Boone County NeArchives History .....Boone County And Albion In 1879 July 24, 1879 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby June 20, 2018, 9:45 pm The Nebraska State Journal Daily State Journal Lincoln, Nebraska Thursday Morning July 24, 1879 BOONE COUNTY. _________________ Natural Advantage -- Crops, Etc. _________________ NORTHERN NEBRASKA "If that country up north of the Platte River is so beautiful and so good, as you say it is, why is it not settled up? Why are there so many fine places and so few people seeking them?" We have been asked questions like those above until we are tired of explaining by word of mouth, and will explain to the whole edition of DAILY and WEEKLY JOURNAL readers, at the same time asking them to tell the next man they see. We know that if the women once get hold of the secret they will help us out by telling everybody. Of course there are exceptions to every rule and Mrs. "Gad" not included in the above. Norther Nebraska has many natural advantages over the South Platte country, but has never had the same artificial assistance.. BOONE COUNTY for instance, where will you find better water privileges extending from north to south through all parts of the county? Examine your map of the State of Nebraska, see the Cedar River in the west, then Council creek, then the Beaver through the central portion and Shell creek in the northwest. Two good grist mills are running in Boone County both located on the Beaver. On the Cedar a dozen mills might be run. The small streams that feed these larger ones are numerous and useful. This County is not rough, notwithstanding the many water courses, for all the valleys are wide, and the lands bordering the valleys rise smoothly from the bottom land towards the high table lands of the County. After reaching a common level, they stretch away in every direction the same rolling prairie that greets the travellers eye everywhere in Nebraska. "Why, then has it not settled up faster?" In Boone County the B. & M. Land Company owns 180,000 acres of land. The Union Pacific land grant did not reach this County. The B. & M. Company also owned large tracts of land south of the Platte River, in counties contiguous to their line of railroad. It was to the interest of the B. & M. folks to sell the land along their line first, consequently they advertised those counties extensively; they brought excursions by the hundred from Eastern States, filled with people who wished to settle in the West. Boone County received no favors of that kind from any source, until Adam Smith came out from Chicago. He has done considerable towards advertising the B. & M. lands, and has sold a large number of acres. Boone, Antelope, Holt, Knox, Cedar, Pierce, Stanton and Madison Counties have been off the line of immigration. By the lines of immigration we mean the lines of railroad, for the B. & M. and the U.P. Railroads have done all that has been done for Nebraska in the shape of advertisement for the past four years. In these counties just mentioned there is no Union Pacific land. There are a great many acres of B. & M. land but it is only recently that the B. & M. have been able to turn their attention towards their North Platte possessions, and from now on we shall expect more rapid development in all this country. ALBION, the county seat of Boone County, has more than doubled in the past twelve months. The Methodists have finished a cozy little chapel, and the Baptists have one almost completed. A number of new stores have gone up, and many real fine residences. The Argus, the only paper in the county, is doing well and is advertising Boone County all that is within its power. Its editor Mr. Brainard, is working hard to make a good newspaper. Mr. John Peters, the Clerk of Boone County, kindly furnished us with many items of interest. Among others, he reports that the increase in population since the last census was taken in March, will probably exceed 1,000 more than then reported. Mr. Peters does a large business in the line of real estate, besides making out all of the "homestead papers and final proofs." he is selling a large quantity of railroad land. He has a large farm about sixteen miles up the Beaver. Crops were never better. Mr. S. P. Bowman, the Treasurer of Boone County, has a splendid farm only two miles above town, and lives on his farm, coming to his office every day. Mr. Bowman has had the labor of keeping the financial accounts of the county straight for the past few years, when there was no pay in the office, now that the office is commencing to pay a moder-return for the labor performed, he must step down and out, under the law of 1879. We hear some talk of contesting the constitutionality of the act. Judge J. W. Riley is also a farmer, having a good farm, well cultivated, just below town. He lives on his farm, doing business in Albion. Riley & Clark have the only hardware store in town and are doing a big business, also dealing extensively in agricultural implements. Our old friend Dr. Lewis has moved out of his small store into a fine new building in which he has plenty of room below for a large stock of drugs with an office at the back end of the store. The upper story he has fitted up specially for the Masons' and Odd Fellows hall. The Masons have applied for a dispensation and will be in working order this season. Mr. A. L. Nickerson has the largest and best stock of general merchandise in Albion, and is an old subscriber of THE JOURNAL. There will soon be another competitor in his line, as a gentleman from Iowa is bringing out a stock of goods. Mr. Darling, formerly from Seward, has a good stock of merchandise which he is also offering to all who want to buy. W. S. Connelly has the largest law practice of the county; his father is living here and business looks very promising for the future. Mr. Connelly has a large line of collections to which he pays strict attention. Nelson & Dalton hang out their sign as attorneys at law. Mr. Nelson is the B. & M. land agent, and is selling a very large quantity of land every week. This firm is doing a big business and deserves success financially. Mr. Dalton has lately come into the County from Iowa, where he was practicing law formerly. Both are perfect gentlemen. Sacket & Couch have the boss grist mill of this section of the State. The Beaver furnishes abundant water power, and the demand for flour keeps the mill running night and day. There is a good harness shop here, blacksmiths, furniture store, hotel that needs some one to run it, and a right nice thriving little town. The growth of Albion is surprising to those not acquainted with the way Nebraska is growing all over the State. Hon. Loren Clark, who is father of the town and the owner of the town site, was not at home. Mr. Clark's brother is a partner of Judge Riley's in the hardware business. His father and mother are on the farm adjoining the town. They like Nebraska very much. We hope Loren Clark will be assigned to duty in the district in which Nebraska is. WATERVILLE, another town down the Beaver, is a flourishing burgh, not quite so large as Albion but the possessor of a good grist mill and enterprising business men. As we did not have time to stop, we cannot give further particulars this time. ASSESSED VALUE The total assessment of Boone County for 1879 is $330,053. There are 220,110 acres assessed at an average of $1.08 1/2 per acre. Horses at $27.55 each; mules $34.10; cattle $7.50; sheep, $1.00; swine, 60c each. The population as returned by the assessor for 1878, was 1,522, and for 1879 it is 2,626, or an increase during the past twelve months of 1,104--that is from March 1, 1878, to March 1, 1879. The census of 1880 ought to show 4,000 inhabitants in Boone County. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.4 Kb