Suspended Land Entries - North Dakota - 1891 The information in this file was extracted from "The Executive Documents of the House of Representatives for the First Sessiom 0f the Fifty-Second Congress, 1891-'92" printed by the Government Printing Office in 1892. This particular report is titled "Abstract of Suspended Land Entries" and is Executive Document No. 100. This document contains the names of over 2700 persons in 25 states and the Dakota Territory whose land entries were suspended and adjudicated by the Commissioner of the General Land Office during the fiscal year ending 30 June 1891. The names were listed in the report (probably) in chronological order, rather than in alphabetical or geographic order. The location of the land probably is not in the same county as the land office; some states only had one or two land offices for the entire state. In some cases, the nearest land office was in a neighboring state and the land transaction was entered there. Be sure to check surrounding states, as the nearest land office may have been across the state border. This file was created by Joy Fisher, Copyright Joy Fisher, 1998 This file may be freely copied by individuals or non-profit organizations for their private use. Any other use, including publication, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission by electronic, mechanical, or other means requires the written approval of the file's author. No. Office State L Name F Name Section T R Page Comments 834 Fargo ND Abrahamson Peder 24 136N 57W 29 deceased 484 Grand Forks ND Aga Peter P. 18 149Nn 58W 18 2108 Fargo ND Arbuckle Mary Wyard 10 141N 61W 72 541 Grand Forks ND Barry James 2 153N 52W 20 1712 Bismarck ND Baumann Gottlieb 26 139N 85W 59 1779 Fargo ND Beaton Daniel 11 130N 65W 61 1783 Grand Forks ND Benas David R. 7 157N 58W 61 763 Bismarck ND Blum Henry 8 139N 93W 27 2114 Fargo ND Boyd Hiram M. 4 133N 61W 72 1780 Fargo ND Bradley Alice J. 28 141N 62W 61 752 Fargo ND Brandt Charles 30 133N 59W 27 595 Bismarck ND Brentson Sakrias 32 139N 86W 22 2412 Bismarck ND Bristol Platt B. 20 139N 81W 82 480 Grand Forks ND Brokken Torger R. 35 150N 60W 18 481 Grand Forks ND Bushaw Hennry 20 155N 51W 18 762 Bismarck ND Byrne John 22 138N 77W 27 482 Grand Forks ND Carpenter John A. 32 164N 55W 18 2413 Bismarck ND Carr Elisha 18 138N 83W 82 183 Grand Forks ND Catherwood Jos. 21 157N 55W 8 757 Fargo ND Cayford Benj. T. 8 130N 62W 27 756 Fargo ND Chalmers Alexander 22 145N 58W 27 117 Fargo ND Chisholm Alex. 14 138N 64W 5 2118 Devils Lake ND Clark Thomas 1 156N 64W 73 2059 Fargo ND Collins Alice L. 24 130N 59W 70 2420 Bismarck ND Corey Emeret 12 138N 78W 82 deceased; widow = Susie Corey 2420 Bismarck ND Corey Susie 12 138N 78W 82 widoe of Emeret Corey 1126 Bismarck ND Coulter James 32 140N 72W 38 540 Grand Forks ND Curran Michael J. 18 154N 51W 20 2110 Fargo ND Defoe Jonathan 24 138N 61W 72 deceased - widow = Justine Defoe 2110 Fargo ND Defoe Justine 24 138N 61W 72 widow of Jonathan Defoe 1337 Grand Forks ND Douglass Mary 5 153N 53W 45 2415 Bismarck ND Edick Charles H. 18 135N 76W 82 830 Fargo ND Ewing Samuel 29 135N 56W 29 2029 Fargo ND Fergus Eliz'beth 24 141N 62W 69 widow of Pharaoh Fergus 2029 Fargo ND Fergus Pharaoh 24 141N 62W 69 deceased - widow Eliz'beth Fergus 478 Grand Forks ND Flaten Iver A. 5 157N 54W 18 831 Fargo ND Forster Wm. L. 12 144N 50W 29 2418 Bismarck ND Friedrich Johan 10 137N 81W 82 2417 Bismarck ND Frieling Edward 34 140N 86W 82 2105 Fargo ND Gary John C. 30 140N 61W 72 2061 Devils Lake ND Gauthier Arc. 1 161N 72W 70 deceased - widow = Eulalie Gauthier 2061 Devils Lake ND Gauthier Eulalie 1 161N 72W 70 widow of Arc. Gauthier 1341 Grand Forks ND Gorman Timothy 35 163N 55W 45 1338 Grand Forks ND Graham Robert 34 155N 53W 45 887 Bismarck ND Grandy Melvin 12 139N 89W 31 1914 Devils Lake ND Greely Aurelius M. 18 149N 66W 65 888 Bismarck ND Grewer Jacob 22 140N 89W 31 2411 Grand Forks ND Hagen Dortha P. 10 157N 57W 82 widow of H. P. Hagen 2411 Grand Forks ND Hagen Dortha P. 11 157N 57W 82 widow of H. P. Hagen 2411 Grand Forks ND Hagen H. P. 10 157N 57W 82 deceased; widow = Dortha P. Hagen 2411 Grand Forks ND Hagen H. P. 11 157N 57W 82 deceased; widow = Dortha P. Hagen 1127 Bismarck ND Hamann Ludwig 30 139N 92W 38 751 Fargo ND Hanson Lars P. 12 135N 61W 27 1435 Fargo ND Harris Mary K. 28 135N 51W 49 2416 Bismarck ND Hartinger Joseph 8 140N 96W 82 2030 Fargo ND Heifort Bessie Lockhart 4 140N 52W 69 1155 Fargo ND Hellstrom P. Gust 6 131N 54W 39 761 Fargo ND Hero Jakob J. 28 130N 54W 27 473 Grand Forks ND Hickey Mary 24 153N 51W 18 758 Fargo ND Hobkirt Walter 34 144N 54W 27 759 Fargo ND Holliday John 24 140N 60W 27 1129 Bismarck ND Hollman Henry 32 139N 92W 38 2103 Fargo ND Horn Elbridge F. 20 143N 62W 72 766 Bismarck ND Howe Henry 18 139N 96W 27 479 Grand Forks ND Jenks James A. 11 151N 54W 18 1781 Grand Forks ND Jewell Elizabeth J. 6 152N 59W 61 married name - Sprague 2102 Fargo ND Johannesen Ole 18 136N 58W 72 80 Fargo ND Johanus James 24 138N 66W 4 24 Grand Forks ND Johns John W. 8 152? 59? 84 2111 Fargo ND Johnson Carl 5 129N 65W 72 764 Bismarck ND Jones Haynes 18 141N 73W 27 832 Fargo ND Jorgensen Work Jens. 22 137N 60W 29 2414 Bismarck ND Kalberer Jacob 30 135N 76W 82 596 Bismarck ND Kittel Ephraim W. 10 139N 94W 22 2113 Fargo ND Klessig Max M. 12 143N 54W 72 2109 Fargo ND Knudtson Knudt M. 32 138N 59W 72 118 Fargo ND Koeller Carl 22 139N 62W 5 754 Fargo ND La Follett James U. 24 142N 63W 27 1808 Grand Forks ND Lamac Joseph 26 156N 57W 62 2030 Fargo ND Lockhart Bessie 4 140N 52W 69 married name Heifort 1134 Bismarck ND Lyons Dell E. 14 142N 71W 39 760 Fargo ND Maximen Charles 20 138N 64W 27 483 Grand Forks ND Mays Henry A. 19 163N 56W 18 2115 Fargo ND McDonald George W. 24 131N 64W 72 890 Bismarck ND McKitterick Thos. 2 145N 68W 31 115 Fargo ND McNeil John 10 133N 62W 5 477 Grand Forks ND McNiven John 24 155N 56W 18 193 Fargo ND Metcalf Edward 24 139? 59? 89 2106 Fargo ND Mitchell Edwin 18 145N 55W 72 474 Grand Forks ND Monson Ole 35 149N 60W 18 1128 Bismarck ND Mucke Robert 22 140N 94W 38 891 Bismarck ND Muecke Henry 22 140N 94W 31 1350 Fargo ND Neimautsoerdrait Wynant 2 145N 56W 46 deceased 1268 Devils Lake ND Nestegaard Sven L. 26 154N 66W 43 1268 Devils Lake ND Nestegaard Sven L. 27 154N 66W 43 1784 Grand Forks ND Nevison John O. 5 150N 59W 61 755 Fargo ND Nilson Hans 6 141N 60W 27 1342 Grand Forks ND Nilsson Johan M. 9 156N 58W 45 1340 Grand Forks ND Olason Methusalem 32 161N 55W 45 429 Grand Forks ND Olsen Julia 3 152N 52W 16 2107 Fargo ND Oxton John 10 146N 56W 72 1132 Bismarck ND Palm Peter 22 139N 92W 38 753 Fargo ND Peterson Edward 18 135N 49W 27 765 Bismarck ND Pfenning Henry 2 139N 86W 27 2117 Fargo ND Pratt Simon P. 25 129N 65W 73 1135 Bismarck ND Quinion Harry C. 28 141N 93W 39 1713 Bismarck ND Rau Henry 8 140N 96W 59 2060 Grand Forks ND Rickmeier August 33 158N 56W 70 2031 Fargo ND Romer Jas. Hansen 28 139N 64W 69 1133 Bismarck ND Schacherer Franz J. 26 139N 92W 38 1130 Bismarck ND Schacherer Joseph 26 139N 92W 38 1131 Bismarck ND Scherlinger Moritz 32 139N 92W 38 475 Grand Forks ND Schmidt Ferdinand 17 149N 60W 18 2419 Bismarck ND Sebry William 4 139N 80W 82 897 Grand Forks ND Seney John D. G. 5 163N 60W 31 835 Fargo ND Sheik Carl 24 135N 61W 29 deceased; widow = Louisa Sheik 835 Fargo ND Sheik Louisa 24 135N 61W 29 widow of Carl Sheik 1156 Fargo ND Sherman Ira L. 26 140N 53W 39 2116 Fargo ND Simpson John 6 142N 60W 72 2101 Fargo ND Smith Charles 24 141N 56W 72 1339 Grand Forks ND Sorbo Nils H. 14 149N 51W 45 1781 Grand Forks ND Sprague Elizabeth J. 6 152N 59W 61 nee Jewell 833 Fargo ND Stafford Walden M. 30 148N 55W 29 1809 Devils Lake ND Steele Aylette A. H. 20 158N 65W 62 2112 Fargo ND Strand Knud J. 26 129N 64W 72 1136 Bismarck ND Thelander Frank W. 8 147N 67W 39 476 Grand Forks ND Thompson Geo. W. 17 149N 60W 18 2119 Devils Lake ND Vaughn Henry S. 29 157N 73W 73 1154 Fargo ND Vildmo Adrian E. 34 130N 54W 39 119 Fargo ND Walks James E. 22 142N 61W 5 116 Fargo ND Wall John 26 138N 64W 5 1913 Bismarck ND Wasenmuller George 8 139N 85W 65 25 Devils Lake ND Welton Samuel W. 36 162? 73? 84 2104 Fargo ND Willyard Judson C. 10 144N 65W 72 889 Bismarck ND Wimmer John 12 136N 77W 31 832 Fargo ND Work Jens. Jorgensen 22 137N 60W 29 1782 Grand Forks ND Wosick George 21 156N 51W 61 2108 Fargo ND Wyard Mary 10 141N 61W 72 married name - Arbuckle