Banner County NeArchives News.....Kelley, William J. "Thinks Ranchman is Insane' April 19, 1902 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby May 2, 2018, 10:25 pm The Nebraska State Journal Sun Apr 20, 1902 April 19, 1902 Thinks Ranchman is Insane Harrisburg, Neb., April 19--(Special.) William J. Kelly one of the pioneer ranchmen of the west, living fifteen miles northeast of townh, was apprehended this morning upon complaint of D. E. Wright, a neighbor ranchman, who charges insanity. Mr. Kelly has been acting very queerly for some time and the last few days he has been fearing foul play, imagining that persons from Omaha were going to kill him, although for what reason he would not say. He has, it is charged, been very abusive and yesterday morning compelled his step son, Upton Streeks, to leave the ranch, emphasizing his command, it is alleged, with a shot gun, loaded with buckshot. Mrs. Kelly is lying very low as a result of cancer and cannot live more than a few weeks, and it was the attention shown his mother by this son which aroused the ill-will of Mr. Kelly. The insanity board met this afternoon. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb