Stutsman County, ND - Cities, Towns and Villages These data taken from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) GNIS database of populated places and are in the public domain. They were formatted for noncommercial use by Garnett J. Zsedeny. Longitude and latitude are given so that locations can be plotted using the Census Tiger Map Server, URL: The best plots can be obtained with this system because with some effort local roads down to the township level can be plotted making it easy to drive to any place that roads allow. However, the latitude and longitude must be converted to whole degrees and decimels versus degrees, minutes and seconds used by the USGS. The conversion is degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600. It can also be easily done using a scientific calculator. City/Town/Village Latitude Longitude ----------------- -------- ---------- Bloom 465459N 0983645W Buchanan 470345N 0984943W Clementsville 470216N 0982934W Cleveland 465330N 0990703W Courtenay 471320N 0983358W Durupt 470543N 0982811W Edmunds 471450N 0985804W Eldridge 465409N 0985105W Fried 470245N 0983927W Frontier Village 465322N 0984201W Goldwin 470856N 0991203W Homer 465052N 0984016W Jamestown 465438N 0984229W Jamestown Junction 465148N 0984014W Johnson 465847N 0983022W Kensal 471803N 0984359W Kloze 464802N 0984422W Medina 465338N 0991758W Millarton 464001N 0984533W Montpelier 464201N 0983523W New Minneapolis (historical) 465338N 0985525W Parkhurst 465835N 0984501W Pingree 470948N 0985424W Reeves 465147N 0983456W Saint Paul 411253N 0982728W Sharlow 464048N 0985135W Spiritwood 465610N 0982943W Spiritwood Lake 470435N 0983422W Streeter 463919N 0992113W Sydney 464351N 0984610W Vashti 471120N 0990449W Windsor 465347N 0990233W Woodworth 470833N 0991810W Ypsilanti 464655N 0983346W