Wayne County, NC - Owen Hines To Robert Fortner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deed Book 5E-Page 140 DEED OF SALE Recorded -1795 Owen Hines To Robert Fortner Register Of Deeds, 200 Hundred Acres Wayne County, N.C. To all to whom these presents shall come greeting Know ye that Owen Hines of the State of North Carolina and County of Wayne for in the consideration of the sum of one Hundred and Thirty Five pound to me in hand paid by Robert Fortner the receipt where I do hereby acknowledge and myself there with to be satisfied contended and paid given granted confirm and set over unto Robert Fortner of the State and County aforesaid certain Tract or parcel of Land and Plantation Containing two Hundred acres be the same more or less To witt Beginning at a red oak near Adam Carraway’s line and turning thence N 186 Poles to a stake thence East 172 Poles to a pine thence So 186 poles to a stake thence to the beginning To have and to Hold the said land and plantation with all and singular the house outhouses Orchards Gardens woods waters water courses Mines minerals and all other Appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appurtenances with a all privileges and profits unto the said Robert Fortner his heirs or assigns forever to his proper benefit and behoof forever and I the said Owen Hines do for myself my heirs Executors and Administrators and assigns do grant and agree that at the time of Insealing and Delivery of these presents that I am lawfully seized of the said land and premises and have in myself a good power and Lawful authority to sell and dispose of the same premises as in manner aforesaid the same being freely and clearly acquitted Exonerated and discharge of and from all manner of former and other gifts sales or encumbrances whatsoever and furthermore I the said Owen Hines do for myself my heirs Executors Administrators and assigns do covenant promise grant and agree to Warrant and forever Defend the So Land and Plantations with every appurtenances thereon thereunto belonging unto the so Robert Fortner his heirs and assigns against the claims or demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever as in ample manner to all intent and fee poses as the most learned in the law can devise. In witness whereof I the said Owen Hines have set my hand and seal this --------------year of the Independence of America. Signed Sealed and delivered In presents of us Ezekiel Slocumb Jany Term 1795 Owen Hines (Seal) A. Caraway ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Robert B. Fortner - rfortner@gsiwave.com ___________________________________________________________________