Wayne County, NC - Election Records - All Districts NC Archives CR 103.912.8 Poles of Election open and held in Boswells District for the purpose of Electing a Constable in said District for the insuing year this 18 January 1851 1 Zachariah Garris 2 Martin A. Arnold 3 Ephsium Strickland 4 Jesse Bunn 5 Samuel Harmon 6 Brant Tindal 7 Council Bedford 8 Benja R Whitley 9 Jas A Johnson 10 William Langston 11 Lewis Howell 12 Jeremiah Strickland 13 Samuel Collier 14 Micajah Scrud? 15 William Ward 16 Raiford Garris 17 Gilbert Mitchell 18 Barnes Aycock 19 Martin S. Arnold 20 Henry Peacock 21 Barnes Aycock 22 William Crawford 23 Willie Starling 24 Morris Mitchell 25 Isiah Mitchell 26 Solomon Bradberry 27 George W. Bardin 28 William Mitchell 29 Arthur Crawford 30 Jesse Strickland 31 David James 32 James Mitchell 33 Ebinizer Comes 34 B H Bardin 35 Daniel Davis 36 James Holland 37 Henry Mitchell 38 A J Finlayson 39 Stephen Mitchell 40 Rufus Wiggs 41 Elbert Roberts 42 John Howell Sr We the undersigned appointed certify Zachariah Garris Capt of Boswells District to hold the poles of Election to Elect a Constable for said District when William H Ward receiveed twenty two votes and Benjamin Best received twenty votes given under our hands and seals this 18th day of Jan'y 1851 Zachariah Garris {Seal} David Jones {Seal} Barnes Aycock {Seal} ------ A List of the votes taken at the crossroads on the first saturday in February 1851 in wayne County for Constable Parker (crossed out) 1 K B Cogdell 2 Washington Brown 3 Nathan Cotton 4 Moses Britt 5 John Brown 6 Wm Adams 7 John Turnedge 8 Theophilus Forehand 9 Summer Tadlock 10 John A Lassiter 11 Lenard Grantham 12 John Corbet 13 Robert B Hood 14 Wm Starlin 15 Thos C Overman 16 Wm Overmon 17 Hiram Grantham 18 Gibson Peterson 19 Nathan P Brogden 20 William Robbins 21 Joshua Tadlock 22 William Brogden 23 William Lee 24 Warren Corbett 25 William R Parker 26 K B Herrin 27 J R Parker 28 Wm Hood 29 James L Tadlock We Certify this to be a true Return of the Elescion for Constable held at the cross roads district in wayne County on the first Saturday in February 1851 William R Parker 29 Hiram Grantham G S Peterson ------ This day poles were opened and an Election held at Sauls x Roads in Davis District for the purpose of Electing a Constable for said District for the ensuing year and the following persons came forward and voted 3 Feb'y 1851 1 Henery W Lewis? 2 Jno Yelverton Jnr 3 Wright Edmundson 4 Georg T B Yelverton 5 Wm Edmundson 6 Curtis Moor 7 Jno M Keel 8 Joab Jinnett 9 James Wash 10 James Sauls 11 Stephen Lane 12 James Sauls Snr 13 John Minshew Snt 14 Jonas Cook 15 John G Edmundson 16 Wilm West 17 Kirby Sauls 18 Jno A Lane 19 Benj Taylor 20 Jno Jinnett 21 Micajah Martin 22 William Outland 23 Wiley Moorning 24 Benj Jones 25 James M Gardner 26 Henery Woodard 27 ___ Outland Jnr 28 Gabriel L Davis 29 Henery Martin 30 Benjamin Sauls 31 B H Yelverton 32 Absoleum Sauls B Minshew 30 W Morning 1 B Jones 1 At an Election held on the 1st day of Feby at Sauls x Roads in Davis District for the purpose of Electing a Constable for the ensuing year & the following votes were taken for Minshew We the undersigned Inspectors do hereby certify that the above is a true Statement of the above Election Feb'y 1st 1851 Henry Martin Capt Wm Outland Gabriel L Davis ------ And Election held at Nahunta Depot on the first day of Feb'y 1851 for the purpose of Electing a Constable for said district 1 Simon Parker 2 John Bass 3 Simon Aycock 4 Write Taylor 5 Provit? Scott 6 Jacob Bass 7 G T B Aycock 8 Bardin Hooks 9 John Pope 10 Simeon Hooks 11 Wm Pope 12 B N Baker 13 Robert Hooks 14 Amos Ginkins 15 E H Barnes 16 Matthew Hooks 17 Devitt C Sheard (marked out) 18 Wm Privitt 19 Morris W Barnes 20 Jas Hooks 21 B T Aycock 22 John G Barnes 23 Silas Bolton 24 Wm Hooks 25 Simon Hooks 26 Wm N Barnes 27 John T Elis 28 Lewis Pike 29 Henry Dickinson 30 Bennit Barnes 31 Wm Barnes 32 Warren Aycock 33 Hardy Hooks 34 Spencer Fulghum 35 Theopilus Peacock 36 Mordecai Bass 37 Joshua Marit 38 Bennet Hooks 39 L W Barnes 40 John Flowers 41 Arthur Coplin 42 Jocab Hooks 43 Rufus Langston 44 Willey W Barnes 45 Robert Howell 46 J L Haskins 47 Wm Bryant State of N Carolina } Wayne County } We the under siners do certify that Daniel Aycock is Duly Elected by 46 votes given under our hands and seals this 1 of Feb'r 1851 B T Aycock Capt Simean Hooks William Pope ------ At an Election held at the Cross Roads in Saulston District to Elect a Constable the following Votes were taken February the 1st 1851 1 Robert Peel 2 Levi Lancaster 3 Wm Matthews 4 Step'n Pate Junr 5 Henry Blalock 6 Jno Daneil 7 Henry E Smith 8 Sander Lancaster 9 Robert Britt 10 Oliver Smith 11 Parrot Hill 12 Jesse Benton 13 David Pate 14 Burwell Haddin 15 Wm Parkes 16 Benj Ellis 17 Wm Britt 18 Ezekiel Smith 19 N T Latham 20 A H Hill 21 Burwell Edmondson 22 Bryaon J Lancaster 23 W Peel 24 Jas Smith 25 Jas F Smith 26 Tho W Langston 27 Duley Etherage 28 Stephen Pate of Lewis 29 Aaron Parks 30 Rich'd Newman 31 Wm B Newson 32 Jas A Ham 33 H B Gardner 34 Jno Langston 35 T R Smith 36 Daniel Etherage 37 Calvin Edmondson 38 Henry Chase We the Inspectors certify the within to be a true statement of the Votes taken in Saulston District for Constable Wm D Handly 38 Stephen Pate Insp ___ Smith Insp ------ At an Election held at Stoney Creek Precinct for the purpose of Electing A Constable for Said District the following persons came forward and cast their votes as follows T J W Vinson James Daves Sen J E Pate Isiah Worrel Wiley Crumpler W Balard Stephen Howell Joseph Pate John Davis John Sikes Benjamin Ham Isac Wise Esayh? Howell H J Best Davis Thompson James Worrell James Daniel David Davis J H Saucer Micoly? Pate Lary Peacock Charles Pate U Langston D C Pate Henry Tilton G H M Vinson B H Pate jun Coor Pate Bartlet Davis B H Pate Sr Davis Strickland John Howell James W Lane Jun Calvin Pate Culin? Howell Daniel Howell Gilbert Thomas Thompson 38 We the undersigned inspectors Do certify the to be a true Statement of the votes poled Bright Thompson thirty nine votes Given under our hands and seals Feb'y 1st 1851 Uriah Langston Dewit C Pate _________________________________________________________________________ USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. 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