Wayne-Lenoir County NcArchives Deed.....Spence, Tonio - Parrott, Huldah 1916 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sloan S. Mason http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00016.html#0003873 January 26, 2019, 6:22 pm Written: 1916 Register of Deeds Lenoir County, NC 30 March 1916 Huldah PARROTT of Wayne Co., NC to Tonino SPENCE of Lenoir Co., NC Bk. 53 p. 150 North Carolina Lenoir County This Indenture, made this the 30th day of March, 1916, between Huldah P.? PARROTT of the County of Wayne and State of North Carolina, party of the first part and Tonino SPENCE of the County of Lenoir and State aforesaid, party of the second part, Witnessth: That whereas, On or about the 3rd day of February, 1869, on Albert DAYS conveyed to William Franklin DIBBLE and to his sister, the said Huldah P. PARROTT a certain tract of land situated in the County of Lenoir and State of North Carolina, and in Kinston Township, about one mile from he present city of Kinston on Adkin Branch and the Tower Hill Road, containing 660 acres, more or less. And whereas, there was a division of said lands between the said tenants in common, each holding his share in severalty, but the record of said division has been destroyed by fire or otherwise, so that there is now no record of said division and, Whereas, the said Tonino SPENCE owns and possesses a part of the share of said land which was allotted ins aid division to said William Franklin DIBBLE, which has been conveyed to him through successive conveyances from and through said William Franklin DIBBLE, which part of said land is hereinafter described, Now, therefore, in consideration of the premises, and for the purposes of perfecting the chain of title of said Tonino SPENCE, and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar i hand paid, the recipe of which is hereby fully acknowledged, the said Huldah P. PARROTT had ranted, released, confirmed and quitclaimed, and by these present doth grant, release, confirm and quitclaim unto the said Tonino SPENCE, his heirs and assigns, all her right, title, claim, interest and property in and to the following described tract or parcel of land: Situated in Kinston Township, Lenoir County, North Carolina, on the North side of Tower Hill, beginning at the intersection of a ditch with Tower Hill Road, and runs with said ditch N 6 - 50’ E, 1895 feet to a stake; thence continuing with said ditch N 28 and 45’ W 150 feet to a stake; thence N 36 W 376 feet to a stake; thence N 54 W 140 ft. to a stake; thence N 57 and 10’ E 230 feet to an iron stake North of ditch; thence S 8 W 25 feet to a stake; thence S 84 and 55’ E, 1689 feet to an iron stake near head of small ditch; thence S 3 and 20’ W 2650 feet to an iron stake on the said Tower Hill Road; thence N 79 W 1367 feet to the beginning, containing 78.63 acres, more or less. To Have and to hold the said tract of land together with all the appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, to him the said Tonino SPENCE, his heirs and assigns, free from any encumbrance on account of the said Huldah P. PARROTT. In testimony where of the said Huldah P. PARROTT has hereunto set her hand and seal the day and year first above written. Huldah P. PARROTT North Carolina Wayne County I, John W. POWELL, a Notary Public in and for the County of Wayne, State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that Huldah P. PARROTT this day appeared before me and acknowledged the due execution of the above instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal, this 11th day of April, 1916. John W. POWELL, N. P. (LS) My comm. expires 8-26-16 North Carolina Lenoir County The foregoing certificate with Notarial Seal attached of John W. POWELL, a Notary Public of Wayne County, is adjudge to be correct. Let the instrument, with the certificates, be registered. Witness my hand, this 12th day of April, 1916. J. T. HEATH, Clerk Superior Court. Filed for registration at 10 O’clock A.M, April 12, 1916, and recorded April 12, 1916. C. W. PRIDGEN Register of Deeds File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/wayne/deeds/parrott895gdd.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ncfiles/ File size: 4.4 Kb