Ransom County, ND Cemetery Transcriptions - Index, Volume 14 Cemetery Inscription Index, Volume 14, Cemeteries of North Dakota, published by the Red River Valley Genealogy Society (RRVGS), This index scanned and reformatted by Garnett J, Zsedeny with permission, Volume 14 covers the following cemeteries: Cemetery of Aliceton Twp., Sec.3 Cemetery of Aliceton Twp., Sec. 28 Aliceton Cemetery St. Paul’s Lutheran Cemetery, Casey Twp. Sec. 26 Cemetery, Elliott Twp., Sec. 32 Fillmore Lutheran Cemetery, Moore Twp., Sec. 20 City of Sheldon Cemetery, Green Twp., Sec.17 Cemetery of Hanson Twp., Sec. 5 Cemetery of Isley Twp., Sec. 8 City of Enderlin Cemetery, Liberty Twp., Sec. 4 West St. Olaf’s Cemetery, Liberty Twp., Sec. 20 Abandoned Cemetery, Liberty Twp., Sec. 24 Lisbon City Cemetery, Tuller Twp., Sec. 35 (includes Oakwood & St. Aloysius) Lisbon Cemetery Official Records Fillmore Cemetery, Moore Twp. Sec. 20 Nordheim Cemetery, Northland Twp. Sec. 4 Nordland Cemetery, Northland Twp., Sec. 15 Owego Cemetery, Owego Twp., Sec. 2 Owego Lutheran Cemetery, Owego Twp. , Sec. 9 Zoar Lutheran Cemetery, Owego Twp.,Sec.21 Preston Cemetery, Preston Twp., Sec. 20 United Methodist Cemetery, Shenford Twp.,Sec.17 Anseim Lutheran Cemetery, Shanford Twp. , Sec. 20 Vee Cemetery, Springer Twp., Sec.3 Standing Rock Cemetery, Ft. Ransom Twp., Sec. 2 Stiklestad Cemetery, Ft.Ransom Twp., Sec. 22 Updates to Lisbon City Cemeteries For lookups of cemeteries and death dates write the RRVGS at Box 9284, Fargo, North Dakota 58106-9284, Ph:(701)239-4129, Email: rrvgs@rrnet.com. Send $2,00 for each name or each page along with an SASE, The complete volume may be purchased from the RRVGS, Copyright (c) 1998 SURNAME PAGE ------- ---- Aarseth 99 Aasen 47 Aasheim 6 Abraham 49 Abrshan 90 Ackley 35 Adams 8 Adams 9 Adams 60 Adams 78 Adams 79 Adams 85 Admson 15 Adolf 5 Adolf 43 Adolfs 5 Adolfs 56 Aherin 65 Aibright 54 Ailgood 50 Ailgood 54 Aipperspach 22 Albertson 2 Albright 50 Alexander 62 Alexander 88 Alexander 89 Alinder 51 Alison 68 Alison 116 Allen 8 Allen 11 Allen 51 Allen 58 Allen 78 Allen 79 Allgood 5 Alson 2 Alson 94 Altman 102 Altman 103 Amdahl 15 Amory 56 Amundson 6 Ancera 66 Anderson 7 Anderson 11 Anderson 14 Anderson 16 Anderson 17 Anderson 19 Anderson 20 Anderson 21 Anderson 22 Anderson 23 Anderson 25 Anderson 26 Anderson 28 Anderson 29 Anderson 30 Anderson 31 Anderson 32 Anderson 42 Anderson 44 Anderson 45 Anderson 46 Anderson 50 Anderson 55 Anderson 56 Anderson 57 Anderson 60 Anderson 64 Anderson 67 Anderson 69 Anderson 74 Anderson 75 Anderson 76 anderson 77 Anderson 80 Anderson 81 Anderson 83 Anderson 93 Anderson 94 Anderson 95 Anderson 96 Anderson 97 Anderson 98 Anderson 99 Anderson 104 Anderson 105 Anderson 106 Anderson 108 Anderson 109 Anderson 110 Anderson 116 Anderson . 51 Andrew 33 Antrim 66 Appel 20 Archbold 8 Archbold 9 Arendts 2 Arians 65 Armstrong 44 Armstrong 58 Armstrong 81 Armstrong 83 Armstrong 91 Arne 31 Arne 40 Arne 44 Arnesin 1 Arneson 29 Arneson 64 Arnold 111 Arntson 14 Arntson 25 Arntson 38 Arntson 88 Arntson 91 Arntson 96 Arntson 97 Arthur 39 Ash 41 Ash 42 Ash 80 Ash 81 Ash 85 Ash 88 Ash 90 Asleson 28 Asplund 97 Asseltine 19 Asseltine 21 Asseltine 23 Austad 17 Austad 31 Austad 98 Austin 33 Austin 78 Avery 113 Ayers 17 Babcock 17 Babcock 42 Babcock 58 Bachman 5 Backlund 38 Backlund 39 Backlund 88 Bacon 37 Baghun 87 Baguhn 47 Baguhn 79 Baisner 52 Baker 27 Baker 38 Baker 70 Baker 72 Baker 78 Baker 83 Baker 86 Bakke 53 Balderson 50 Balderson 69 Balderson 80 Balderson 81 Balderson 83 Balderson 91 Baldusan 79 Bale 60 Bale 79 Bale 89 Ball 35 Ballinger 49 Ballinger 53 Ballinger 87 Balow 18 Bang 33 Bardan 81 Bardon 80 Barfield 85 Baribeau 28 Barringer 43 Bartell 72 Bartels 18 Bartholomay 8 Bartlett 31 Barton 72 Bartosh 41 Bartosh 72 Bartrltt 17 Bates 87 Baubeau 20 Bauer 74 Baumgartner 74 Baumgartner 116 Baxter 19 Baylis 17 Bayliss 17 Beans 113 Beard 27 Bearfield 45 Bearfield 47 Bearfield 78 Bearfield 115 Bearman 22 Beaucage 74 Beaucage 115 Beaver 91 Becker 13 Becker 55 Becker 88 Behrend 9 Beikler 26 Beizer 62 Beizer 89 Beizer 91 Bell 95 Bell 111 Belling 87 Belling 108 Bellis 34 Bemmels 38 Bemmels 88 Benson 1 Benson 12 Benson 19 Benson 31 Benson 33 Berg 6 Berg 7 Berg 29 Berg 95 Berg 112 Berg 113 Berger 113 Bergeson 3 Bergeson 4 Bergeson 4 Bergeson 57 Bergiund 23 Bergiund 94 Berland 99 Berlin 57 Berlin 60 Berlin 79 Bernart 105 Bernhardt 21 Berntson 107 Berr 113 Bertins 3 Besuchet 58 Bickel 24 BiCkel 36 Biesterfeld 102 Billing 59 Billing 68 Billing 69 Billing 71 Billing 85 Billing 83 Billings 45 Birklid 98 Birklid 100 Bissell 84 Bixby 39 Bixby 85 Bixby 83 Bixby 80 Bjeke 95 Bjone 109 Bjork 18 Bjorness 28 Bjornhel 106 Bjornher 107 Bjornhil 107 Bjugstad 97 Bjugstad 98 Blackburn 35 Blackburn 91 Blake 61 Blakely 64 Blanchard 25 Blanchard 36 Blanchard 48 Blanchard 89 Blanchard 89 Blanchard 81 Blanchard 78 Bleeker 72 Bleeker 115 Bleese 26 Blegen 59 Blimka 72 Bliss 47 Block 11 Blood 79 Blood 79 Bloom 64 Bock 39 Bock 59 Bock 71 Bock 72 Bock 75 Bock 83 Boeder 26 Bohlken 44 Boilean 17 Boise 48 Bolland 89 Bolson 106 Bolt 83 Bood 97 Borchert 27 Bordt 26 Borgen 33 Boroszuk 110 Borreson 30 Bosh 52 Bot 44 Bot 72 Bot 76 Bot 88 Bott 42 Bowman 11 Boyden 53 Boyden 54 Boyden 87 Boyle 8 Boyle 13 Brace 55 Brace 72 Brader 37 Bradly 79 Brandvold 94 Brannan 74 Brannaugh 74 Branthover 52 Branthover 89 Brantner 89 Brash 41 Brash 102 Bratland 57 Bratland 61 Bratland 100 Bratland 86 Bratles 42 Bratlie 50 Brazel 19 Brearley 27 Breaw 14 Breaw 75 Brehmer 75 Breilein 71 Brekke 6 Brekke 44 Brekke 113 Brenstrom 12 Brewer 56 Bridges 72 Briggs 62 Bristol 36 Brittain 56 Britten 58 Britton 78 Broen 6 Broen 7 Brovold 17 Brown 6 Brown 12 Brown 21 Brown 35 Brown 38 Brown 72 Brown 97 Brown 91 Brown 87 Brown 83 Bruce 23 Bruce 80 Bruhn 17 Brumfield 20 Brundage 11 Brunton 69 Brunton 87 Brush 89 Brush 82 Bryan 89 Bryne 93 Buchanan 63 Buchholz 46 Buck 14 Buckholz 87 Bueling 13 Bullock 40 Bullock 86 Bunn 9 Bunt 36 Bunt 43 Bunt 75 Bunt 79 Burbey 28 Burgess 14 Burke 41 Burley 41 Burner 14 Burrett 35 Burner 44 Burtness 29 Busacker 102 Buss 3 Buss 12 Buss 13 Buss 102 Buss 103 Butler 53 Butts 60 Buttz 59 Buttz 60 Buttz 88 Buttz 86 Buttz 79 Butz 45 Buvick 98 Byran 36 Byrne 20 Byrne 45 Cable 24 Gaff ery 38 Cain 82 Caine 15 Calaline 18 Caidwell 10 Caidwell 19 Calloch 67 Cameron 39 Cameron 78 Camp 35 Camp 90 Campbell 23 Campbell 38 Campbell 39 Campbell 61 Campbell 70 Campbell 76 Campbell 77 Campbell 89 Campbell 87 Campbell 84 Campbell 81 Card 22 Gardner 36 Carey 22 Carlblom 50 Carlblom 107 Carlblom 111 Carlblom 112 Carlblom 113 Carlson 18 Carlson 19 Carlson 27 Carlson 33 Carlson 41 Carlson 43 Carlson 57 Carlson 76 Carlson 99 Carlson 100 Canlson 105 Carlson 106 Carlson 81 Carlson 80 Carlson 79 Canlton 58 Carr 11 Carr 13 Carroll 41 Carroll 91 Carrolid 74 Carson 89 Carter 9 Carter 9 Carter 42 Carter 61 Carter 68 Casebeer 70 Casebeer 85 Casey 74 Cassaday 86 Cassady 48 Cassady 89 Casterton 76 Casterton 85 Cavett 8 Cavett 68 Challey 45 Challey 49 Challey 77 Challey 87 Challey 82 Challey 80 Chamberlain 83 Chamberlin 49 Chamblain 17 Chase 2 Chase 46 Chase 56 Chase 84 Chenze 23 Chernington 58 Chesley 51 Chesley 54 Chesley 69 Chesley 70 Chisman 51 Chose 95 Chose 96 Christenson 16 Christianson 23 Christianson 25 Christianson 29 Christianson 30 Christianson 31 Christianson 51 Christianson 68 Christman 84 Christmann 101 Christmann 102 Christofferson 114 Christopherson 6 Christopherson 92 Christopherson 104 Churchman 37 Chuteman 78 Cincera 66 Clancy 45 Clancy 115 Clark 35 Claus 33 Claus 43 Claus 54 Claus 116 Claus 91 Clausen 20 Clausen 104 Clayton 10 Clayton 76 Clemens 19 Clintsman 38 Clintsman 58 Clintsman 78 Clother 18 Clother 18 Glow 78 Cob 30 Cobb 89 Cobb 79 Code 53 Coffey 83 Coit 40 Coit 53 Coit 81 Colberg 31 Cole 17 Cole 35 Cole 38 Cole 41 Cole 46 Cole 49 Cole 53 Cole 54 Cole 105 Cole 90 Cole 89 Cole 87 Cole 87 Cole 86 Cole 86 Cole 83 Cole 80 Cole 79 Cole 78 Colen 52 Collette 110 Collins 80 Colomba 55 Colson 72 Colton 39 Colton 39 Colton 48 Colton 83 colton 81 Colton 80 Compson 103 Conboy 74 Congdon 26 Conklin 55 Conklin 67 Conklin 84 Connelly 44 Connelly 45 Cooch 73 Cooch 86 Cook 35 Cook 63 Cook 64 Cook 70 Cook 86 Cook 84 Cook 81 Coole 110 Cooley 105 Cooney 45 Coons 51 Coons 88 Cooper 21 Cooper 27 Cooper 55 Cooper 89 Coover 14 Cordray 69 Corigan 75 Corliss 35 Cort 91 Cosher 84 Coteau 116 Cowan 10 Cowan 20 Craig 38 Craig 91 Craig 85 Crandall 68 Crandall 77 Cranson 75 Cresswell 25 Creswell 10 Crites 52 Crogkett 17 Cronin 61 Cronin 87 Cronin 81 Crosby 35 Crosby 88 Croson 62 Crouch 10 Crow 101 Cruden 10 Cruden 74 Cruff 17 Culbertson 21 Cullen 8 Cullen 12 Cullinan 47 Cullinan 89 Cullinan 87 Culver 10 Curry 42 Curtis 23 Curtis 54 Curtis 62 Curtis 90 Curtis 88 Curtis 86 Dagman 20 Dagman 24 Dagman 27 Dahl 11 Dahl 58 Dahl 98 Dahl 104 Dahl 111 Dahl 112 Dahl 86 Dahlek 74 Dahlstrom 43 Dahlstrom 56 Dahm 12 Dahm 102 Dahn 14 Dailey 30 Dalos 51 Dalos 95 Daniels 72 Danielson 26 Darelius 32 Darn 85 Darrow 35 Datter 2 Daub 18 Davidson 6 Davidson 35 Davis 41 Davis 49 Davis 50 Davis 55 Davis 61 Davis 87 Davis 85 Davis 82 Davis 79 Davis 78 Daw 70 Day 52 Day 91 Deer 5 Dehn 19 Dehn 19 Dehn 22 Deike 19 DeKay 20 DeLaBeic 84 DeLabere 48 DeLaBere 84 Delaney 115 Deley 32 Demopoulous 37 Dethioff 35 Dettloff 82 Devedix 20 Devitt 43 Devitt 67 Devitt 69 Devitt 74 Devitt 76 Devitt 82 Dick 5 Dick 44 Dick 48 Dick 53 Dick 62 Dick 73 Dick 89 Diehi 38 Diehi 91 Dietrich 43 Dietz 5 Dietz 86 Dietz 85 Dillon 22 Doeg 80 Doeling 101 Doerr 5 Doerr 57 Dagman 17 Donahue 69 Donahue 82 Dooley 15 Darn 4 Dorrance 11 Douglas 12 Douglas 13 Douglas 26 Douglas 98 Doyle 64 Drager 92 Driscoll 10 Drury 64 Duergsten 19 Dumas 33 Duncan 57 Duncan 65 Dunell 14 Dunell 15 Durbin 40 Durgin 12 Durgin 46 Durler 98 Dvergsten 97 Dwire 45 Dwire 116 Dworshak 9 Easterbrook 38 Easterbrook 81 Eastman 76 Eastman 80 Eco 3 Eddy 74 Edinger 27 Edwards 23 Edwards 35 edwards 87 Edwardson 93 Een 1 Egan 66 Egerdal 84 Eggen 93 Eggen 112 Ego 52 Ego 84 Eidsvik 71 Eijen 97 Eisenpeter 19 Ekeren 42 Ekeren 44 Eliason 100 Eliason 105 Elijah 44 Elijah 50 Elijah 71 Ellingson 2 Ellis 70 Ellsburg 19 Elofson 97 Elofson 98 Elof son 98 Elton 10 Endersbe 57 Endersbe 58 Enga 16 Engebert 94 Engebitson 31 Engemoen 1 Engen 29 Engle 18 Engle 23 Engle 70 Engle 85 Englerth 9 Ensworth 60 Ephrom 24 Ereaw 10 Erickson 2 Erickson 13 Erickson 26 Erickson 33 Erickson 48 Erickson 105 Erickson 106 Erickson 107 Erickson 112 Erickson 112 Ernst 24 Erstad 3 Eskestrand 2 Esser 67 Evanger 42 Evanger 69 Evanger 89 Evanger 84 Evans 36 Evans 91 Evans 90 Evanson 47 Evanson 49 Evanson 51 Evanson 115 Evenson 51 Evenson 114 Evenson 116 Faber 59 Faber 64 Fadness 2 Fagerstrom 95 Fahey 50 Fahlseng 50 Fahlsing 34 Fahlsing 46 Fahlsing 101 Fahlsing 88 Fairbanks 54 Fairbanks 55 Fairbanks 85 Fairbanks 79 Falhsing 87 Falk 52 Falk 111 Falkenborg 26 Faller 51 Faller 71 Faller 72 Faller 73 Faltz 33 Farnham 14 Farnham 17 Farnsworth 35 Farrell 41 Farrell 66 Farries 13 Fausett 29 Fautch 19 Feldman 70 Ferguson 62 Ferguson 80 Fernbaugh 65 Fernow 22 Fernow 25 Ferry 116 Feske 63 Fetcher 27 Field 100 Fieldstad 70 Fieldstead 82 Fieldstead 80 Filbey 38 Filbey 39 Filby 83 Finiou 79 Finks 42 Finks 82 Finzel 26 Fir 21 Fischer 60 Fiseth 47 Fish 21 Fisher 12 Fisher 13 Fisher 47 Fisk 3 Fisk 14 Fisk 57 Fisk 70 Fjelde 16 Flack 35 Flack 89 Flatt 15 Flatten 94 Fleming 42 Fleming 45 Fleming 90 Fleming 82 Flynn 51 Fodness 64 Fog 43 Fog 111 Forbes 52 Forbard 22 Ford 23 Ford 24 Ford 87 Forness 99 Forward 54 Forward 83 Forward 82 Foss 2 Foss 29 Foss 43 Fosse 29 Fosse 30 Fox 49 Fox 53 Fox 89 Fraase 22 Fraedrick 21 Frahauf 19 Frandsen 63 Frank 76 Frank 85 Fransen 91 Franson 64 Franson 85 Fre??ar 82 Frederick 23 Frederockson 6 Fredrickson 44 Fredrickson 112 Freeman 9 Freeman 66 Freer 60 Freer 84 Freer 83 Freer 81 Freitag 19 Freman 20 French 11 Fretland 27 Frietag 75 Frink 11 Fritz 24 Froemke 12 Froemke 12 Froemke 25 Froemke 50 Froemke 50 Froemke 72 Froemke 102 Froemke 103 Froemke 103 Fromi ath 38 Frostad 94 Frosted 93 Frydenlund 6 Frydenlund 20 Frydenlund 92 Fugi 49 Fugi 71 Fugi 89 Fuglestad 111 Fuller 25 Fuller 42 Fuller 78 Funk 35 Funk 43 Funk 73 Funk 91 Gable 84 Gagnum 96 Gaibreath 17 Gaibreath 18 Gaibreath 19 Gaibreath 21 Gaibreath 56 Gallaghan 14 Gamble 100 Gardne 19 Gardner 36 Gardner 39 Gardner 53 Gardner 53 Gardner 87 Gardner 86 Gardner 85 Gardner 82 Garland 51 Garman 115 Garske 11 Garske 24 Gatchell 59 Gates 46 Gates 52 Gates 86 Gates 84 Gaulke 55 Gaus tad 31 Geelan 28 Geffeller 11 Geike 19 Geike 116 Geis 85 Geisler 47 Gelder 45 George 22 Gerhardt 115 Gerrard 70 Getchell 80 Geyer 11 Gibson 11 Gibson 37 Gibson 76 Gibson 84 Gilbert 39 Gilbert 43 Gilbert 66 Gilbert 115 Gilbert 88 Gilbert 81 Gilbertson 25 Gilbertson 33 Gilbertson 61 Gilberty 54 Gillickson 50 Gimbel 16 Glaeseman 22 Gleason 80 Goble 86 Godfedson 26 Godfredsen 26 Godfrey 79 Goff 50 Goffey 65 Golberg 29 Goldburg 18 Gonyea 28 Good 12 Good 15 Goodfellow 73 Goodman 8 Goodman 11 Goodman 13 Goodyear 79 Gordon 52 Gottenborg 4 Gould 19 Grabe 78 Graham 109 Graham 111 Gram 58 Gram 80 Gramm 80 Grandadam 66 Grandadam 115 Grange 44 Grange 45 Grange 61 Grange 82 Granger 14 Granland 107 Granlund 109 Grant 14 Grant 24 Grant 26 Graves 84 Gray 23 Green 6 Green 6 Green 7 Green 92 Green 91 Greene 10 Greene 15 Greene 49 Greene 91 Greenley 42 Greenley 67 Greenley 116 Gregor 50 Gregor 109 Grehmer 75 Grenson 7 Griggs 86 Grinager 63 Grinager 77 Grinager 90 Grinager 89 Grinager 86 Grinager 81 Grinager 80 Grobe 48 Grobe 83 Grobe 81 Groen 83 Groff 98 Gross 21 Groth 6 Groth 7 Groth 20 Groth 24 Groth 25 Groth 26 Groth 30 Grotte 100 Grounitz 60 Grounitz 87 Grounitz 86 Grounitz 79 Grover 36 Grover 86 Grover 85 Grover 83 Grue 3 Guillaume 77 Gulbrand 3 Guibrand 4 Gulleton 68 Gullicksen 21 Gullicksen 30 Gunderson 29 Gunderson 30 Gunderson 58 Gustafson 112 Gustaf son 81 Gustsva 108 Gutting 65 Guttormson 107 Guttormson 108 Guttormson 110 Guyette 85 Gyldenvand 108 Gyldenvand 112 Haanes 6 Haarberg 111 Haarburg 114 Haarvik 31 Haas 64 Haas 70 Habeck 64 Hackbarth 21 Hackett 70 Hackett 79 Haddigan 28 Hadley 116 Haecherl 66 Haecherl 67 Haecherl 68 Haga 18 Hagen 106 Hagen 110 Hagen 111 Hager 74 Hain 73 Haken 84 Halbeisen 68 Haldorsen 4 Halfyard 95 Hall 18 Haliderson 82 Halley 15 Halliday 63 Halliday 69 Halliday 75 Halliday 79 Haliquist 56 Halverson 107 Halvorson 18 Halvorson 41 Halvorson 70 Hammelton 39 Hammer 42 Hammer 99 Hammo 95 Hammond 91 Hammond 89 Hammond 85 Hammong 86 Hamre 26 Hamre 33 Hamre 51 Hana 49 Hancock 71 Hand 34 Hand 91 Hanelt 102 Hanna 44 Hanna 53 Hanna 58 Hanna 63 Hanna 72 Hanna 75 Hanna 91 Hanna 90 Hanna 82 Hanna 81 Hannemann 5 Hanover 35 Hanover 86 Hansen 18 Hansen 46 Hansen 50 Hansen 57 Hansen 85 Hansey 99 Hanson 1 Hanson 5 Hanson 16 Hanson 18 Hanson 24 Hanson 27 Hanson 28 Hanson 33 Hanson 38 Hanson 39 Hanson 44 Hanson 51 Hanson 56. Hanson 57 Hanson 59 Hanson 64 Hanson 70 Hanson 71 Hanson 95 Hanson 98 hanson 99 Hanson 100 Hanson 105 Hanson 106 Hanson 107 Hanson 109 Hanson 110 Hanson 90 Hanson 89 Hanson 84 Hanson 83 Hanson 82 Haraldson 84 Harambasic 13 Hardebeck 116 Hare 37 Harelson 35 Haroldson 83 Harper 28 Harper 28 Harper 33 Harper 58 Harrington 56 Harrington 57 Harris 41 Harris 41 Harris 45 Harris 63 Harris 90 Harris 85 Harris 83 Harris 80 Harris 80 Harris 78 Harrison 10 Harrison 32 Harrison 32 Harrison 102 Harrison 80 Harston 72 Hartho 18 Hartness 43 Harvey 19 Haskins 25 Hasting 44 Hathaway 35 Hatle 2 Hattell 52 Haues 82 Haugan 86 Hauge 31 Hauge 89 Haugen 23 Haugen 28 Haugen 40 Haugen 92 Hayden 88 Hayes 60 Hayes 114 Hayes 84 Hayes 83 Hayes 81 Haynes 37 Haynes 54 Haynes 58 Hayter 35 Hayter 87 Hayward 47 Hazie 46 Heacox 22 Heaton 61 Heaton 71 Heaton 74 Heaton 116 Heckle 36 Hedland 68 Hedlund 69 Heggelke 73 Hegle 2 Hegle 42 Hegle 62 Hegle 63 Heide 101 Heigel 5 Heigel 53 Heinz 25 Helgeson 26 Helgeson 92 Helland 93 Helland 94 Hemsing 21 Henderson 17 Henderson 25 Henderson 36 Henderson 78 Hendricks 100 Hendrickson 105 Hendrikson 105 Henrickson 107 Henrickson 108 Henrikson 108 Henson 95 Heran 86 Hermason 110 Heron 62 Heron 85 Hetland 23 Heuer 25 Hiam 34 Hickey 15 Hicks 41 Hicks 47 Hicks 88 Hieggelke 53 Hieggelke 102 Highness 108 Highness 112 Highum 33 Hilde 106 Hildey 85 Hill 24 Hill 52 Hiliman 69 Hiliman 79 Hilmer 26 Hilne 62 Himebaugh 1 Hiney 33 Hirschy 40 Hitchcock 55 Hitchcock 57 Hitchcock 89 Hitchcock 83 Hitchcock 79 Hoaby 42 Hoaley 43 Hock 76 Hock 91 Hock 82 Hodge 26 Hodges 36 Hodges 37 Hodges 82 Hodgins 62 Hodgins 86 Hoel 22 Hoenboure 53 Hoff 12 Hoff 67 Hoff 70 Hoff 95 Hoffman 72 Hof land 24 Hofos 107 Hoganson 40 Hoigrem 77 Holkestad 106 Holkestad 107 Holkestad 108 Holiweck 66 Hoim 40 Hoim 43 Hoim 109 Hoim 111 Holman 38 Holmene 32 Holmgren 1 Holt 2 Holton 43 Holub 50 Hoiweg 46 Hoiweg 70 Homuth 112 Hooby 96 Hoogaard 95 Hopewell 46 Hopewell 47 Hopewell 86 Hopkins 59 Hopkins 64 Hopper 61 Hopperstad 19 Hoppin 39 Hopping 82 Hornick 74 Horton 40 Horton 88 HotChing 35 Houell 82 Hougaard 95 Hougen 2 Houtkooper 56 Hove 32 Howell 8 Howey 43 Hoy 4 Hoy 13 Hoy 103 Hoyt 10 Hoyt 13 Hruska 34 Hubred 57 Hue(L)ther 5 Huether 42 Huether 44 Huether 52 Huffman 64 Huffman 90 Hume 63 Hume 84 Humphey 84 Humphrey 48 Humphrey 52 Humphrey 56 Hunemuller 72 Huntley 25 Huseman 92 Huskey 85 Husvick 112 Hutching 82 Hutchings 10 Hutson 16 Hyde 48 Hyde 90 Hyndman 46 Ihme 4 Ihme 26 Ihme 100 Ihme 101. Ihme 103 lies 13 Imboden 43 Ira 68 Ireland 83 Isaacson 41 Isaksen 26 Iserman 51 Isley 51 Isly 53 Israelson 105 Israelson 106 Ivall 88 Iverson 40 Iverson 50 Iverson 70 Iverson 94 Iverson 107 Iverson 111 Iverson 113 Iverson 89 ivins 33 Jackobson 107 Jacobs 20 Jacobs 22 Jacobs 115 Jacobsen 44 Jacobson 1 Jacobson 107 Jacobson 81 Jahren 29 Jakobson 106 James 8 Janz 22 Jaster 25 Jaster 100 Jaster 102 Jeiland 93 Jendick 22 Jenkins 44 Jennings 55 Jensen 5 Jensen 73 Jenson 23 Jenson 44 Jenson 44 Jenson 51 Jenson 65 Jepha 41 Jerdee 21 Jett 44 Jodsaas 49 Jodsaas 51 Jodsaas 67 Jodsaas 111 Jodsas 113 Johanesen 25 Johanson 105 Johnneson 22 Johnsdatter 94 Johnson 1 Johnson 2 Johnson 7 Johnson 13 Johnson 16 Johnson 17 Johnson 20 Johnson 21 Johnson 22 Johnson 28 Johnson 30 Johnson 31 Johnson 32 Johnson 33 Johnson 35 Johnson 37 Johnson 40 Johnson 43 Johnson 44 Johnson 50 Johnson 51 Johnson 52 Johnson 56 Johnson 63 Johnson 68 Johnson 70 Johnson 71 Johnson 71 Johnson 73 Johnson 76 Johnson 96 Johnson 98 Johnson 100 Johnson 104 Johnson 105 Johnson 106 Johnson 108 Johnson 109 Johnson 110 Johnson 111 Johnson 113 Johnson 114 Johnson 91 Johnson 90 Johnson 89 Johnson 88 Johnson 87 Johnson 86 Johnson 85 Johnson 84 Johnson 83 Johnson 82 Johnson 80 Johnson 79 Johnson 78 Johnston 39 Johnston 91 Johnston 89 Johnston 87 Johnston 86 Jones 14 Jones 20 Jones 34 Jones 37 Jones 40 Jones 73 Jones 75 Jones 113 Jones 116 Jones 91 Jones 88 Jones 80 Jordet 6 Jorgenson 21 Jorgenson 23 Jorgenson 49 Jorgenson 59 Jorgenson 91 Jorstad 107 Jorstad 110 Joster 59 Joubert 43 Joyal 9 Joyce 3 Joyce 47 Juhnke 70 Junker 73 Juriaans 38 Kaber 17 Kaber 22 Kaber 23 Kallin 37 Karison 113 Kaspari 8 Kaspari 9 Kaspari 13 Kaspari 19 Katzur 84 Keefe 66 Keenan 45 Keene 25 Keller 37 Keller 68 Keller 71 Kelley 59 Kelley 64 Kelly 17 Kelly 63 Kelly 67 Kelly 68 Kelly 88 Kelly 86 Kelly 83 Kelly 82 Keim 12 Keim 102 Keish 116 Kemmer 22 Kemmer 100 Kemmer 102 Kempel 43 Kempel 47 Kempel 102 Kempel 103 Kempf 27 Kempil 71 Kendall 55 Kendall 79 Kenyon 44 Kenyon 56 Kenyon 57 Kern 88 Kern 88 Ketchum 91 Kiefert 100 Kiefert 101 Kiel 22 Kieland 31 Kienberger 45 Kienenberger 50 Kienenberger 56 Kienenberger 62 Kienenberger 77 Kilby 55 Kilby 78 Kilchenman 26 Kingren 1 Kinne 53 Kinney 12 Kinney 97 Kinney 98 Kinney 88 Kinney 79 Kinzler 22 Kirkhorn 113 Kirmis 59 Kirmis 72 Kittelson 1 Kittelson 25 Kiath 20 Klein 5 Klingbeil 27 Klingbeil 64 Klinkhammer 68 Klockmann 20 Kioster 58 Kioster 68 Knapp 40 Knapp 48 Knapp 89 Kneeland 46 Kneeland 91 Kneeland 83 Knight 25 Knight 79 Knittel 70 Knobf 40 Knoll 49 Knowles 35 Knowles 91 Knudson 37 Knutson 3 Knutson 28 Knutson 94 Knutson 110 Kock 102 Koehler 8 Koemeke 83 Koenecke 40 Koenecke 44 Koenecke 53 Koeneke 38 Koeneke 87 Koeneke 85 Koepeke 91 Kopp 95 Kopperud 92 Kornelius 96 Korte 36 Korthuis 69 Korthuis 87 Kortie 36 Kraft 19 Kraft 24 Kraft 28 Kragnes 106 Kragness 95 Krantz 30 Kratochvil 68 Kratt 9 Krchnavy 68 Kreger 64 Kreger 85 Krein 35 Krein 87 Krentz 71 Krentz 103 Krieger 33 Kriz 64 Kriz 72 Krueger 12 Krueger 21 Krueger 43 Krueger 100 Krueger 101 Krueger 102 Krueger 103 Kruger 49 Kruger 90 Kruser 40 Kuhl 35 Kuhi 90 Kuhn 12 Kuhn 19 Kunenberger 91 Kuns 65 Kurriaans 83 Kurtz 28 Kurtz 52 Kvaal 3 Kval 3 Kvalnes 96 Kvalnes 106 Kvalness 95 Kvello 55 Kvello 89 Kvello 83 Kylstad 16 Kyte 51 Lachen 73 Lachen 74 Lacher 116 Lack 34 Lack 74 Lack 115 Lack 116 Ladu 46 Ladue 87 Lafra Mboise 19 Lahren 96 Lamb 50 Lambert 57 Lambrecht 36 Lambrecht 52 Lambrecht 55 Lampson 91 Lampson 84 Lamson 39 Lamson 79 Landland 32 Landsem 18 Landsem 21 Lane 36 Lane 58 Lane 77 Lane 86 Lane 82 Lane 80 Langenas 104 Langland 22 Langland 30 Langworthy 40 Langworthy 85 Lannston 90 Lantz 88 Larsen 107 Larson 3 Larson 4 Larson 6 Larson 8 Larson 12 Larson 15 Larson 18 Larson 20. Larson 24 Larson 25 Larson 30 Larson 31 Larson 33 Larson 56 Larson 57 Larson 92 Larson 99 Larson 105 Larson 109 Lastegard 27 Lauder 44 Laudert 38 Lauf 103 Laughlin 48 Laughlin 87 Laughlin 83 Laughlin 78 Lawson 35 Leach 41 Leach 59 Leach 59 Leach 80 Leahy 74 Leash 41 Lebo 61 Lebo 88 Lebo 82 Lebo 81 Lebo 80 LeClaire 17 Lee 2 Lee 19 Lee 35 Lee 49 Lee 53 Lee 71 Lee 78 Leech 19 Leech 63 Legg 8 Legg 9 Legg 30 Lehman 40 Lehse 17 Leidall 22 Lein 33 Leist 34 Leist 65 Lemieux 65 Lemieux 68 Lemieux 115 Lemieux 116 Lemma 73 Lemna 65 Lemna 116 Leonard 67 Leonard 68 Leonard 115 LeRoy 31 Lewis 48 Lewisan 79 Lewison 69 Liane 20 Liane 51 Libak 100 Libek 98 Lillian 45 Lillicrap 8 Lillicrap 14 Lilyquist 52 Lind 44 Lindeman 24 Lindeman 73 Lindemann 19 Lindgren 82 Lindsay 74 Lindstrum 2 Lindvold 99 Linge 86 Linne 51 Linse 101 Lints 19 Linzbach 67 Lipsock 59 Lister 109 Little 15 Littlefield 22 Litzan 12 Liversau 78 Liverson 58 Livingston 35 Livingston 110 Livingston 81 Lizzie 76 Lock 24 Lock 55 Lock 89 Lock 88 Lock 85 Lock 79 Lockren 75 Lodsaas 16 Loen 104 Logan 38 Loh 109 Lohn 110 Lohr 12 Lois 38 Loke 63 Lokken 4 Lokken 6 Lokken 32 Lokken 92 Loney 31 Long 69 Loomer 39 Loomer 90 Loomes 61 Loomier 85 Loomis 24 Loomis 72 Loomis 84 Loraas 31 Lorentson 109 Lorentson 90 Lorntson 75 Lorrey 48 Lossing 103 Louden 49 Louden 115 Lovelace 105 Lovelace 107 Lowe 92 Lowe 99 Lowe 107 Lowinis 82 Lozier 40 Lucas 52 Luchanger 44 Ludtke 101 Luke 70 Luke 88 Luke 83 Luke 83 Luker 19 Lukes 67 Lund 7 Lund 64 Lund 72 Lund 75 Lund 76 Lund 93 Lund 111 Lund 113 Lund 114 Lund 91 Lund 89 Lundahi 30 Lunt 107 Lutness 23 Lutz 52 Lyman 51 Lyman 51 Lyons 49 Mace 51 Machtegal 116 Maclver 22 Mackinen 70 Maddock 80 Maddocks 59 Maddocks 115 Haddocks 85 Haddocks 82 Madigan 74 MAggart 86 Magill 65 Magill 66 Magill 115 Magnuson 79 Maher 49 Mahoney 15 Mahoney 67 Mahoney 81 Mahr 79 Mahrer 37 Maier 62 Maier 88 Mairs 34 Mairs 72 Maley 22 Maley 25 Maley 42 Maley 50 Maley 43 Mallinson 38 Mallinson 83 Maitby 75 Mammenga 25 Mann 19 Mann 28 March 113 Marek 66 Mark 9 Mark 10 Mark 12 Mark 13 Mark 15 Markuson 95 Mars 79 Marsh 49 Marsh 88 Marshall 79 Martens 52 Martin 8 Martin 42 Martin 45 Martin 47 Martin 50 Martin 51 Martin 57 Martin 67 Martin 75 Martin 89 Martin 88 Martin 86 Martins 86 Martins 85 MArtinsen 94 Martinson 7 Martinson 59 Martinson 94 Martinson 108 Martinson 109 Martinson 110 Hartinson 112 Hassee 61 Masterson 15 Matejcek 13 Matejcek 97 Mather 70 Mathias 42 Mathias 66 Mathieu 56 Matthes 21 Matti 96 Mattison 1 Maus 43 Maus 90 Maynard 12 Mayo 22 McAlinden 47 McArthur 6 McBrain 86 McBrian 36 McBride 60 McBride 80 McCann 4 McCann 45 McCann 66 McCann 68 McChesneey 23 McClanathan 63 McClanathan 79 McCloud 57 McClure 9 McClure 115 McConn 94 McConnekey 85 Mcconnell 10 McConville 75 McCready 15 McCullum 89 McCully 9 McCusker 10 McDaniel 12 McDaniel 43 McDaniel 49 McDaniel 51 McDaniel 53 McDaniel 86 McDaniels 38 HcDaniels 91 McDonald 14 McDonald 35 McDonald 86 McDonna 65 McDonna 116 McDonnell 115 McDougall 11 McFarland 44 McGee 52 McGinnis 38 McGinnis 67 McGrath 9 McGrath 10 McGrath 15 McGrath 19 McGuire 64 McGurk 4 Mcllvain 81 McLlveen 80 McKenzie 46 McKenzie 84 McKinnan 88 McLaughlan 26 McLaughlin 21 McLawhorn 64 McMahon 65 McMahon 73 McMahon 115 McMahon 115 McNally 34 McNally 66 McNally 74 McNally 116 McNally 82 McNeal 80 McPhee 37 McQuigg 69 McRitchie 8 McRitchie 102 McRitchie 103 McSherry 17 Mead 65 Mead 68 Medd 53 Medd 54 Medd 58 Medd 87 Medvold 113 Melby 1 Melvin 6 Mendenhall 84 Mendenhall 82 Menge 23 Menke 70 Mennis 93 Mennis 100 Merrill 37 Merritt 79 Merzer 66 Mesunas 65 Metcalf 66 Metz 37 Metzer 43 Mews 78 Meyer 82 Michael 82 Michell 71 Mickelson 110 Mikkelson 29 Mikkelson 108 Miller 22 Miller 25 Miller 40 Miller 41 Miller 46 Miller 58 Miller 91 Miller 88 Miller 78 Mills 90 Mills 85 Minnaert 41 Minnaert 74 Mirrotto 13 Mitchell 71 Mittag 3 Moe 31 Moellenkamp 42 Moellenkamp 58 Moen 100 Moffitt 69 Moffitt 87 Moll 68 Molstad 43 Moistad 64 Monahan 103 Monroe 24 Monson 33 Monsrud 31 Montgomery 81 Montgomery 78 Montogomery 79 Moor 37 Moore 35 Moore 60 Moore 62 Moore 91 Moore 81 Moore 79 Moore 78 Morgan 5 Morgan 65 Moriarty 20 Morris 11 Morris 53 Morris 86 Morrison 41 Morrison 45 Morse 82 Morth 20 Motschenbacher 27 Mott 35 Mott 76 Mott 84 Moucey 8 Mougey 10 Mulinex 40 Mulvaney 67 Munhebj 114 Munroe 63 Munson 15 Munson 81 Munt 28 Muralt 51 Murdock 43 Murphy 45 Murphy 66 Murphy 91 Murray 14 Murray 35 Murray 37 Murray 41 Murray 42 Murray 48 Murray 49 Murray 65 Murray 89 Murray 88 Murray 80 Murry 48 Muscha 8 Musel 57 Muth 20 Muth 25 Muth 102 Myhre 24 Myhre 99 Mykelbyst 93 Nachtigall 51 Nagel 101 Nahctigall 102 Naig 24 Natchtigall 115 Nead 10 Neales 20 Neishem 88 Nelson 1 Nelson 16 Nelson 22 Nelson 23 Nelson 24 Nelson 34 Nelson 42 Nelson 51 Nelson 54 Nelson 58 Nelson 64 Nelson 68 Nelson 69 Nelson 73 Nelson 74 Nelson 76 Nelson 77 Nelson 93 Nelson 105 Nelson 106 Nelson 107 Nelson 108 Nelson 110 Nelson 114 Nelson 115 Nelson 116 Nelson 91 Nelson 90 Nelson 89 Nelson 88 Nelson 87 Nelson 82 Nelson 81 Nelson 80 Nelson 78 Nerwick 22 Nesinger 84 Ness 42 Ness 81 Nessett 31 Nestem 88 Newbert 51 Newgard 24 Newling 83 Newman 46 Newman 64 Newman 67 Newton 8 Newton 9 Newton 11 Newton 15 Niesen 59 Niles 5 Nilsen 92 Nims 43 Nims 44 Nix 28 Nohr 67 Nohr 75 Nohr 100 Nohr 101 Nohr 102 Nohr 103 Noice 50 Nolan 33 Nord 19 Nord 29 Nord 30 Nord 97 Nordal 35 Nordhagen 3 Nordvig 32 Norgaard 94 Norris 11 Norris 36 Nyberg 99 Nye 21 Nygaard 23 Nystul 98 O’Brien 20 O’Brien 45 O’Donoghue 115 Oearsibm 1 Oeder 12 Oeder 13 Oestreicher 67 Oien 97 Oien 98 Oien 113 Ojala 12 Okey 80 Olestatter 70 Oletzke 53 Oliphant 47 Oliver 45 Oliver 46 Oliver 47 Oliver 61 Oliver 86 Oliver 83 Oliver 81 Oliver 78 Olmstead 19 Olmsted 50 Olsen 20 Olson 2 Olson 4 Olson 12 Olson 19 Olson 25 Olson 27 Olson 30 Olson 31 Olson 32 Olson 33 Olson 47 Olson 50 Olson 52 Olson 54 Olson 55 Olson 58 Olson 60 Olson 62 Olson 65 Olson 70 Olson 92 Olson 93 Olson 95 Olson 96 Olson 97 Olson 98 OLson 99 Olson 100 Olson 102 Olson 105 Olson 107 Olson 108 Olson 109 Olson 110 Olson 111 Olson 88 Olson 86 Olson 79 Olvin 31 Opdahl 29 Opdahl 59 Opdahl 114 Opgaard 106 Opgaard 106 Opgaard 107 Opgaard 109 Opgaard 113 Opheim 22 Opheim 23 Opperman 9 Opsal 10 Ordahl 71 Ork 54 Osborn 36 Osborn 99 Osburn 43 Oslie 30 Ostrander 46 Ostrander 88 Ostrem 77 Otterson 54 Otterson 68 Otteson 23 Ottum 9 Ottum 85 Ottuman 69 Ourenhagen 6 Overby 25 Owen 41 Owen 90 Owens 84 Oxenrider 35 Oxinrider 82 Oyen 23 Packard 40 Packard 91 Packard 85 Page 40 Pagett 68 Paige 9 Pallinger 79 Pallock 67 Palmer 38 Palmer 39 Palmer 90 Palmer 86 Palmer 81 Palmetier 40 Palmetier 87 Palmetier 86 Palmetier 81 Pannabaker 78 Pannebaker 55 Parker 88 Parkhurst 90 Parkinson 35 Parkinson 87 Parsons 75 Patterson 3 Patterson 10 Patterson 13 Patterson 47 Patterson 64 Patterson 71 Patterson 74 Patterson 116 Patterson 91 Patterson 87 Patterson 85 Patterson 82 Paulson 26 Paulson 95 Paulson 102 Paulson 111 Paulson 112 Paulson 113 Pauly 37 Peck 72 Pederson 16 Pederson 20 Pederson 21 Pederson 22 Pederson 29 Pederson 99 Pederson 100 Pederson 107 Pederson 111 Pederson 112 Pederson 113 Pelzman 20 Penberthy 23 Penberthy 66 Penberthy 116 Penn 14 Penn 80 Perry 86 Peterman 45 Peters 21 Peters 101 Petersen 61 Peterson 2 Peterson 3 Peterson 6 Peterson 7 Peterson 12 Peterson 18 Peterson 18 Peterson 19 Peterson 21 Peterson 22 Peterson 26 Peterson 29 Peterson 30 Peterson 33 Peterson 37 Peterson 42 Peterson 43 Peterson 64 Peterson 69 Peterson 70 Peterson 71 Peterson 76 Peterson 92 Peterson 95 Peterson 105 Peterson 107 Peterson 108 Peterson 109 Peterson 111 Peterson 113 Peterson 114 Peterson 87 Peterson 84 Petrich 14 Petrich 24 Petrich 27 Petrick 26 Pettygrove 24 Pfaff 19 Pherigo 87 Pherigo 86 Phillip 34 Phillip 89 Phillips 55 Phillips 58 Phillips 81 Pierce 19 Pierce 88 Pike 27 Pike 35 Pilger 58 Pilk 27 Pindall 46 Pindall 55 Pindall 90 Pindall 89 Pindall 87 Piper 11 Piper 14 Pitt 18 Placek 45 Plato 79 Platt 85 Pletan 71 Plum 41 Plum 82 Plutschouw 26 Polka 81 Pollard 80 Polloch 67 Pollock 115 Porter 114 Portiss 24 Portz 72 Post 35 Poter 64 Potter 43 Potter 56 Potter 57 Power 22 Powers 74 Prante 59 Prebbenow 22 Prescott 37 Pressler 20 Pribbenow 17 Price 58 Price 78 Prichard 37 Printy 43 Printz 43 Pritchard 47 Pritchard 78 Probert 11 Probert 14 Pueppke 73 Puhr 34 Pulver 35 Pulver 88 Purdon 52 Putnam 22 Putnam 23 Qual 54 Quail 54 Quam 71 Quam 76 Quam 85 Quast 22 Ramhorst 49 Ramhorst 58 Ramke 83 Ramseth 100 Rancke 45 Randolph 51 Ranes 1 Ranhy 11 Ranny 11 Rapp 78 Rarick 23 Rasmussen 43 Rasmussen 50 Rasmussen 69 Rasmusson 21 Rasmusson 108 Rasmusson 109 Reader 57 Reams 48 Reams 89 Rector 62 Rector 88 Redding 112 Redmond 22 Redmond 35 Redmond 90 Reed 48 Reed 90 Reedy 63 Rehn 33 Reidburn 57 Reidburn 90 Reiger 65 Reinke 33 Reinke 43 Reis 75 Reitan 94 Reiten 94 Remington 50 Reppen 4 Reviand 90 Rhinehart 10 Rice 19 Rice 73 Richardson 1 Richardson 20 Richling 49 Riddle 56 Rieger 37 Rife 9 Rife 10 Rife 11 Rife 14 Rigdahl 47 Rightmire 12 Rillo 116 Ringdahl 47 Ringheim 29 Ringsdahl 47 Rinke 84 Rischow 22 Risk 71 Risk 79 Ritter 54 Roach 45 Roach 74 Roach 115 Robarge 28 Roberts 63 Roberts 91 Roberts 89 Roberts 87 Roberts 84 Roberts 83 Robertson 26 Robinson 46 Robinson 80 Roch 45 Rock 1 Rockwell 35 Rodlin 6 Roe 98 Roe 100 Roehm 18 Roessler 20 Rogers 115 Rognaldson 6 Rones 46 Ronne 108 Ronning 21 Ronning 112 Rooney 42 Rooney 81 Root 27 Rose 46 Rose 83 Rose 80 Roseberg 6 Rosedal 52 Rosedal 91 Ross 64 Ross 105 Ross 88 Rossbach 66 Rosvold 112 Rothenberger 60 Rourke 53 Rourke 89 Row 58 Rubey 67 Rubey 116 Rud 3 Rud 26 Rudd 80 Rue 93 Rufsbold 108 Rufsholm 93 Rufsholm 109 Rufsvold 50 Rufsvold 106 Rufsvold 107 Rufsvold 109 Rufsvold 110 Ruhleen 89 Ruhlein 87 Ruhlien 91 Ruid 35 Rumpkar 74 Runningen 107 Rupe 59 Ruschmeyer 27 Russ 8 Rustvang 50 Rutherford 55 Rutherford 96 Ruud 1 Ryan 38 Rydquist 75 Ryman 78 Saeter 107 Saeter 112 Sahle 89 Salhus 97 Salisbury 79 Sallen 19 Salthammer 93 Salzwedel 11 Sampson 52 Sampson 84 Sand 109 Sandager 40 Sandager 47 Sandager 87 Sandanger 109 Sandbock 83 Sandel 25 Sanders 24 Sanders 51 Sanderson 57 Sandhei 109 Sandstrom 27 Sandvig 97 Sandvig 98 Sandvold 4 Sanford 70 Sanford 84 Sanness 27 Sarlin 3 Sarther 112 Sather 27 Sather 97 Sathre 92 Satre 70 Satterlee 55 Satterlee 69 Satterlee 70 Satterlee 79 Satterlie 90 Satterlie 84 Satterlie 82 Sauk 33 Savre 1 Savre 44 Saxiund 3 Saxiund 48 Saxiund 117 Saxiund 90 Schafberg 23 Schaller 57 Schauten 78 Scheel 26 Scheie 25 Schenum 60 Schenum 91 Schiffner 5 Schiffner 54 Schildberg 103 Schimming 11 Schimming 21 Schiader 2 Schiader 67 Schiader 86 Schiader 85 Schlecht 24 Schmidt 20 Schmidt 72 Schmidtke 76 Schmidtke 103 Schmidtke 86 Schmit 65 Schmit 115 Schmit 116 Schmitz 20 Schmitz 66 Schneider 18 Schneider 53 Schoeffler 67 Schoepheister 47 Schoerzler 42 Schoeszler 53 Schontiech 26 Schoonover 47 Schossow 12 Schossow 101 Schultz 37 Schultz 42 Schultz 43 Schultz 47 Schultz 67 Schultz 68 Schultz 95 Schultz 96 Schultz 101 Schultz 102 Schultz 78 Schulz 21 Schumacher 71 Schumann 35 Schuneman 82 Schunk 54 Schunk 101 Schuster 66 Schutt 43 Schutt 50 Schwab 5 Schwandt 24 Schwerdtfeger 102 Scott 10 Scott 33 Scott 91 Scramlin 37 Seagren 69 Seelig 3 Seelig 3 Seelig 42 Seelig 88 Seelye 56 Sellers 83 Selvog 21 Semerau 50. Sendbak 76 Senf 25 Serry 41 Settekorn 8 Severson 25 Severson 31 Severson 63 Severson 92 Severson 95 Severson 99 Severson 83 Severy 25 Seymour 37 Shafer 11 Shaw 17 Shaw 19 Shea 8 Shea 9 Shea 102 Shearer 57 Sheeks 35 Sheibred 78 Shelver 30 Shelver 31 Shelver 32 Shere 89 Sherhart 20 Sherhart 26 Sheridan 59 Sherping 26 Sherwood 63 Sherwood 81 Shields 36 Shields 86 Shiels 111 Shilling 90 Shipley 51 Shipton 34 Shirley 17 Shue 13 Shulte 80 Sibrell 80 Siebert 25 Silk 28 Silkworth 49 Silkworth 53 Silkworth 84 Silvernail 72 Silvertson 2 Silvey 47 Simmons 61 Simmons 105 Simmons 106 Simmons 83 Simmons 79 Simon 40 Simon 43 Simon 44 Simon 61 Simon 86 Simonin 41 Simonsen 18 Simonson 25 Simonson 110 Simpkins 33 Simpson 55 Sinclair 58 S innott 66 Siverton 2 Sjertson 43 Sjogren 95 Skagen 113 Skeffington 45 Skjefte 43 Skjerbah 96 Skjkrbah 96 Skonseng 105 Skow 28 Skramstad 25 Slagle 42 Slapgaard 112 Slattum 99 Slattum 100 Slight 42 Sloane 86 Slutschouw 28 Smart 17 Smedshammer 24 Smerdahl 3 Smeston 106 Smeston 109 Smith 13 Smith 15 Smith 20 Smith 25 Smith 33 Smith 35 Smith 36 Smith 47 Smith 61 Smith 65 Smith 75 Smith 93 Smith 114 Smith 85 Smith 81 Smithson 26 Smoth 87 Smyth 82 Snedkersturen 7 Snow 20 Snow 83 Sobeski 116 Soby 34 Solberg 23 Solum 92 Sorby 99 Sorby 111 Sorby 112 Sorenson 8 Sorenson 9 Sorenson 14 Sorlien 21 Sorlien 27 Sorlin 3 Sowers 90 Spalding 84 Spath 9 Spath 25 Spath 26 Sperry 34 Sperry 88 Sperry 87 Sperstad 24 Spiekermeier 9 Spikermeir 13 Sprague 60 Sprague 82 Staenell 32 Standal 23 Stanford 40 Stanley 70 Stanton 5 Staudt 66 Staudt 116 Stebens 86 Steberg 81 Steele 65 Steen 31 Steen 43 Steffarud 64 Stegert 37 Steichen 28 Stein 102 Stein 86 Steinberg 83 Stensrud 2 Stephenson 90 Sterling 47 Steinberg 36 Steuck 101 Stevens 9 Stevens 70 Stewart 58 Stickley 89 Stillman 53 Stifle 83 Stineiker 57 Stinmes 50 Stock 71 Stockbridge 35 Stoeffel 59 Stoffel 11 Stoffel 97 Stoffel 115 Stokes 75 Stone 82 Stone 81 Stoner 53 Storelee 6 Storelee 7 Storelee 92 Storhaug 95 Stowell 18 Strahm 115 Stram 72 Stram 77 Stram 91 Strand 11 Strand 29 Strand 43 Strand 97 Strand 98 Strandberg 1 Strandberg 84 Strander 110 Strander 111 Strander 113 Strange 21 Streblow 87 Strebor 46 Streich 74 Stroblow 86 Stroh 5 Stroh 43 Stroh 50 Stroh 54 Stroh 69 Strom 107 strom 82 Strommen 94 Strone 46 Strong 84 Strong 82 Stronstad 107 Struble 13 Sturlaugson 12 Subarth 60 Suhumskie 50 Sullivan 20 Sullivan 41 Sullivan 41 Sullivan 51 Sullivan 65 Sullivan 67 Sullivan 73 Sullivan 115 Summerfield 60 Summerfield 83 Sunby 3 Sund 106 Sundby 18 Sundby 23 Sundheim 92 Sundquist 59 Sundquist 88 Sunne 95 Sunne 96 Suter 59 Suter 74 Sutton 64 Sutton 85 Svedjan 30 Svensdahl 25 Svensdahl 97 Svensdahl 98 Sveum 21 Swanson 12 Swanson 22 Swanson 42 Swanson 44 Swanson 58 Swanson 83 Swart 49 Swartz 90 Sweeney 35 Sweet 53 Sweet 54 Swenson 18 Syverson 6 Syverson 7 Syvlund 48 Tait 27 Takata 20 Tanner 36 Tanner 48 Tanner 55 Tanner 56 Tanner 59 Tanner 86 Taylor 14 Taylor 46 Taylor 53 Taylor 61 Taylor 62 Taylor 89 Taylor 88 Tellar 90 Teoinan 47 Tetzlaff 102 Thannson 85 Thea 30 Thinhstad 93 Thisan 82 Thomas 5 Thomas 41 Thomas 62 Thomas 85 Thomas 79 Thomasen 7 Thomason 4 Thomason 54 Thomason 92 Thompson 4 Thompson 7 Thompson 10 Thompson 13 Thompson 16 Thompson 28 Thompson 32 Thompson 41 Thompson 42 Thompson 43 Thompson 46 Thompson 47 Thompson 48 Thompson 50 Thompson 52 Thompson 57 Thompson 60 Thompson 63 Thompson 69 Thompson 71 Thompson 72 Thompson 75 Thompson 92 Thompson 96 Thompson 97 Thompson 98 Thompson 102 Thompson 105 Thompson 106 Thompson 109 Thompson 114 Thompson 88 Thompson 85 Thompson 84 Thompson 81 Thomsen 63 Thomson 36 Thomte 36 Thomte 50 Thomte 83 Thone 2 Thoreson 93 Thoreson 94 Thoreson 98 Thorpe 25 Thorson 1 Thorson 17 Thorsrud 16 Thorstenson 63 Thorud 33 Thorud 93 Thorus 93 Tibbedeaux 66 Timm 26 Tisdel 89 Toeffer 81 Tollefsen 46 Tolman 90 Tommeraas 100 Tommeraus 99 Toms 79 Tooley 116 Torbenson 6 Torbenson 27 Torbeson 87 Torfin 12 Torfin 13 Torfin 26 Toring 24 Tostenson 52 Tostenson 53 Tow 86 Townes 37 Toyne 61 Toyne 88 Trangsrud 22 Trangsrud 32 Transgrud 30 Transrud 25 Trapp 20 Trapp 25 Trom 43 Troosgard 30 Troy 43 Trucke 68 Truesdell 88 Trueswell 47 Trumbull 49 Trussell 18 Tsaakson 16 Tsigarides 9 Tugendrich 26 Turbes 67 Tures 60 Turess 90 Tuttle 25 Tved 32 Twedt 32 Twiss 46 Twist 84 Twito 71 Tyler 86 Udo 69 Udo 88 Udo 87 Underwood 24 Urbach 4 Urbach 5 Urbach 42 Urbach 51 Urbach 64 Vald 3 Valys 12 Van Horn 12 Van Hyfte 68 Van Lean 79 Vance 17 Vance 58 Vance 98 Vance 81 Vance 80 Vangen 92 Vaughn 115 Vee 98 Vee 99 Veitch 71 Vershure 63 Vie 73 Vieling 80 Vincent 37 Vining 42 Voisin 66 Void 3 Void 112 Volz 73 Voorhies 27 Vosburg 42 Vosburg 76 Vosburg 91 Vosburgh 80 Voss 52 Voss 75 Wadberger 34 Waggoner 21 Wagner 18 Wagner 74 Wagner 117 Wakeland 52 Waidhoim 19 Waldie 20 Walker 22 Walker 58 Walker 62 Walker 91 Wall 12 Wall 43 Wall 51 Wall 52 Wall 101 Wallin 18 Wallin 21 Wailner 23 Walock 65 Walsh 28 Walsh 69 Walters 22 Walters 25 Walters 116 Walz 20 Wanmbo 107 Ward 13 Ward 14 Ward 71 Warmbo 106 Warner 9 Warner 21 Warner 58 Warner 65 Warren 69 Warren 69 Warren 70 Warren 85 Warren 79 Washburn 37 Waters 41 Waters 82 Watkins 55 Watkins 79 Watson 36 Watson 53 Watts 47 Watts 55 Watts 78 Wavra 63 Weaver 64 Weaver 60 Weber 5 Weber 11 Weber 68 Webster 30 Webster 35 Webster 64 Webster 73 Webster 87 Wee 104 Weeden 12 Weeker 55 Weeker 90 Weeks 80 Wegner 112 Weiler 45 Weiler 65 Weller 66 Weiler 67 Weller 68 Weller 115 Weisenhaus 49 Weisenhaus 63 Weisenhour 51 Welch 56 Welch 70 Weld 84 Wells 58 Wells 76 Wells 77 Wells 88 Wells 87 Wells 87 Wells 83 Wells 82 Wells 81 Wells 80 Welsh 48 Welsh 80 Wendt 110 Werke 2 Westbrook 78 Westbrook 78 Westhoff 50 Westling 51 Westphal 19 Wheeler 44 Wheeler 75 Whippel 22 White 50 White 58 White 60 White 73 White 76 White 89 White 86 White 80 White 79 White 78 Whitney 79 Whitson 36 Whitson 87 Wiar 37 Wick 69 Wick 70 Wickstram 82 Wickstrom 41 Wickstrom 89 Wiederhold 49 Wiederholt 37 Wiederholt 68 Wiederholt 74 Wiederholt 116 Wieg 9 Wieg 76 Wil 7 Wilcox 55 Wilcox 86 Wilcox 84 Wilcox 78 Wilds 38 Wilds 90 Wiley 35 Wiley 81 Willard 41 Willenbrock 11 Willett 55 Willett 81 Williams 20 Williams 41 Williams 44 Williams 57 Williams 63 Williamson 39 Williamson 52 Williamson 81 Wilson 11 Wilson 13 Wilson 71 Wilson 109 Wilson 86 Wilson 81 Wiltse 12 Wiltse 54 Wiltse 55 Wiltsie 83 Windemuth 18 Wiper 10 Wismer 82 Wisner 39 Wisner 85 Wisner 84 Wisner 82 Wisner 78 Witham 26 Wittman 22 Wittmann 103 Wohlgemuth 35 Wold 20 Wold 23 Wold 24 Wold 31 Wold 32 Wold 97 Wolkins 22 Wolters 65 Wolters 116 Wood 38 Wood 48 Wood 53 Wood 104 Wood 83 Woodbeck 72 Woodland 95 Woods 11 Woods 12 Word 85 Wray 59 Wray 70 Wray 90 Wray 88 Wray 79 Wright 10 Wright 13 Wright 40 Wright 80 Wright 79 Wunder 5 Wyndman 78 Yackley 34 Yeoman 53 Yeoman 89 Ylvisaker 98 Ylvisker 96 Yoeman 87 York 46 Yoshii 23 Young 18 Young 40 Young 44 Young 113 Young 88 Young 86 Zeller 49 Zernhelt 116 Zerr 67 Zerr 116 Zidek 74 Zimmerman 102 Zimmerman 103 Zink 43 Zirnheldt 116 Zirnhelt 65 Zittelman 21 Zittelmann 103 Zuelke 101 Zwetzig 43