Wilkes County NcArchives Obituaries.....Gordon, David N. May 17, 1882 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nc/ncfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Candace (Teal) Gravelle tealtree@comcast.net April 10, 2007, 12:34 am "The Carroll County Times" Carrollton, Carroll Co., Georgia NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, MAY 19, 1882 LOCAL News Just before going to press, we learn of the death of Mr. Dave Gordon of Whitesburg. We did not learn the particulars of his death - - - NEWSPAPER Issue of Friday, MAY 26, 1882 MEMOIR AND TRIBUTE OF RESPECT FOR DAVID N. GORDON The committee appointed by Rotherford Lodge, Whitesburg, Ga. met at it's last and regular meeting, May 20th, to prepare a memoir and resolution expressive of the feeling and loss of the Lodge, the brotherhood and the community, at the sudden death on Wednesday evening, May 17 inst., of our friend and brother David N. Gordon, present the following: The deceased was born April 4, 1817 in Wilkesborough, N.C., and died May 17, 1882 near Whitesburg, Ga. He had lived for almost two score years in Carroll county. Had filled for many years places of trust. He had for a number of years been a member of the church. Some weeks before his death he had a paralytic stroke. During his illness he said " I trust in Jesus and I find comfort in so doing." He partially recovered from the stroke, was again able to take part in the activities of life, when another attack took him suddenly from our midst. He was interred by his brethren in the usual order, May 18th inst., W.C. Aycock, W.M. and Rev. J.R.T. Brown, chaplain, officiating. His funeral was preacehd at the grave by Rev. and Bro. W.H. Speer. There were many present to witness the burial. Furthermore, be it resolved; 1. That in his death, Rotherford Lodge of the Masonic Fraternity has lost one of its most earnest, energetic and efficient members. 2. That in life, he was ever ready to serve the Mystic Order; the brotherhood; prodigal to maintain what he considered its interest; if betrayed into an error or a fault, he was deeply and truly penitent. 3. That we deeply and sorely feel his loss; yet, knowing we are soon to follow, we trust we may be ready to meet the Grand Architect where the sound of the gavel will be heard no more. 4. That we deeply sympathize with his wife and children, that we ever consider their welfare, and commend them to the unbounded riches of God. 5. That we request the publication of this memoir and these resolutions in The Times and that a copy be furnished the bereaved family W.H. Speer W.W. Harris Thomas Ingram, Committee ----- WHITESBURG News David N. Gordon was in town last Wednesday, and after eating his dinner, went down home two miles from this place and about 4 o'clock that evening, while holding his mule in the yard, waiting for his wife to come home, fell dead. He was not seen to breathe or struggle in any way after he fell. He was well known throughout the county and has been J.P. and N.P. for many years. He was buried with Masonic honors at the Joel Culpepper grave yard on Thursday, Rev. W.H. Speer and Rev. J.R.T. Brown taking part in the service. Mr. Gordon was born in Wilksborough N.C. in 1817 and was 65 years old. File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nc/wilkes/obits/g/gordon578gob.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ncfiles/ File size: 3.6 Kb