Wells County, ND - Cities, Towns and Villages These data taken from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) GNIS database of populated places and are in the public domain. They were formatted for noncommercial use by Garnett J. Zsedeny. Longitude and latitude are given so that locations can be plotted using the Census Tiger Map Server, URL: http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/gazetteer. The best plots can be obtained with this system because with some effort local roads down to the township level can be plotted making it easy to drive to any place that roads allow. However, the latitude and longitude must be converted to whole degrees and decimels versus degrees, minutes and seconds used by the USGS. The conversion is degrees + minutes/60 + seconds/3600. It can also be easily done using a scientific calculator. City/Town/Village Latitude Longitude ----------------- -------- ---------- Bowdon 472811N 0994227W Bremen 474448N 0992311W Cathay 473312N 0992431W Chaseley 472701N 0994911W Dover 472737N 0991633W Emrick 473541N 0993042W Fessenden 473857N 0993744W Hamberg 474547N 0993051W Harvey 474611N 0995606W Heaton 472842N 0993251W Heimdal 474734N 0993841W Hurdsfield 472654N 0995541W Manfred 474141N 0994452W Sykeston 472754N 0992357W Wellsburg 474954N 0994540W