WILKES COUNTY, NC - MILITARY - Pension Claim of Rhoda Owens ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Johnson Revis Pllsr@aol.com ==================================================================== North Carolina Service in Revolutionary War of Barnard Owens #R 7847 Affidavit of Rhoda Owens: Daughter of Barnard Owens, dec'd , made affidavit 1854, February 8th, and appointed James Calloway, of Wilkesboro North Carolina and BC Calloway of Ash County North Carolina, her true and lawful attornies, to prosecute her claim for pension. _____________________________________________________________ A Deposition Filed by James Wellborn State of North Carolina County of Wilkes – 1854 – January 1st, stating James Wellborn – a resident of said County – states he was born 29 November 1767 – and resided in said County during the Revolutionary War – and was acquainted with Barnard Owens of said County – that Barnard Owens was the only man of that name that he ever knew in the said County in the time of War – except a grandson of Barnard Owens – that Barnard was a man of family in time of the Revolution – had at that time several children – that he died in Wilkes County North Carolina. James Wellborn _____________________________________________________________ A Deposition Filed by Elijah Church for A Pension Applied For By Rhoda Owens daughter of Barnard Owens State of North Carolina County of Wilkes – on this 15 day of March 1854 (physically ?) appeared before me Nathaniel Church a justice of the Peace within and for the County and State a forsaid – after being duly sworn according to law declares that he has no record of his age – but according to what his father always told him – that he is now in this present month of March – eighty-six years old – that he resides in the County of Wilkes and State a forsaid – during the War of the Revolution – and that he always understood during the War and ever since that the said Owens was a soldier in said War – he thinks____ a large portion of said War that they lived close neighbors – at the time – and most of the time ever since – that the said Barnard Owens lived in the time of said War in Wilkes County – he thinks about six years ago or thereabouts – that he lived at the time a close neighbor to him – and that he was the identical man – that the said Owens lived to be a very old man. He thinks and believes he must have been nearly if not quite one hundred years old – that he was a very poor man – and lived in a remote part of the county in a cove of the Blue Ridge – about 23.0 miles from the court house of this county – and that for many years before his death – that he was physically able to go about – and for some years could go no place except hauled on a small ground slide – he further states that Rhoda Owens of Ashe County State of North Carolina, Peggy Owens, Polly Owens, and Nancy Owens of Wilkes County State of North Carolina are the living children and lawful heirs of the said Barnard Owens, now died. Elijah Church _____________________________________________________________ A Deposition Taken of Larkin Owens and Patsy Hammons For The Pension Claim Filed by Rhoda Owens State of North Carolina County of Wilkes on the 15 day of March 1854 personally appeared before me Nathaniel Church a Justice of the Peace within – And for the County of State forsaid – who after being duly sworn according to the law the said Larkin states that he is now about fifty years of age and the said Patsy stated that she to the best of her knowledge – about – the age of fifty____the said Larkin Owens states that he is the grandson of one Barnard Owens now deceased late of Wilkes County in the State of North Carolina____he says that from his earliest of recollection he knew the said Barnard Owens – he states that the said Barnard Owens died at his residence in the said State and County – on the 18 day of May 1847. That he was present at the time – and he helped bury his said grandfather – that he was a very old man about the age of one hundred years – according to what the old man always said. And as he ____? he further states that the old man always said that he had been a soldier of the War of the Revolution And had also been an officer in said War. And that was always said by the old people in the surrounding County ____he can recollect. And that he never had it ___or disputed. The said Patsy Hammons states that she had been well acquainted with the said Barnard Owens for about thirty years – that – she lived with him a part of the time and always near him. She states that he died as above stated – that she was present at his burial – And that the statement made above by Larkin Owens as to the old mans service in the War of the Revolution – is what she always heard – and that he always said. Larkin Owens Patsy Hammons _____________________________________________________________ Deposition of Charity Church State of North Carolina County of Wilkes – On this 15 day of March 1854 personally appeared before me Nathaniel Church a justice of the peace – with and for the County and State aforsaid – Mrs. Charity Church a resident of the County and State aforsaid – who after being duly sworn according to law declares – that she will be eighty three years old on May nineth – that she resides in said County and State – aforsaid – during the War of the Revolution – that she well recollects the said War and many of its incidents – she states that she has a brother – one – Chilus Craft – who was also a soldier of the War of the Revolution – who lived in said County and State during said War. She also states that she was at the same time well acquainted with one Barnard Owens then a resident of said County and State who lived at that time a close neighbor to her – she states that she always heard in the time of said War and ever since that the said Barnard Owens was a soldier – and was in the service of his country in much of said War – she well recollects that when she would hear it talked of that the soldier going off into war – that she always heard it said at the time that the said Barnard Owens also went – that was what she always heard said at the time – the truth at which is never doubted – at the time or ever since – she further states that the said Barnard Owens – the identical man – lived a close neighbor then lately – and for many years – that he died in said County of Wilkes, NC – she thinks something like six years ago – that he was a very old man – that he had a family and several children in the time of the Revolutionary War – she thinks he must have lived to near or quite – the age of one hundred years – and that – Rhoda Owens of Ashe County, NC – Peggy Owens, Polly Owens and Nancy Owens of Wilkes County, NC are the living children – and lawful heirs of the said – Barnard Owens. Charity Church _____________________________________________________________ The Secretary of State – gave certificate showing Barnard Owens – was in the Revolution – book A M No 15 Vol. A entry 773 – Lieutenant Barnard Owens for service of himself and Company – allowed October 1779 – 199 pounds and 10 shillings – Signed by Wm. J. Clark Comptroller of North Carolina Office (This application for pension after the death of Barnard Owens was rejected). _____________________________________________________________ File C. R. 104.508. 34, Wilkes Estate Records, NC Archives May the 8th 1859 To The Worshipfull. The County Court for the County of Wilkes – We the undersigned children and heirs of Barnard Owens – dec'd – do request your Worships to accept the resignation of Alfred Miller as administrator of our Father – the said Barnard Owens and to appoint Benjamin C. Calloway of Ashe County – Administrator of said estate with bond and good an sufficient security in a sum not less than three or four thousand dollars – in order to predicate for us our claim for a pension from the United States on account of Revolutionary Service of our father and to issue the proper application of said family of Owens. her Witness Sally (x) Owens James Calloway ___________ mark Thomas S. Calloway her Peggy (x) Owens mark her Rhoda (x) Owens mark J_ Calloway as to Rhoda Owens ____________________________________________________________________________