Wayne County, NC - Will of Mary Radford, 1839 ----¤¤¤---- The 26 day of July 1838. To all to home these presents may concern, I, Mary Radford do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form, as follows. It is my desire if I dye before this crop is taken care of that Henry Mitchell have one third of the crop that is growing. Allso that the hoggs that is turned in to fatten a number that is thought thee peas potatoes and offel corn if they can agree if not they may divide the hoggs sooner and Henry Mitchell is to have one third of the fat hoggs, all so it is my desire that Charity Radford have one bed stead and firniture. It is my desire that William Radford daughter Polley Radford have one bed stead and firniture. It is all so my desire that Polly Ann Robertson have one other bedstead and firniture. It is all so my desire that Mathew Radford have fourteen dollars in money. It is my desire that my waring appearel be divided, Rebecah Radford have one third of my clothes all so that William Radford daughters have one third of them all so that Polly and Zilphia Robertson have the other third of my waring appearel, all so after all my just debts be paid the remaining of my property be sold and equally divided among my children namely Mathew Radford, Rebecah Radford, William Radford, Clary Robertson heirs, and lastly I nominate and appoint Mathew Radford Executor and William Radford Executors to this my last will and testament in witness where of I have here unto set my hand and first my seal the day and year above writen Signed, Sealed in presents of us Betsy (X) Edwards Mary (X) Radford William Edgerton Wayne County Feb Term 1839 Then was the within will of Mary Radford provided in open court offered for probate and duly proved by the oath of Wm Edgerton a subscribing ? and ordered to be recorded Jno A Greenlee ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Tammy G. Tyner ___________________________________________________________________