warrick, Mary T Booker, Mamie O Grimes, W J Kimbro, Costan Kimbro, Scenie Davis, S W Kimbro, Sid Kimbro, Bessie Plant, Archie Warrick, William Warrick, Fred N Warrick, Ludie Pritchard, Annie Ruth Guest, Mamie Wight, Raymond Warrick, Albert Warrick, Robie Warrick, David Grantham, Alice Quinn, Charlie C Hudson, Ida Mae Barefoot, Coleman D Barefoot, Jim Warrick, Walter Warrick, Bernice Gwaltney, Ida French, Bertha Dickens and Jennie Warrick. 8. That all of the foregoing parties are 21 years of age or over, except the following: Sallie Warrick, age 15, who lives with her mother Mrs Minnie Warrick in Grantham Township, Wayne County, North Carolina; Mary Alice Tadlock, age 20, Annie Christine Lane, age 17, Ennis Tadlock, age 13, and Doshie Tadlock, age 10, all of whom live with their father Summerlin Tadlock in Duplin County; J P Morgan, age 16, who lives with his mother, Ida L Morgan, one of the parties herein; Rachel Sasser, age 15, who lives with her father Albert Sasser in Goldsboro, Wayne County, in said State; and Annette Warrick, age 13, who is a non-resident of said State. 9. That E L Parker and wife Pearl Parker, residents of Wayne County in said State, are made parties hereto for that they have made certain claims of owning an interest in the tract of land above described, which claims your administrator has been advised and is of the opinion are invalid and would in no way operate to vest in said parties any interest in said Tract of land. 10. That William C Brock, one of the heirs of John W Warrick named above, is also made a party hereto because of his ownership as transferee of a certain judgement rendered in favor of H Weil & Bros against C C Brock, one of the heirs above named, in the amount of $192.03, docketed November 14, 1931, in office of Clerk of Superior Court of Wayne County in Book 4 JP, page 160, as judgement #3906, and because of his ownership as transferee of a certain other judgment rendered in favor of the same parties against C C Brock in the amount of $32.76, docketed the same date in said Clerk's office in Book 4 JP, page 161, as judgment #3908. 11. That Josey Fertilizer Corporation, a corporation organized and licensed to do business in North Carolina with its principal office in the City of Wilmington in said State is made a party hereto because of a judgment rendered in its favor against G E Hood and wife Gertrude Hood, parties above-named, in amount of $425.00 less credit of $276.00 as of October 28, 1938, docketed January 5, 1939, in said Clerk's office in Book 20, page 47, as judgment #9401. 12. That Farmers Cotton Oil Company, a corporation organized and licensed to do business in North Carolina with its principal office in the City of Wilson in said State, is made a party hereto because of a judgment rendered in its favor against Julius Morgan, a deceased heir of John W Warrick, in amount of $251.84, docketed June 16, 1936, in said Clerk's office in Book 18, page 206, as judgment #8260. 13. That Johnson Cotton Company, Inc, a corporation organized and licensed to do business in North Carolina with its principal office in the City of Dunn, in said State, is made a party hereto because of a judgment rendered in its favor against C C Morgan, or Christopher Columbus Morgan as he is known in this proceeding in amount of $36.02, docketed November 3, 1937, in said Clerk's office in Book 5 JP, page 215, as judgment #5306. 14. That W T Rawleigh Company, Inc, a corporation with its legal domicile in Illinois and its principal office in the City of Freeport in said State, it is made a party hereto because of a judgment rendered in its favor against John W McClenny, one of the parties above-named, in amount of $249.61, docketed February 18, 1935, in said Clerk's office in Book 2 CC, page 155, as judgment #2258. 15. That A A Corbett, a resident of Johnston County, North Carolina, is made a party hereto because of his ownership as transferee of a judgment rendered in favor of Citizens Bank of Mt Olive, NC, against Jessie Williams, one of the parties above named, in the amount of $52.50, docketed March 29, 1933, in said Clerk's office in Book 4 JP, page 283, as judgment #4398. 16. That, because the personal estate left by John W Warrick is insufficient, a sale of the tract of land described in paragraph five, above, is necessary to pay the debts and charges of administration of said intestate. WHEREFORE, Your petitioner prays, first, that a decree may be made by the Court for the sale of said tract of land for the purpose aforesaid, second, that a commissioner be appointed to sell the same under the direction of the Court, third, that all rights of the parties hereto in the said tract of land be declared to be subordinate to the right that it be sold in the manner and for the purpose stipulated and that the purchaser thereof shall obtain a fee simple title thereto in so far as the rights of any of said parties are concerned, and fourth, that the Court order the Sheriff of Wayne County to put the purchaser of said tract of land in possession of the same. E Ambrose Humphrey Attorney for Petitioner W H Best, Jr, Administrator of John W Warrick, being first duly sworn says: That the foregoing petition is true of his own knowledge, except as to those matters and things therin alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters and things he believes it to be true. W H Best Jr Administrator of John W Warrick Subscribed and sworn to before me, this the 7th day of October, 1940. J F Barden Clerk of Superior Court ********************** SPECIAL PROCEEDINGS DOCKET, WAYNE COUNTY Case No 565 Judgt No 3511 Pltff Atty, Ah Deft Atty, (blank) W H Best, Jr, Administrator of John W Warrick, deceased vs (Note: the list of heirs & spouses in this document is identical to the list of heirs & spouses in the above Superior Court case) Summons issued October 7th, 1940 to Duplin, Lenoir, Sampson, Wake, Wilson, Vance, Pitt, New Hanover, Onslow, Nash, Mecklenburg, Johnston, Harnett, Halifax, Durham, Craven, Alamance, Bladen, Catawba Counties. Summons issued to Harnett Co Oct 9, 1940, Alias Summons to Surry, Cumberland, Johnston & Wake counties Oct 19th, 1940. Pitt Co summons returned not served. Wake County summons served Oct 8, 1940 by delivering a copy of the within summons to each of defts: Rosa Mae Southerland & husband John Southerland, Gurnie Westbrook and wife Lizzie Westbrook and Fred Warrick, by P H Ray, DS Johnston Co summons served Oct 10th, 1940. Mecklenburg Co summons served Oct 10, 1940. Lenoir Co summons served Oct 10th, 1940. Wilson Co summons served Oct 8th, 1940. Onslow Co summons served Oct 8th, 1940. Halifax Co summons served Oct 15, 1940. Alamance Co summons served Oct 8th, 1940. Vance Co summons served Oct 8th, 1940. Durham Co summons served Oct 15th, 1940. Craven Co summons served Oct 8th, 1940. Wayne Co summons served Oct 1940 (See Papers for returns). Duplin Co summons served Oct 9th, 1940 (See papers for returns). Sampson Co summons served Oct 12th, 1940 on all defts, except Rommie Williamson & Jessie Williamson, C C Tart, Sheriff; Harnett Co summons served Oct 10th, 1940 W G Smith, Sect & Treas Josey Fertz Co Harnett Co summons served Oct 8th, 1940 on Johnson Cotton Co (N M Johnson, Mgr & Alma Barefoot and Brodie Barefoot and Annie Lee, Floyd Lee, not to be found in Harnett Co, K C Matthews, DS. Catawba County summons served Oct 1lth, 1940. Alias Summons served Oct 23rd, 1340 to Wake County. Bladen County summons served Oct 15th, 1940. Alias Summons Surry Co, served Oct 24th 1940. Alias Johnston Co served Nov 4th, 1940. Wilson Co summons served Oct 30th, 1940. Edgecombe Co summons served Oct 28th, 1940. Nash Co summons served not served. Cumberland Co summons returned not served. Needham Gainey accepted service Oct 22nd, 1940. Duplin Co summons issued Nov 12th, 1940. Alias Summons Sampson Co served Oct 24th, 1940. "After due and diligent search George Lane not to be found in Sampson Co or in the State of NC, C C Tart Shff Sampson Co." Alias Summons issued Wayne Co Nov 18th, 1940. Duplin Co summons served Nov 16, 1940. Application for appointment of Gdn Ad Litem filed Nov l8th, 1940. Order appointing Guardian Ad Litem filed Nov 18th, 1940. Motion to bring in new party defendant filed Nov 18th, 1940 & Order filed Nov 18th, 1940. Affidavit to Obtain service of summons by publication, Order of publication and Notice of service of summons by publication filed Nov 18th, 1940. Answer of James N. Smith Gdn Ad Litem filed 11/30/40. Alias Summons to Wayne Co served Nov 25th, 1940 & service accepted by James N Smith, Gdn Ad Litem. After due diligence and search Willie Oscar "Bill" Gainey is not to be found in Wayne County and cannot after due diligence be found in State of North Carolina, returns as to Willie Oscar "Bill" Gainey made as of Nov 18th, 1940. Order to sell lands to make assets filed Dec 30th, 1940. Report of Sale filed Janu 29th, 1941. Order of Re-Sale of lands to make assets filed 2/7/41. Report of Re-Sale filed 2/22/41. Order of Re-Sale or lands to make assets filed March 1st, 1941. Report of sale held on March 17th,1941. Final Report of Sale filed 4/2/41 Confirmation of Commi's Sale filed 4/3/41 Final Report of Commi's filed 4/7/41 ********************** WAYNE COUNTY, In the Superior Court, Alias SUMMONS IN SPECIAL PROCEEDING. BROUTHT BY ADMINISTRATOR TO SELL LAND OF JOHN W WARRICK TO PAY DEBTS OF HIS ESTATE AND CHARGES OF ADMINISTRATION The original summons herein having been issued to Wayne County Oct 8th, 1940, & returned Oct 17th, 1940, 'defendant not to be found in Wayne County.' W H Best, Jr, Administrator of John W Warrick, deceased, against Leon Taylor & wife Sudie Mae Taylor, Lorriner Casey & husband Raymond Casey, Lewis Pipkin & wife Cora Pipkin, et als. THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, To the Sheriff of Johnston County, GREETING: You are commanded to summon Mallie Avery Warrick the defendant above named, if he be found within your County, to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Wayne, at his office in Goldsboro, NC, within ten (10) days after the day of service hereof, and answer the petition, 3 copies of which have been filed in the office of the said Clerk of the Superior Court of said County. And let him take notice, that if he fails to answer said petition, within the time above specified, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the petition. Herein fail not and of this summons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of said Court this 18th day of October, 1940. J F Barden Clerk Superior Court Wayne County. (On the cover of this docket was found the following:) (555) Alias Original To Johnston Co No 565 W H Best, Jr, Administrator, of John W Warrick, deceased against Leon Taylor & wife Sudie Mae Taylor, et als 47-B SPECIAL PROCEEDING 10-DAY SUMMONS FOR RELIEF Received 10/27, 1940 Served 11/4/1940 by delivering a copy of the within summons to each of the following defendants: (next are four dotted lines that are left blank) Fee, $1.00 pd Sheriff by CSC by ck #10178 - 10-19-40 Sheriff K L Rose County. By J O Crud D D Plaintiff's Attorney =============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. 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