Burke County, ND - Cities, Towns and Villages These data taken from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) GNIS database of populated places and are in the public domain. They were formatted for noncommercial use by Garnett J. Zsedeny. Longitude and latitude are given so that locations can be plotted using the Census Tiger Map Server, URL: http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/gazetteer. The best plots can be obtained with this system because with some effort local roads down to the township level can be plotted making it easy to drive to any place that roads allow. However, the latitude and longitude must be converted to whole degrees and decimels versus degrees, minutes and seconds used by the USGS. The conversion is degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600. It can also be easily done using a scientific calculator. City/Town/Village Latitude Longitude ----------------- -------- --------- Atcoal 485405N 1025441W Battleview 483444N 1024731W Bowbells 484811N 1021444W Columbus 485415N 1024648W Coteau 484524N 1021907W Flaxton 485355N 1022331W Kincaid 485314N 1024711W Larson 485323N 1025129W Lignite 485239N 1023345W Northgate 485927N 1021542W Perella 485406N 1021502W Portal 485945N 1023257W Powers Lake 483346N 1023851W Rival 485406N 1023641W Sevenmile Corner 485340N 1023244W Stampede 485314N 1024414W Vanville 483746N 1022220W Woburn 484943N 1022508W