Boone County NeArchives History .....Boone County By Edward Dwyer March 14, 1874 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby June 21, 2018, 11:37 am The Columbus Era Sat Mar 14, 1874 CORRESPONDENCE. Boone County, Mar 10, 1874. Editor Columbus Era: Enclosed you will find two dollars, the amount opposite my name on your subscription list; and as it is now about time spring immigration usually sets in, I want to say a few words for Boone county. In taking a general look over the county a few weeks since in search of a timber claim, I can safely say that I found over two hundred desirable homesteads, and several hundred more that could be called first-class in any other locality, all vacant. Less than three years ago there was not a single claim take in the county. Now we have about three thousand inhabitants and seven or eight school districts organized and in running order. The county seat Albion, is located near the centre of the county, on the west bank of the Beaver river. At present the town consists of a store, school house and harness making show. Loran Clark, the principal owner of the town site, offers very liberal inducements to persons wishing to locate and commence business; but his best offer is to any man who will erect a first class grist mill on the Beaver. The river at Albion is about twenty-five feet wide, two feet deep, with about a two mile current, banks ten feet high on each side, and good bottom. Our wheat crop last year averaged over twenty-two bushels to the acre, with several thousand acres of just such land still vacant. As I am not in the land locating or county seat business, but merely trying to turn a homestead into a home, I can have no object in making a mis-statement. If you will allow this space in your valuable paper, it may be the means of directing strangers where they can find first-class homesteads. ED. DWYER. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.4 Kb