Grand Forks County, Dakota Territory 1883 List of Pensioners on the Roll Contributed by Kenneth Thomas, Warrensburg, MO, February 1998 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Date of Original Cert# Name of Pensioner P.O. Address Cause for which pensioned Monthly Rate Allowance ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 178, 989 Elliot, Sam'l Arvilla g. s. w. breast and rt. leg $ 2.00 Nov., 1880 - - - - Wilson, John Gilby inflam. rheum. 24.00 - - - - - 18, 840 Marble, Fiannah " widow 1812 8.00 Feb., 1879 57, 204 Day, Henry H. Grand Forks g. s. w. rt. foot 12.00 Feb., 1866 159, 556 Darrah, Louis R. " g. s. w. rt. arm 4.25 May, 1879 118, 755 McClellan, Wm. " g. s. w. lower jaw 14.00 Sept, 1872 184, 654 Tomson, Mons " g. s. w. lt. arm 4.00 Mar., 1881 32, 451 Lanham, John " " " " 10.00 Sept, 1864 148, 683 Gilley, Dominick " g. s. w. rt. shoulder 6.00 Oct., 1877 189, 994 Blair, John L. " incised wds. head and arrow wd. lt. hip 10.00 June, 1881 172, 371 Osborn, James " injury to abdomen 8.00 Aug., 1880 190, 079 Brown, Chas. A. " loss left index finger 3.00 June, 1881 - - - - Wilson, Geo. " loss left thumb, g. s. wds. lt. thigh and side, and 25.00 - - - - - inj. to clavicle. - - - - Walsh, Thos. " wd. rt. and lt. shoulder and spinal process. 10.00 - - - - - 141, 516 Russell, Harvey Y. " g. s. w. lt. forearm 5.00 Sept, 1876 206, 210 Robinson, Joseph " inj. rt. leg 2.00 Apr., 1882 172, 983 McIntyre, Wm. J. " g. s. w. lt. hand 4.00 Aug., 1880 54, 367 Amundsen, Marthea " widow 8.00 - - - - - 130, 168 Wilkins, Thos. J. " g. s. w. rt. knee 6.00 Sept, 1874 140, 667 Donovan, Cornelius " wd. lt. leg above knee 6.00 Aug., 1876 14, 118 Collins, Wm. T. " loss lt. leg 24.00 July, 1863 37, 375 Barton, Rob't " wd. rt. foot 10.00 Jan., 1865 55, 390 Tompkins, Ephraim " g. s. w. left hand and results. 8.00 Jan., 1866 154, 469 Cooper, Byron Inkster g. s. w. lt. leg 6.00 July, 1878 104, 255 Hall, Aaron P. Larimore g. s. w. rt. knee 6.00 July, 1870 144, 127 Vaunier, Geo. A. " g. s. w. lt. thigh and arm 6.00 Mar., 1877 189, 501 Calahan, James D. " var. veins lt. leg 6.00 June, 1881 62, 514 Mallory, Erastus F. " wd. rt. shr. 6.00 Apr., 1866 31, 208 Bailey, Slomon H. " paralysis 8.00 July, 1864 10, 898 Moore, Hugh S. " inj. rt. shr., chr. rheum., and diarr. 8.00 Apr., 1863 182, 827 Lane, Theron W. " chr. diarr. and dis. of abd. vis. 6.00 Feb., 1881 199, 692 Webster, Simon P. " chr. diarr. 17.00 Dec., 1881 39, 832 Robillard, Chas. " g. s. w. rt. arm 15.00 Mar., 1865 22, 258 Olmstead, Chas. H. " wd. lt. arm 8.00 Dec., 1863 180, 935 Bondurant, Creighton J. " dis. eyes 6.00 Jan., 1881 172, 030 Kendrick, Dennis " g. s. w. lt. forearm 6.00 Aug., 1880 197, 054 Jones, Sallie K. " widow 20.00 Aug., 1882 82, 072 Reepke, Nels B. Lee wd. rt. hand 2.66 June, 1867 215, 877 Alway, Thos. R. Manvel g. s. w. rt. side head 2.00 July, 1882 185, 577 Rushton, Benj. G. Stickney g. s. w. rt. forearm 4.00 Mar., 1881 12, 963 Copley, Ruth " widow 1812 8.00 Dec., 1878 184, 331 Hanscomb, Frank W. " chr. diarr. 12.75 Mar., 1881 174, 689 Mouceau, Joseph Thompson dis. lungs and heart 8.00 Oct., 1880 214, 441 Harris, Andrew J. " chr. rheum. 6.00 June, 1882 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with the USGenWeb policy of providing free information on the Internet, this data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages cannot be reproduced in any format for profit or other gain. Copying of the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged. -----------------------------------------------------------------------