Oliver County ND Archives History .....More News Notes ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/nd/ndfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 June 25, 2013, 2:18 am PLATTING OF FORT CLARK — AUG. 19, 1909 The plat of Fort Clark will be finished in about ten days and the Ellis Townsite Company will then become active in establishing the town. Several of the engineers of the railroad have expressed themselves of the opinion that Fort Clark is the most logical point for a townsite of any place along the two branch lines. C. F. Ellis says that he has already many applications for the establishing of various business concerns at this place. Among them are lumber yards, a bank, general stores, etc. Fort Clark certainly has an excellent location and a good farming district around it and the little town when fairly started ought to forge ahead with great rapidity. Mandan Pioneer. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DISTRICTS TO BE REDISTRICTED — FEB. 10, 1910 For some time the question of equally dividing our county commissioner’s districts according to population has been in our citizens’ minds, but the time has not been ripe heretofore for the proposition. It now seems that the county should be more equally divided and for that purpose a number of petitions are being circulated. The proposition is to divide the county north and south into three districts. This will throw a little more territory into Commissioner Smith’s district, but according to population, he wll have no more than his share. Under the law at this time, the redistricting is almost compulsory and the County Judge, Clerk of Court and County Auditor are the required redistricting board. This board will have the matter in hand and will see that fair play is meted out to all. CENTER DRUG COMPANY — FEB. 23, 1911 The Center Drug Company have an ad in this issue calling the attention of the people to their stock of drugs, and confectionery and other items that go to make up the stock for a store. Messrs. Jennings, Householder, and Woolsey, who comprise the company, are all well known here and realized the value of a drug stock in Center and have erected a building 22 by 40 in the eastern part of the village where they will carry on their business. As soon as the needs of the people become known, they will endeavor to put in a stock of goods that will supply their wants in their line. CORN EXHIBIT AND BREAD BAKING CONTEST — NOV. 12, 1912 The first Corn Exhibit ever held in Oliver County was held here Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1912. It was a grand success for corn from all parts of the county was brought by the school children who raised the corn from seed furnished by the Agricultural College last spring. Prof. Palmer of the A. C. did the judging and awarded the prizes as follows: 1st, Wm. Miller- 2nd, Myrtle Bigelow; 3rd, Willard Ellis; 4th, Charles E. Day; 5th, George Ellis; 6th, George Miller 7th, Pearl Day; 8th, Emil Skubinna; 9th, Frank Day; 10th, Mary Krauth; 11th, Otelia Strand; 12th, Olga Strand; 13th, Mildred Walker; 14th, Alfred Strand 15th, Wm. J. Taylor. In connection with the exhibit, a bread baking contest was also held. Those who won prizes were as follows: Mary Mosbrucker, 1st; Ruth Steele, 2nd; Eva Mosbrucker, 3rd. Mrs. Iva O. Jenness, who was Oliver County Supemtendent of Schools, had promoted the exhibit and contest. DEDICATION OF HENSLER CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH — DEC. 28, 1913 Last Sunday, Dec. 28th, Hensler’s new church was dedicated and formally opened to the public for worship. It was indeed a great day for Hensler and the exercises afternoon and evening were thoroughly enjoyed by all who were privileged to attend. The dedication sermon was preached by Dr. E. H. Stickney of Fargo, who is superintendent of the Congregational missionary work for this state. Other gentlemen also assisted in the services of the day, including Rev. D. D. Mutchell, Prof. Cole, Mr. Rice of Washburn, and Rev. J. S. Rood of Hebron. Special music was rendered by the choir and many were the expressions of praise for the new edifice. A hopeful future is looked for and the supreme aim and desire is that the glorious gospel of old shall be proclaimed as never before within its walls. OLIVER COUNTY PAYS LAST BOND — MAY 28, 1914 Last Thursday, County Treasurer Schmeing sent away a draft on an order drawn by County Auditor Kiebert in the sum of $5300.00 being the payment of principal and interest on the court house bond issued in May, 1894, for the building of Oliver County’s court house. Not only is this the final bond on the court house, but it may be said to the credit of the county’s officials and her tax—paying residents, it is the last of the county’s bonded indebtedness. We understand there is an outstanding indebtedness payable from various funds, but that there is now on hand in those several funds a balance of $9,161.25. Take off your hat to Oliver County — she is in better condition than many of the counties of the state and has reason to feel optimistic. NEW CHURCH DEDICATED — NOV. 11, 1915 On Friday of last week the new Catholic church, which the members of that denomination have recently completed, near Yucca was dedicated. Bishop Werhle, Of Bismarck, assisted by four priests, including Rev. Fr. Wiedmann, of Sweetbriar, conducted the services. Members of that faith, as well as others from all parts of the country, were present to witness the ceremony. The new edifice is a credit to that community and the congregation is to be congratulated upon the effort put forth that resulted so successfully. It is probable the Rev. Fr. Wiedemann will conduct services there in addition to his other pastorates. Additional Comments: Extracted from a booklet "Pioneers of Oliver County, 1906 - 1956" File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/nd/oliver/history/other/morenews13gms.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/ndfiles/ File size: 6.1 Kb