Wayne County, NC - Fellow Family Deeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Notes of Orville Russell (5 Mar 1989) sent from Joyce Overman Bowman (28 Sept 1997) ABSTRACTS OF DEEDS, WAYNE CO., NC DEED BOOK 1 #62 p. 78. JOHN FELLOW of Wayne Co. deed of gift to his brother, ROBERT FELLOW of same, March 29, 1782 a tract of land on the north bank of Little River. 1/2 tract of land granted to JOHN POPE, sold to Tomlinson and sold to ROBERT FELLOW, Sen'r by deed dearing date 1759. DEED BOOK 4 #817, p. 85. WILLIAM FELLOW, gift to niece, ANNE McKINNE, April 15,1788. Her father, RICH'D McKINNE. #864 p.150 JOHN FELLOW of Wayne Co. deed to JOSEPH GREEN of same, Nov 8, 1787, for 1500 pbs specie a 400 acre plantation on the north bank of Neuse River adjoining CHARLES HINES' former lands, known by the name of Spring Bank, as by a patent granted to JOHN FELLOW, Sen'r bearing date March 12, 1738, descended by will to JOHN FELLOW, Jun'r,to ROBERT FELLOW, and by ROBERT FELLOW willed to JOHN FELLOW; also, a 50 acre plantation situated on the south bank of Neuse River at the mouth of Sleepy Branch adjoining GEORGE ROBERTS, as by patent granted ROBERT FELLOW dated June 26, 1746, and descended by will from ROBERT FELLOW to JOHN FELLOW; also, a tract of 300 acres on the north side of Neuse River at the head of Fellows Branch, as by patent granted to JOHN DICKSON bearing date Oct 26, 1767 and conveyed to said JOHN FELLOW by ROBERT LINSAY, deceased; also, a parcel of eleven acres on the north bank of Neuse River adjoining the Spring Bank survey, as by patent to JOHN FELOW dated Oct 26, 1786, Wit: B. STEVENS, THOMAS DAUGHTERY, WILLIAM GREEN. DEED BOOK 5E P. 389. JOHN FELLOW of New Hanover Co., NC deed to ROBERT FELLOW of Wayne Co. for land situated in Wayne Co., Feb 26, 1795. P. 390 WILLIAM FELLOW of Sampson Co., NC and RICH'D McKINNE of Wyne Co. deed to ROBERT FELLOW of Wayne Co. for land devised by ROBERT FELLOW, deceased, to his son PRICE FELLOW, who has since died intestate and the land was directed to be sold and the money divided among the heirs, Oct 3, 1793. DEED BOOK 7 p. 26. (second deed on page) WILLIAM FELLOW of Sampson Co., NC sold land situated in Wayne Co., witnessed by ROBERT FELLOW, Feb 3, 1792 p. 323. JOHN FELLOW, Sen'r, of Newhanover (sic) Co., NC deed of gift to his sons, ROBERT FELLOW and WILLIAM FELLOW, of Wayne Co. for land situated in Wayne Co., Feb 23, 1802. p. 447. JOHN FELLOW of New hanover Co. sold land situated in Wayne Co., witnessed by ROBT. FELLOW, Aug 17, 1801. DEED BOOK 8 p. 90 JOHN FELLOW of Sampson Co., NC sold land situated in Wayne Co., Aug 4, 1804. P. 328. MARY McKINNE deed of gift to her daughter, ZILPHA FELLOW, Witnessed by R. McKINNE and JOHN McKINNE, Feb 13, 1806. DEED BOOK 12 p. 232. SARAH McKINNE deed to ROBERT FELLOW for land formerly given by ROBERT FELLOW, deceased, by his last Will and Testament to his son, PRICE FELLOW, who has since died intestate and the land was sold agreeable to the Will, Nov 17, 1821. DEED BOOK 13 p. 102. ROBERT FELLOW appointed JOHN FELLOW as his attorney to transport eight certain negroes from N.C. to the Island of Hayti(sic), witnessed by PRICE FELLOW and ROBERT FELLOW, May 16, 1826. Misc notes from Joyce Overman Bowman John Fellow of Craven Co. had an inventory June 1740 -- wife, Elizabeth? & son, Robert (Craven Prc. Court Min. Bk II 80, 161, 92, 98, 119) Craven Co. formed 1712; Johnston made from part of it in 1746; Johnston divided into Dobbs 1751, Orange 1752, and Wake 1771. Dobbs divided into Wayne 1779; Lenoir 1791, and Glasgow 1791. John Fellow who died Craven Co. 1740 could be same one listed as John of Johnston Co., dec in 1749. ref: Judith Cox Whipple ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Joyce Overman Bowman ___________________________________________________________________