Wayne County, NC - Lucey Lane to Zadock Thompson, 1805 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This indenture maid (sic) this fifteenth Day of January one thousand eight hundred and five Between LUCEY LANE of the one part and ZADOCK THOMPSON of the other part. Witnesseth That I the said LUCY LANE in consideration of the sum of one hundred and thirty seven pounds & ten shillings. Issue to me in hand paid by ZADOCK THOMPSON hath bargnid (sic) and sold and By these presents doth Bargin (sic) and sell unto the said ZADOCK THOMPSON a tract of land containing one hundred and twenty one acres it being my Dowery fell to me by decease of my husband ISHAM LAIN (sic) it lying and being in the County of Wayne it being part of a tract that the heirs of ISHAM LAIN (sic) have convaid (sic) to said ZADOCK THOMPSON with all the singular the appertainences (sic) thereto belonging to have and to hold the said one hundred and twenty one acres of Land with the appertainenes (sic) unto the said ZADOCK THOMPSON his heirs and assigns forever during my lifetime to me only proper use Benefit and Behoof of the said ZADOCK THOMPSON his heirs and assigns forever during my lifetime and me said LUCEY LANE doth hereby oblige herself and her heirs to warrant and Defend the said one hundred and twenty one acres of Land to the said ZADOCK THOMPSON his heirs and assigns forever during my lifetime in Witness whereof the LUCEY LANE hath hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Sealed and delivered in presents of LEWSAY LANE Seal J. THOMPSON WM. EXUM February Court 1805 MATHEW BARROW Record of Deeds Book 8 p. 173-174 Wayne County Courthouse Goldsboro, NC ______________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Judy Ginn - judy_ginn@aol.com ______________________________________________________________________