Wayne County, NC - Abner Grady to Robert Peele Deed, 1839 ~~~~~~~~~~ Wayne County, NC, Deed Bk 18, p 203 Indenture made on 7 Oct 1839 between Abner Grady of NC, County of Wayne, and John Peele of same place, for sum of $1,000 paid by said John Peele - do convey, grant, and make over to the said John Peele a certain parcel or tract of land in Wayne County, NC on north side North East Branch, and south side Cabin Branch, etc. Same description as above. Abner Grady {Seal} Witnesses: John A. Green Recorded at Nov Court 1839, Wayne County, NC __________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives from the Frances Weeks Collection, LDS Library, Goldsboro, NC ___________________________________________________________________