Park Township, Pembina County, ND - 1900 Census Index This data was transscribed by Garnett J. Zsedeny from the 1900 Census Film. It is intended, as formatted, for noncommercial use only. The film was hard to read because someone had overwritten nearly all the given names. Anywhere I was unsure of the spelling I used a "?". Copyright (c) 1998 Garnett J. Zsedeny LName FName Ln# Sheet# ----- ----- --- ------ Addson Thorbjorg 7 9A Anderson Andrew 74 9B Anderson Louis 94 8B Anderson Halv? 55 9B Anderson Eva 8 10A Arnason Olafson 32 7A Arnason Halldor 45 7A Arnason Arn? 18 10A Barnison Barnes 80 8B Basnason P. 44 8A Bilizke Frank 11 10A Bjarnason Sigf? 23 9A Bjeldi Kristin K. 29 10A Bjornason B. 39 7A Bjornson T. 42 10A Bowie John 82 7B Burg? Gustie 46 10A Caldwell Arthur 92 8B Chambers Robert 8 8A Ciminske John 91 7B Creighton A. 46 7A Crozier Susie 66 9B Crummie John 35 9A Cuthbertson William 75 7B Dillan Ernest 31 8A Doktera Annie 94 7B Dutcher Harry 76 8B Einarson Sophia 43 10A Einarson Gudrundur 18 7A Eirikson Enar G. 24 7A Ellis William 71 9B Fallons Louis 93 8B Fay Joseph 54 8B Gillier Charles 62 8B Gislason Oscar 89 9B Greenwood James 63 7B Greenwood Jon? 43 9A Greenwood William 95 7B Gudmundson Einar 25 7A Gudmundson Gudmundar 30 9A Gunnarson John 6 9A Haggard George 71 8B Hartze Peter 44 10A Hartze John 4 10A Hartze E. 48 10A Holliday Edmond 72 8B Holliday Allen 32 8A Hunter Thorn? 40 9A Ide Herbert 53 8B Johnson Nels 46 9A Johnson Bert 8 9A Johnston Robert 1 7A Kelly James 14 9A Kohlmeir William 91 9B Kresia Bertha 54 7B Lean James 73 7B Lean John 59 7B Lens Louis 55 7B Lilly William 7 8A Marshall John 1 10A Martin Angus 15 8A Martin Daniel 3 8A McDonald Charles 22 9A McDonald Angus 35 10A McLean Elizabeth 14 7A McLean Hector 65 9B McMillan William 76 7B Millan George 67 9B Millan Isabella 96 8B Mineler James 13 7A Montgomery Norman 81 8B Moore Thomas 23 10A Murphy Margaret 7 10A Newell William 32 9A Olafson Bjorn 27 7A Peterson Bjornis 36 10A Peterson Sig? 36 8A Ralston Hugh 56 9B Robertson John 24 8A Rodgers James 10 7A Rodgers John 28 10A Rowe James 84 7B Ruston Thomas 70 7B Salhim Chris 36 9A Samuelson Louisa 31 9A Sauder Menno B. 90 7B Savage John S 29 9A Savage Olof M. 5 9A Schevdag Margaret 99 8B Scott James 83 7B Shepherd George 45 8A Sigurdson Gudumundur 9 10A Sigurdson D. 95 8B Sinclair George 81 9B Skaro Eliza 90 9B Skaro Thomas 82 9B Spotswood Robert 88 8B Stephenson George 10 10A Wark Jane R. 74 7B Westall Jane 70 8B Widme Andrew 47 9A