Wayne County, NC - Will of Richard Ruffin File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Virginia Crilley (crilley@eramp.net) June 19, 1997 Richard is the son of William and Sarah ? Ruffin. Brother of William, Faith Ruffin Pender and Purity Ruffin Deloach. Wayne Co. NC WB A page 23 Will of Richard Ruffin In the name of God Amen this twenty third day of Sept. in the year of our Lord one thousand and seven hundred and eighty two, I Richard Ruffin of Wayne County in the State of North Carolina being weak of body but sound and disposeing mind and Memory and calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of theis temporal State and knowing that all Flesh must yield unto death when it pleaseth God to come and for the settling my temporal Estate which it hath pleased God to Bestow me. I ??and or give and dispose of the same in manner and form following" ??mprimost?I give unto my loving wife Avey Ruffin all that part of my estate which I have before given her by a Deed of Gift bearing date the fourteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine which article the Deed of Gift will fully make appear to her and her heirs forever. Item..I give unto Betsey Bloodworth daughter of William and Melah? his wife one feather bed and furniture one mare foal named pleasure to her and her heirs forever. All the remainder? and ??of my estate ??of what??or nature ??and after my Debts and legacies are paid I lend??unto my loving wife Avey Ruffin during her life and after her decease to be Equally divided amongst my sister Purity Deloach's children. I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my loving wife Avey Ruffin and William Deloach Executo?? and Executor of this My Last Will and Testament.Revoking disannulling? and making void all other former wills and gift by me made Except a Gift of Deed dated the day and year above written and declare this only to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand ?? my seal the day and year ??above written. Signed Sealed Published and declare to be his last will and Testament Richard Ruffin In Presents of ?Pearce? ?Deloach John ?Cussens? To the best of my ability and that of my son's this is as readable as I can make the will. The original was very light and had been folded many times...the copy was equally light and the writing in places extremely difficult to read. Questions: Who is Betsy Bloodworth and why leave her a feather bed, furniture, and a mare named pleasure..I thought feather beds were a highly sought after piece of inventory. Also has anyone come across her parents William and melah? before. Obviously, Richard died leaving no children and it would appear that perhaps Purity had pre-deceased him also. In my humble opinion. Virginia Crilley 4500 Kenny Lane Waco TX 76710 (254)772-5390 ============================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. The electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ==============================================================