LANDHOLDERS, ST JOSEPH TOWNSHIP, PEMBINA CO., ND - 1893 This information is compiled to help fill the gap left by the loss of the 1890 Federal Census Data. The information consists of the 1893 plat map landholders, supplemented by the 1900 Federal Census (coming). Other sources may be used later if they become available. Every effort has been made to make this information error free. However, a project of this size will have some errors. Because we can never be sure that the data is complete, don't stop searching if you know for sure that your ancestor owned land in St Joseph Township during this period, but isn't listed. There are many reasons why he/she might not be listed here. The use of a "*" indicates that someone of that surname, but not with the given name, lived in the township in 1900. It might indicate that the landholder died between 1893 and 1900 and the land passed to a widow or other heir. A "?" means portions of the census or landholders data was not legible. L_Name F_Name Sheet# Ln# Age CenYr [Sectors] Acreages ------ ------ ------ --- --- ----- --------- -------- Adams Elizabeth [27] 160 Adams K. G. [27] 160 Allard George [1] 120 Aymond Frank [2,10,11] 480.80 Aymond Joseph [2,35] 482.64 Baur Charles [3] 40.81 Beaton William [31] 160 Beaudrie Alphonso [10,11] 160 Benjamin C. A. [16] 480 Bennett William [35] 160 Bertrand Justin [28] 160 Best A. W. [7] 154.01 Best Abraham [8] 160 Best David [7] 160 Best Howard E. [6] 160 Best John E. [29] 149.25 Best L. C. [5,7] 480 Best M. R. [21] 20 Best Susan [21,29] 289.45 Best W. H. [31,32] 458 Best William D. [6] 307.85 Beuler J. [32] 40 Bottineau Charles [33,34] 400 Boyer Narcisse [30] 156.25 Briggs Joseph [28] 160 Briggs N. Frank [29] 160 Briggs W. C. [35] 160 Brown A. [36] 40 Brown Andrew [6,7,30,31] 326.24 Bruce M. R. [28] 40 Bryce James [31] 155.96 Burt William [32] 160 Burton Catherine [28] 160 Byers William [15,22] 320 Campbell John W. [7,18] 314.21 Carpenter J. E. [32] 160 Carpenter J. W. [3] 160 Clifford N. [31] 160 Clifford William [26] 320 Collison Elizabeth [13] 160 Conmy E. W. [3] 161.27 Craig William [25] 160 Craigen Andrew [2] 160 Craigen Michael [13,14] 320 Craigen Michael [26,35] 155.10 Currie William [32] 240 Dalzel Charles [16] 160 Dease Michael [22,23] 211 Dease Michael [34] 160 Dease Michael [15] 160 Dease Octavia [14,23] 320 Demaris N. [22] 20 Demorest August [30] 160 Desmarais A. & C. [24,25] 160 Desmarais N. [27,35] 160 Devancy Thomas [14,22.35] 400 Dick H. [6] 20 Donovan P. C. [32] 40 Donovan P. C. [34] 160 Donovan P. C. [4,5] 160 Donovan P. C. [33] 320 Donovan Thomas E. [15,31] 320 Donovan (Est.) John [14,23] 320 Ducept Michael [21] 160 Duma C. [4,9] 481.50 Duncan Alexander [23,27,28] 320 Duprey M. A. [19] 160 Duprey Maxime [9] 160 Duprey Mrs P. [22,27] 160 Elford George C. [33] 160 Elford Jno. [30] 151.62 Elford John [28] 297.82 Ewing Harry [18,19] 160 Ewing Henry [8] 160 Faladeau M. H. [11] 160 Fallardeau Cloves [19,30] 160 Falls J. J. [32] 20 Fansett Asa [4] 160 Fat K. [4] 10 Fee James [2] 158.18 Fee T. [32] 10 Fehr Jac. [6] 20 Fife A. [2] 160 Fife A. T. [7,22,27] 320 Fife Alexander [35] 160 Findlay A. [7] 20 Fisk J. B. [18,19] 303.40 Fitzsimmon J. [32] 10 Fitzsimmons Henry [6] 159.78 Fitzsimmons James [30] 174.11 Fitzsimmons Jno. [26] 111.35 Fitzsimmons John [25,34] 308.35 Flynn T. W. [5,8] 160.61 Frankfield J. [32] 80 Freize Peter [32] 20 Friazan P. [4] 10 Friegen A. [5,6] 40 Gagan John [7] 160 Gainer J. H. [27] 148.74 Gainor J. [32] 10 Ganssle George [33] 160 Ganssle John [33] 160 Garner J. C. [26] 160 Gengre F. [4] 10 Geraux S. [19] 160 Geroux Simeon [26,27,34] 466.33 Gertrand P. [4] 10 Gibson Daniel [19,20] 160 Gibson Daniel [13,24] 160 Gibson James [12,13,14] 240 Gibson Thomas [13,24] 160 Gillis Susannah [13] 160 Gillis W. H. [13,24,28] 700 Gilmore Eugene [8] 320 Gingras N. [26,27,34,35] 320 Gordon J. D. [17,18,20, 21,29] 1280 1280 Gorman T. [21] 20 Gorman Thomas [14] 160 Gorman Timothy [35] 160 Gynn John [12,13] 160 Halloran J. [22,34] 249 Halwell F. [14,23] 160 Hawell J. [7] 10 Heibert J. [4] 10 Henkle C. [4,5] 201.13 Henkle Henry [11,15] 280 Hilbrand H. [4] 10 Hogan George [29] 160 Holleran C. [28] 80 Holleran Joseph [28] 80 Holmes James [8,9] 320 Horgan J. N. [3,10] 401.04 Horgan J. N. [16,21,23] 480 Horgan M. J. [21] 160 Horgan P. J. [16,17,20] 480 Horgan T. B. [24] 160 Houlle P. [12] 40 Howell A. W. [1] 100 Howell James [33] 160 Howell Jonathan [1] 220 Howell William [10,15] 320 Howell William H. [4] 159.15 Howell William H. [33] 160 Hughes Harvey [18] 80 Hughes J. J. [5,8,18] 320 Hughes James H. [7,17] 320 Hughes Rowland [5,8] 240.79 Hyde James [6,25,32] 20 Hyde James [29,30,31] 412.71 Hyde John D. [1] 160 Ingalls John [16] 160 Inglis John [9] 160 Irvine W. J. [11,12] 160 James Fee [36] 40 Johnson David [27] 148.74 Johnson J. [6] 30 Johnson John C. [31,36] 315 Johnson William [35] 160 Julras J. O. [23] 160 Karls Nicholas [4,10] 320 Kingsland J. P.& E. [7] 40 Kirby George [34] 160 Klason J. [4] 10 Klason M. [4] 10 Knowles George [2] 158.30 Knowles Henry [9] 160 Knowles W. [32] 40 Knowles William [2,3] 320 Kreker G. [4] 10 Kyle James [29,30] 138.90 Kyle John [29,32] 160 Kyle Will [10,11] 320 La Moure & Goodfellow [12,33] 120 LaBelle Frank [34] 80 Lacerte P. [22] 80 Lancianlt G. [18,32] 354.61 Lanciault Gilbert [21,32] 400 Lane T. [21] 10 Lang Francis [26] 160 Lang Thomas [26] 160 Lang William [15,27,34] 240 Langevine Eugene [17,18,20] 160 Lauzon Celina [30] 160 Leatherland James [31] 160 LeCail Joseph [25] 40 Lind George [33] 160 Lindsay A. J. [5,21] 179.38 Longtemps Jr. Antoine [19] 148.64 Longtemps Sr. Antoine [32] 160 Lutz Mrs [8] 160 Main A. [7,15] 165 Marion Edward [27] 160 Martineau A. [11,12,13,14, 24,25,27,28] 800 Martineau Adrtanue [11,14] 160 Martineau Andrew [7,18,23,29] 509.19 Martineau August [31] 160 Martineau Joseph [31] 160 McAndress Michael [25] 160 McArthur Agnes [7] 34.76 McCaffrey Edward [29,32] 160 McConnell R. [7,20] 180 McConnell Robert [29,30,34] 640 McConnell Robert [21] 160 McDougald M. [15] 30 McFadden David [21,22,26] 320 McFadden E. J. [25] 160 McFadden Elizabeth [22] 160 McFadden James [7,25] 195 McLachlan M. [32,33] 160 McLarty D. [36] 40 McLarty John [10] 160 McLavaty D. [6,7] 292.46 Michell John [11] 160 Michells L. [34] 160 Milwood Elizabeth [4] 159.16 Mirande Clement [17,33] 320 Mountain George [35] 160 Neilson Hugh L. C. [7,35] 180 Neilson J. C. [6] 15 Neilson T. J. [35] 160 Neufeldt A. [4] 20 Neufeldt P. [5,6] 50 Noice A. [36] 160 Noice John [1] 158.52 O'Brien M. [21] 40 O'Brien P. [30] 160 O'Connor John [16] 160 O'Connor (Est.) Tim [15] 160 Outten James [29] 48.66 Outten John [25,28,32,33] 747.64 Pack William [33] 160 Pailefer Joseph [30] 148.32 Parrott A. M. [19,30] 152.19 Patten Adam [11,12] 240 Patterson S. [5,31] 319.52 Patterson Thomas H. [32] 160 Penner B. [32] 40 Peters A [4] 20 Prairie I. P. [1] 321.82 Quackenbush V. [24,25,26] 800 Raiche Justice [27] 100 Rayfield William [26] 160 Renaud J. R. [34] 160 Renaud L. R. [34] 80 Renaud (H.E.) John B. [27] 220.53 Renwick Esau [34] 40 Renwick Ezra [34] 40 Renwick William [35] 160 Richotte Joseph [32] 120 Richotte P. [29] 120 Richotte R. [17] 160 Richotte Sr. P. [32] 40 Roesler Cecilia [21,28 240 Sheard G. [29,30,32] 176.34 Sheard George [30] 43.42 Sisson James [9] 160 Smirl Robert [31] 148.80 Spentz J. [4] 10 Stewart A. T. [22,27,23] 320 Stoever J. C. [35] 80 Symington James [11] 240 Symington John [10] 160 Symington Thomas [17,20] 160 Symington Jr William [9,15] 480 Symington Sr William [9] 160 Tebrault Joseph [5] 160 Tetrault Alex [22] 160 Tetrault J. A. [19] 160 Thomas William [21,28] 160 Thoming Louise [32] 80 Trenbeath Thomas [12] 160 Trenbeath William [12] 320 Trenholme D. [20] 160 Upton Hiram D. [34] 80 Urlaub S. [20] 20 Urlaul Sebastian [33,34] 320 Veade James [28,29,32] 160 Veilson T. J. [6] Vinnes D. [20] 80 Vogt Charles [29] 160 Vogt Philip [32] 160 Voice John [6] 40 Wall John [12] 160 Walsh D. A. [35] 160 Walts Henry [31,36] 50.50 Watts W. J. [3,34] 319 Weeks James [31] 155.40 Wessel Ben [26] 148.15 Whelen John [35] 160 Whelen Mrs Jno. [3] 158.62 Wilcox A. S. [33] 160 Xeado Jr. John [30] 148.16 Yeade Mary [25] 160 Copyright (c) 1996 Garnett J. Zsedeny. This material, as compiled, is provided for individual use only. It may not be used in any commercial manner.