Wayne County, NC - Will of Caleb Musgrave, 1791 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Will of Caleb Musgrave Wayne County 1791 The Twentieth Day of October One Thousand Seven Hundred & Eighty Eight I Caleb Musgrave of the County of Wayne in the State of North Carolina Being in my senses in sound and perfect memory but being weak and remembering the mortality of my Body do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and form following ------ Imprimis in the first place my just debts to be paid Item- I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth my Mannor Plantation convey to me by deed of sale from Charles Pace during her natural life Item- I give to my son Joel and his heirs forever all my land on the south side of the Stringer Meadow with the course of said meadow to the headline Item- I give to my son John and his heirs forever my Mill Plantation convey to me by Deed of Sale from Joseph Everitt also all my land on the North side of Tarr Heln Branch being part of a parcel I purchased of Edward Bass Item- I give to my son Caleb and his heirs forever all my lands lying between the Mill Branch and Stringer Meadow Item- I give to my sons Joel and Caleb and their heirs forever a tract of land joining Moses Musgraves lines to be equally divided between them Item- I give to my son Richard and his heirs forever my Mannor Plantation also the land in the fork of Mill Branch being part of land I purchased of Edward Bass Item- I give to my Daughters Christiana, Elizabeth, Sarah & Catherine Each ten Pounds current money Item- I lend to my beloved wife Elizabeth my Moveable or personal estate During her Natural Life after her decease the same I give to my aforesaid Daughters to be equally divided amongst them Lastly I do nominate constitute and ordain my son Joel and my brother in law John Herring Executors to this my Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and affixed my seal the day and the year within written Caleb Musgrave Signed Sealed and Acknowledged in presence of --------- Josiah Cox Joseph James Jordan Wiggs ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Tammy Gurley Tyner ___________________________________________________________________